MarketCap-Cash / SmartBCH-Token-List

Community maintained SmartBCH token registry used on https://MarketCap.Cash
23 stars 69 forks source link

Please add Rastjn #215

Open KonraToken opened 2 years ago

KonraToken commented 2 years ago

{ "name": "Rastjn", "desc": "Rastjn is the Konra Kingdom's sassy reflection token with a bit of a spin. Farm it via multiple ranches and farms or hold it in your wallet to receive passive income via a share of profit and additional bonuses over time. Please set slippage to 12% as Rastjn is a liquidity generator and reflection token with a 10% tax.", "address": "0xc2A19D0A31Eb5CF6720F99c06869e283BbEF10F3", "symbol": "RASTJN", "image": "", "websites": "", "twitter": "" }

Total Supply: 21 Million Tax rate: 10 %

Only tradable with good Liquidity on BenSwap so far, but has a little liquidity on TangoSwap so far, but we're going to be adding liquidity to MistSwap in a few as well; then branch out to other DEXs. Rastjn has multiple Ranches on BenSwap and we're negotiating with other projects to collaborate on staking, ranching and farming.

Main Liquidity on BenSwap:

Thank you for considering listing Rastjn.

KonraToken commented 2 years ago

Added more Liquidity to BenSwap for Rastjn, it's now at 2 BCH & over 16000 Rastjn.

If this is not enough liquidity for Rastjn to be listed on MarketCap Cash, please let me know and I'll work on adding more.