Marksdo / Whisper

Batch Local Transcribe Audio/Movie To Text With Whisper AI Model. Keep Privacy Safe!
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Crash when download selected audio clips #27

Open bkudria opened 4 months ago

bkudria commented 4 months ago

Hi! First, thanks for this great app! I have a crash that occurs when I try and download more than 19 clips for a certain speaker in a project. I'm able to download all clips (much more than 19!) for other speakers without issue. I've attached a crash log.


Marksdo commented 4 months ago

According to the exception information, I have added some track log in the test version below. Can u help to run it again and check the log then paste the error log here?

Download beta app

When download clips done (I added code to catch the error, then write error relate info to log, so the crash will not occur), click the main bottom's icon log to view the log.

bkudria commented 4 months ago

(lightly redacted) log attached.

When I first began this process, I selected an output folder, which I then renamed. I renamed it back, but the app still crashed.

The export works fine with this version, and saves the file. download-log.txt

Marksdo commented 4 months ago

When I first began this process, I selected an output folder, which I then renamed. I renamed it back, but the app still crashed.

Which feature's output folder ? Quick Cut or Monitor or auto export pyannote wav folder ?

The export works fine with this version, and saves the file.

The log (download-log.txt) indicates that there was no exception caught during the export process. It's not the previous crash project export?

bkudria commented 4 months ago

The "download selected clips" output folder... I'm in a bit of a crunch at the moment, so I don't have time to reproduce right now, but I'll try to get a log to you where I can reproduce it, in the next few days. I suspect it's related to renaming the output folder, however, if that helps narrow it down!

Marksdo commented 4 months ago

Thanks, i will check rename folder with some selected folder relate feature.

bkudria commented 3 months ago

Sorry about the delay here - I've been pretty busy. I've made a couple more transcripts, and I haven't been able to reproduce this bug!

Marksdo commented 3 months ago

If you encounter steps that can reproduce the issue, please kindly report the steps again.