MarketplaceUX / marketplace-community-editorial

The Community Editorial project for Firefox Marketplace Feed.
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Map a contributor’s customer journey through the service #4

Closed brampitoyo closed 9 years ago

brampitoyo commented 9 years ago

Use a diagram to map a contributor’s points of interaction with the service and its actors – editorial team, community team, system, etc. – from start to finish.

It’s not meant to be a complete blueprint to implement the service. Some of the details have been abstracted out.



Things to think about (other than the red text notes on the PDF):

mhanratty commented 9 years ago

Thanks Bram--your diagram is super helpful (and thorough!). I'm thinking another way we could organize the content is by entry point. If it's about 1 app the entry point can be the app details screen vs. > 1 app where it needs to be above a single app level (in a creation tool, for example).

Creation Tool/Content Type selector Creation tool is where users can make large editorial contributions to the Marketplace. Content geared toward > 1 apps (we can prompt for content about 1 app on the app details screen). It would be great if Scott and contributors could work together and create suggestions for editorial (we need a How-to for photos, a walkthrough of Where's my Water, etc.) We will want to give specific guidance and guidelines for content, especially for video content. We can give them around 5 content types to choose from:

App Details App details is where we can prompt the user to add content about a specific app.

Community Feed modules We can create community feed modules that ask for user feedback and contribution

For videos I'm thinking we have the user upload to YouTube so we don't have to host it. Need to come up with a similar solution for podcast.

brampitoyo commented 9 years ago

The way you’ve chosen to categorise our ideas sounds good. To this, I would add:

Profile Page enhancements

Before you work on too detailed of a level, it will be important to first seek feedback from Scott and Amy. Sounds good?

brampitoyo commented 9 years ago

The way you’ve chosen to categorise our ideas sounds good. To this, I would modify:

App Details

  • App reviews – nominate an app review for the feed

Profile Page enhancements

Before you work on too detailed of a level, it will be important to first seek feedback from Scott and Amy. Sounds good?

pwalm commented 9 years ago

Me looking at @brampitoyo's pdf: tumblr_mofz5daepj1qixfalo1_500

brampitoyo commented 9 years ago

The customer journey maps started its life as one massive diagram and eventually got broken apart into four separate maps: one for each idea.


Doing that has made this issue irrelevant. I’m closing it for this reason.