MarkusBordihn / BOs-Dynamic-Progression-and-Difficulty

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continuation of simplyswords implementation #13

Closed boris2255 closed 1 year ago

boris2255 commented 1 year ago

In reply to kaworru:i dont mind listing each single item, as i was already doing that in the config file, but may i ask how to do so? im somewhat new on modding and im wondering if i can use zenscript for that a simple example to just add 2 weapons of one type and see what i can do with that, at least as an example with the twinblades.. so i can do it myself, i could share the listings of the weapons there without probem that could help you in adding compatibility to simply swords right? still, while doing so i would like to hopefully get an example of code that i can use to implement them manualy and what i need to make it work.

MarkusBordihn commented 1 year ago

I took a look into Zen Script, but unfortunately there is no easy way to make it work with the current configuration.

All of the internal mappings are stored inside the following file:

In most cases they include a list of item ids, common suffix or specific keywords for items like:

  // Great Sword Class
  static {
    weaponClassItemsNames.put(WeaponClass.GREAT_SWORD, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
        new HashSet<>(
            Arrays.asList("_bastardsword", "_broadsword", "_claymore", "_flamebladedsword",
                "_zweihander", ":cleaver", "_greatsword", ":greatsword", "_longsword")));
        new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(":broadsword_")));

Feel free to create a pull request with adding a list of items, suffixes or specific keywords. But unfortunately I will not be able to add support for Zen Script or custom weapon classes.

This means if you a missing a specific weapon class I'm happy to add this class, if the weapons are not covered by any other classes.