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Docs, bad, extesnion not works #39

Closed TamasSzalisznyi closed 4 months ago

TamasSzalisznyi commented 7 months ago


Just starting to explore robotframework, but as per the website tell me installing the two recommended extensions:

Name: RobotCode - Robot Framework Support Id: d-biehl.robotcode Description: Robot Framework IntelliSense, linting, test execution and debugging, code formatting, refactoring, and many more Version: 0.69.0 Publisher: Daniel Biehl VS Marketplace Link: and Name: Robot Framework Language Server Id: robocorp.robotframework-lsp Description: VSCode extension support for Robot Framework Version: 1.11.0 Publisher: Robocorp VS Marketplace Link: resulting in an error with one of the example script, the insurance one. attaching a few screenshot.

RobotFrameWork: 7.0 Python: 3.12.1 OS: win32/AMD64, 10.0.22631

image image

According to Robocorp dev its not recomended and expected. Please update the docs:

The good extesion should be: Robocorp code: Name: Robocorp Code Id: robocorp.robocorp-code Description: Extension for Robot development in VSCode using Robocorp Version: 1.15.1 Publisher: Robocorp VS Marketplace Link:

But still, after the fix, no keyword is recognized.

Maybe the next potential user have more success, for me it was enough from robot.

manykarim commented 4 months ago

Hey there, thank you for your feedback.

Unfortunately Robocorp (which is not related to the Robot Framework Foundation) has stopped the maintenance of their Robot Framework Language Server extension. So it is no longer working for the latest Robot Framework 7.0. And as you recommended, it needs to be removed from the Docs site.

I recommend to only use the RobotCode Extension which we also mention in the Docs and that you installed. The problems that you experienced might be caused by the fact that you installed both extensions in parallel.

As we pointed out on the Docs: image

Hopefully you find the time to give Robot Framework another try with a proper setup. I'm always happy to help and also the community at and is very friendly and helpful