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New Keyword to retrieve items from Tree Node Popup Menu #92

Closed muresanrazvan closed 7 years ago

muresanrazvan commented 7 years ago

It could be useful to have a keyword to get all items from tree node popup menu. Keywords should work almost the same like Get Menu Items From Popup Menu: Gets item names from the components context tree node popup menu.

HelioGuilherme66 commented 7 years ago

Please provide a public URL with an example of the "tree node popup menu".

edit: Sorry I mixed up repositories; thought it was Selenium2Library. But thanks for the nice example ;)

muresanrazvan commented 7 years ago

treenodepopupmenu The keyword should return a list with the item names from the popup menu. For example, in the attached snapshot, for tree node 'the java tutorial continued: the rest of the jdk', the new keyword should return a list of 10 items and for the submenu 'Submenu' should return 2 items