Marlamin / WoWFormatTest

Several applications that I use to interact with various file formats WoW uses
MIT License
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Floors Missing #71

Closed Tornadowizard closed 6 years ago

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

I recently tried downloading Stormwind, but I had a problem. Besides most of the items being in the wrong spots; the floor for most of the sidewalks are missing. I can't seem to find anything that goes in their place.

Marlamin commented 6 years ago

What exactly did you export? There's several Stormwinds and not all of them are complete.

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

In the Maps tab I found the Eastern Kingdoms and I exported the squares with Stormwind. The roads look like this image

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

The buildings were all in the right places, just not the items that are in the buildings and such.

Marlamin commented 6 years ago

Did you import it through Blender and then into Unity?

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

Straight to Unity. Blender wasn't putting them in the right positions.

Marlamin commented 6 years ago

Right, so the Blender plug-in included with the exporter should deal with positioning of terrain, buildings and items inside buildings (but it's having some issues with the latter recently).

Unity will just import the loose OBJ files, which it will interpret in its own way. With the awful format that OBJs are... a lot of stuff gets messed up in the progress, mostly texture/transparency related that you'll have to fix manually which might be what is going on here. It also won't know how to position anything as the CSV needs to be interpreted for that. If you know how to code you might have to make something that uses the included CSV that has all the model positioning.

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

okay, thanks! It has been having some trouble with the items sadly.

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

Sorry, one last question. It says that there is no file saying where to put things, how would you recommend importing it to blender?

Marlamin commented 6 years ago

If the exporter exported a CSV together with the models the Blender plug-in should be able to deal with it when importing the terrain tile that goes with it. If you're getting an error of some sorts please post it.

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

image No Such File or Directory

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

There aren't csv files for every object, but there are multiple objects per file

Marlamin commented 6 years ago

You should only have to import the ADT terrain tile, the plug-in will handle the rest.

Tornadowizard commented 6 years ago

oh ok, thanks!