MarkelAhlenius / PFA-22-23-Project

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Project: Write user story #6

Open MarkelAhlenius opened 1 year ago

MarkelAhlenius commented 1 year ago

Story TBD

Version 1 A normal curious person in search of artistic endavours. “As an online art-scroller, I want to have a quick loading experience and a lot of graphic content and an option so that I can share its content online with friends via pinterest and such.”

Version 2 I want to view and explore the artist's vision and interpretation of Shanghai.

I start by visiting the artist's homepage, where I click on a button labeled "digital gallery". This takes me to the digital gallery where I am presented with a variety of documents, including photographs, graphics, short sound bites, short video clips, and texts.

The content is randomized, making it look like the chaos of the city of Shanghai, and I am able to click on individual documents to enlarge them. I scroll down through the content, taking in each piece and allowing the artist's vision to come to life.

As I view the photographs, I can hear the sounds of the city in the background and the video clips add another dimension to the artist's interpretation. The accompanying texts give me more insight into the artist's thoughts and inspiration.

Overall, this digital art project offers me an immersive and unique experience, allowing me to explore the city of Shanghai in a new and creative way.

Version 3 My content will be hosted on a webpage. The user will need to visit my homepage. User then will click on a button that leads to a digital gallery. At the digital gallery all kinds of documents will be presented in a randomised way. This makes the content look more chaotic. Just like the city of Shaghai. User will be able to click at the documents to enlarge them. The user need to scroll down through the content. Site content will consist foremost of photographs but also graphics and short sound bites, short video clips and texts.

Source User stories follow a simple template. The chosen user story format will outline the “who,” “what,” and “why” of a particular requirement.

Who wants something? What do they want? Why do they want it?