MarketplaceUX / marketplace-community-editorial

The Community Editorial project for Firefox Marketplace Feed.
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Recognizing and identifying contributors #10

Open mhanratty opened 9 years ago

mhanratty commented 9 years ago

Need to think of ways we can recognize and identify contributors. In particular we need to start thinking of user profiles (either building our own or leveraging Mozillians).

brampitoyo commented 9 years ago

Currently, we’ve thought of issuing contributors exclusive rewards every time our editorial team features their creations. The rewards can be badges, points or anything. There are definitely more ways to do this. Remember that many contributors do it not because they’re looking for any material gain out of it!

Here are a few more ways I’ve thought of:

What else?

atsay commented 9 years ago

User profiles would be great, and could be a starting point for making Marketplace more interactive. Also, a recent use case that came up was when a contributor wanted to point us to all the apps he'd built, but there wasn't one place that listed them.