you might need to enable github pages deployment from actions: Repository -> Settings -> Pages -> Source -> Github Actions
it'll work for any clone, for the main branch. this means, that you can check the output of pull requests (as long as they activated gh pages and do the pull request from their main branch). e.g.:
I didn't test the apk, just threw it in, as it didn't cost much.
Qt changed the naming of it's wasm build location. as a result, the aqt installer started failing. as a consequence of that, the gh pages action also started failing. see a workaround is in place, but works only for 6.7 (not 6.8).
I'm planning to build the wasm qt version from source in gh pages. This would allow to disable several Qt modules and therefore reduce binary size. I'll do sth similar for MM, but don't expect it soon, as my patience for gh actions is exhausted again for some time ;)
I changed your CMake setup. calling a python script for asynchronous globing is not necessary and broke the CI build (iirc the path files were for windows, and didn't work on linux).
The windows and linux builds only test compilers for a wider compatibility. If you should ever have unit tests, you could run them in these CI actions.
I had to debug qrc paths and added code for that in your main() function. feel free to remove it again. I kept it, as i find it convenient in my project :)
This adds a CI pipeline: