MarkielPL / bug-free-engine

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useful phrases Arch #2

Open MarkielPL opened 3 years ago

MarkielPL commented 3 years ago

Testing (previewing) a theme You can preview an SDDM theme if needed. This is especially helpful if you are not sure how the theme would look if selected or just edited a theme and want to see how it would look without logging out. You can run something like this:

$ sddm-greeter --test-mode --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze # tar -xzpvf # tar -tzf sudo rpm -ivh

MarkielPL commented 2 years ago

NetworkManager activ $ sudo nmcli dev wifi connect hidden true password

MarkielPL commented 1 year ago

logo, ico

MarkielPL commented 1 year ago

The update-grub command was created to make things easier - it is simply a shell script in /usr/sbin/:


set -e exec grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg "$@"

If it is not there, you can make your own. To do that, run this, and paste in the above script:

sudo nano /usr/sbin/update-grub

Save with Ctrl+O, and exit with Ctrl+X.

Then run these:

sudo chown root:root /usr/sbin/update-grub sudo chmod 755 /usr/sbin/update-grub

And you should now be able to run update-grub. :-)

MarkielPL commented 1 year ago

TRIM on SSD:,Manjaro,etc.)