MarkusBordihn / BOs-Easy-NPC

Create easily NPC for your world or for your mod.
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[Bug] URL Skins do not show up for other players #212

Open TCGCardcast opened 1 month ago

TCGCardcast commented 1 month ago

On my end (The creator of the NPCs) i can clearly see the skins I assigned to the NPC. But every other player on the server simply just sees steve. I am using the Epic Fight NPC, but it is happening on ALL player NPCs. The log says there is nothing wrong in regards to this issue.

My perspective: 2024-05-29_18 56 15

my admin's perspective: 2024-05-29_22 57 07

some assistance would ne appreciated ASAP, as we are on a deadline, but I understand if it takes some time. Thank you.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thank you for reporting this issue! \ To help me better understand and address the problem, I need some additional information from you. \ 🔍 Please enable the debug mode by running /easy_npc debug true and provide the detailed information found in the logs. For more information, please refer to the debugging guide. \ Additionally, use the issue template as thoroughly as possible to make it easier for me to reproduce and fix the error. \ ⚠️ Note: Issues with insufficient information may be deprioritized, and stale issues will be closed. \ Thank you for your cooperation! 🙏

TCGCardcast commented 1 month ago

I think this is what you asked for. debug-1.log.gz

RosePhobia commented 3 weeks ago

Did he ever fix it?

TCGCardcast commented 3 weeks ago

I never got a response after sending the Debug log he asked for sadly. I can’t launch this server until then. A little immersion breaking for all of the shopkeepers to be Steve.

MarkusBordihn commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for the late response; I had some personal priorities to attend to over the past few days. Unfortunately, the debug log you provided is from the server side. However, skins are processed on the client side, so you'll need to perform these steps on the client with the "not loading" texture instead.

I couldn't reproduce the issue on my end, so I need a proper debug.log from the client side to gather more details and understand the potential cause of the problem.

TCGCardcast commented 3 weeks ago

No worries, but if the issue is not present on my side, wouldn't my client debug log look fine?

MarkusBordihn commented 3 weeks ago

No worries, but if the issue is not present on my side, wouldn't my client debug log look fine?

Yep, I would need the client debug.log from a affect client, to see whats happening here.

In the past most of such issues where caused by the following:

TCGCardcast commented 2 weeks ago

It may be a minute before I can get you that since my admin is unavailable for a while. If it WAS one of those issues, how would I fix any of them? Maybe while we wait for them to be able to help and send their log I could try some troubleshooting for those other problems you listed

TCGCardcast commented 6 days ago

I am slowly running out of time to fix this/ In the meantime I did find out that only I can see the NPCs skins. No one else can. Not just my admin, but none of my players can either. I'm the one who made the NPCs and assigned their skins, is there any way to fast track fixing this for everyone?

I really like this mod but I gotta fix it or find a different one soon.

MarkusBordihn commented 6 days ago

I'm sorry to hear that you're running into issues with the NPC skins. Based on your description, it sounds like the problem is specific to your setup since neither your admin nor any of your players can see the skins.

However, without a debug.log from an affected client, there isn't much I can do to diagnose the issue accurately. I can't fix issues on guesses and without knowing the exact problem, which is why the debug.log is crucial.

Please ask one of your players or your admin to provide the info.log and debug.log from their client after they experience the issue. This log will contain the necessary information to pinpoint what's going wrong.

Once I have that log, I can help you troubleshoot more effectively. In the meantime, ensure that all mods are up to date and that there are no conflicts with other installed mods.

If you can get that info.log and debug.log to me, we can work on resolving this as quickly as possible.

TCGCardcast commented 5 days ago

So I need someone to log into my server, and run the debug command?

Or do they need to go into a single player world to do the Debug Command?

TCGCardcast commented 5 days ago

We both ran the debug but there is no debug that appears client side at all

TCGCardcast commented 5 days ago

debug.log latest.log

Here are the only "Debug.log" and "Latest.log" that appeared. They were in the server files, not the client, because nothing appeared in our client side files along these names.

I hope this is what we eed, I just need to get this fixed asap.

Sunny-Again commented 4 days ago

Perhaps you can upload the skin file to the corresponding folder on the server and apply it to your merchant. Mabe this:config\easy_npc\skin\humanoid

TCGCardcast commented 4 days ago

Perhaps you can upload the skin file to the corresponding folder on the server and apply it to your merchant. Mabe this:config\easy_npc\skin\humanoid

Sadly we tried this already, it didn't make any difference. Players on the server OTHER then the person who made an npc, cannot see the NPC's skin

MarkusBordihn commented 4 days ago

debug.log latest.log

Here are the only "Debug.log" and "Latest.log" that appeared. They were in the server files, not the client, because nothing appeared in our client side files along these names.

I hope this is what we eed, I just need to get this fixed asap.

Thanks for providing the logs. However, I still need logs from the affected clients, specifically from the time the issue occurs.

I have added detailed logging messages to explain when a texture is not loaded or visible for an NPC. In the next update, I will also include a client-facing message in the chat. This will allow users to take a screenshot and easily identify why a texture is not loading.

If the local skin is also not working, it seems some incompatibility with a specific mod and the server-side skin feature would not really help to solve this issues.

TCGCardcast commented 4 days ago

When the affected users did the command to receive the debug log, nothing appeared on their client. The only thing that appeared was a log in the server files.

TCGCardcast commented 7 hours ago

I'm running out of time to fix this issue, unfortunately. I would really rather not remake all of my shop NPCs, but your mod won't allow us to make Client Side logs when using it on the server. it only provides logs on the server side. Idk how else to obtain the logs you want us to get you. If they go into a singleplayer world, the issue wont exist. But if we do it on a server, where the issue exists, it wont make a client side log. So how do I get you the log you need to help us fix this?