MarkusBernhardt / robotframework-selenium2library-java

Java port of the Selenium 2 (WebDriver) Python library for Robot Framework
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How to turn off htmlunit logging? #85

Closed php-coder closed 4 years ago

php-coder commented 7 years ago

I didn't found how to turn off htmlunit logging. At this moment it produces a lot of noise:

ERROR] runtimeError: message=[An invalid or illegal selector was specified (selector: '*,:x' error: Invalid selector: :x).] sourceName=[] line=[4] lineSource=[null] lineOffset=[0]
[WARNING] CSS error: '' [5:56298] Error in expression; ':' found after identifier "progid".
[WARNING] CSS error: '' [5:113847] Error in expression; ':' found after identifier "progid".
[WARNING] CSS error: '' [5:114390] Error in expression; ':' found after identifier "progid".
[WARNING] CSS error: '' [5:115558] Invalid color "#000\9".
[ERROR] runtimeError: message=[An invalid or illegal selector was specified (selector: '*,:x' error: Invalid selector: :x).] sourceName=[] line=[4] lineSource=[null] lineOffset=[0]

I have src/test/resources/logback-test.xml file where these messages are turned off but htmlunit doesn't use this file.

How to manage logging for htmlunit in this case?

php-coder commented 4 years ago

An update in case it can be helpful to someone else:

The loglevel is set and managed by Maven. Here is the details: It uses slf4j and SimpleLogger by default. In order to suppress annoying htmlunit messages, I passed the following options:

In order to use them always and by default, I put these lines into .m2/jvm.config file within a project.