MarlinFirmware / Marlin

Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
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[BUG] SKR v1.3 (or any other LPC1768): problem with servo signals that cause issues with bltouch #16171

Closed mlehnhoff closed 3 years ago

mlehnhoff commented 4 years ago

Bug Description

Recently i have upgraded my 3d printer to a Bigtreetech SKR v1.3. Unfortunatly i had some troubles with my bltouch clone (an older version of triaglelab 3d touch). Every now and than on a G28 or G29, the bltouch does not trigger and the printhead continues to drive down into the bed. At first i tried to find a solution in the inernet, but only found a forum article where someone said, that the SKR v1.3 has a bad 5V supply. Some additional Capacitors or an external 5V Supply should help. I tried both, but nothing helped! The 5V supply was not the problem! I did some investigations myself and with the help of an Oscilloscope i found the actual issue: It seems there is problem in the HAL of the LPC1768 (and maybe others) which can produce a wrong signal on the servo output. When the servo pulse should change from 1472µs (M280 P0 S90; stowed bltouch pin) to 647µs (M280 P0 S10;deployed pin) sometimes for one cycle the pulse is 20650µs long instead. This long pulse seems to confuse the bltouch (clone) and even though the pin is deployed, under these circumstances the sensor will not trigger the endstop when it touches the bed. I believe this happens every time, when the "M280 P0 S10" command is issued right in the small window where the servo pin is high for more than 647µs, but less than 1472µs. Than the falling edge for this cycle is already over and it is not executed until the next 20ms cylce (Just a guess, i have no evidence...). But I found a quick and dirty solution that work's for me:

diff --git a/Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/Servo.h b/Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/Servo.h
index 1bbf84c73..97a7bcb54 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/Servo.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/Servo.h
@@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ class libServo: public Servo {
     static_assert(COUNT(servo_delay) == NUM_SERVOS, "SERVO_DELAY must be an array NUM_SERVOS long.");

     if (attach(servo_info[servoIndex].Pin.nbr) >= 0) {    // try to reattach
+      /* workaround for too long pulse on the servo pin */
+      if ( (servoIndex == 0) && ( extDigitalRead(SERVO0_PIN) == 1 ) ) {
+        safe_delay(3);
+      }
       safe_delay(servo_delay[servoIndex]); // delay to allow servo to reach position

It simply checks the current status of the servo pin. If it is high, the change of the signal is delayed by 3ms. This ensures, that the pin is definitely low when the change is applyed, because the servo pulse can not be longer than 2.4ms.

But this is only a quick and dirty hack and it should be fixed in the HAL. And it should also be checked, if this issue can happen on other Controllers too.

My Configurations

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use a SKR v1.3 board (or any other LPC1768) with a servo configured (#define NUM_SERVOS 1)
  2. send M280 P0 S90
  3. send M280 P0 S10
  4. watch the servo signal (SKR v1.3: pin P2_00)

Expected behavior: [What you expect to happen] A clean transition from signals with 1472µs pulse width to 647µs.

Actual behavior: [What actually happens] Every now and than you will see a pulse width of more than 20ms on the first cycle after the command.

Additional Information

Maybe it is more likely to see, if you use "M280 P0 S180" and "M280 P0 S0" instead. (greater difference -> bigger window for the issue)

Grogyan commented 4 years ago

Are you able to try a genuine BLTouch?

thisiskeithb commented 4 years ago

Are you able to try a genuine BLTouch?

Also, have you tried adjusting BLTouch settings in Configuration_adv.h?: You can adjust settings like BLTOUCH_DELAY, BLTOUCH_FORCE_SW_MODE, BLTOUCH_FORCE_MODE_SET, etc.

mlehnhoff commented 4 years ago

Oh, sorry, i forgot to mention. Of course i did try different combinations of BLTOUCH_DELAY, BLTOUCH_FORCE_SW_MODE and even DELAY_BEFORE_PROBING before. Without sucess. Now, that i found out, what the problem is, it is clear, that longer delays does not help. Because the wrong 20ms pulse that brings the bltouch to this error state happens already a couple of seconds before the buildplate is touched. BLTOUCH_FORCE_MODE_SET is not supported by this old version of bltouch clone. It is not a "smart" one.

And no, i don't have access to an genuine BLTouch. For me and my old clone the above mentioned hack works just fine, so personally i don't need a proper fix for this issu. But i think, that this issue should be fixed anyhow, because i think that even an actual servo could possibly react on this pulse with a short shake or any other weird behavior.

kockockockoc commented 4 years ago

Wow, @mlehnhoff, your patch ease my pain. SKR v1.3 + (not sure about an older version or not) triaglelab 3d touch - same troubles. My own 8/10 working condition: BLTOUCH_FORCE_SW_MODE + BLTOUCH_DELAY 1000. But your patch works 10/10 without SW_MODE and DELAY. Tnx!

boelle commented 4 years ago

i tested a servo based touch probe on a re-arm (same MCU) and i had no issues, but i used the deactivate after movement feature.

i have not tried without it, juse made logic sense to deactivate the servo when not needed

thisiskeithb commented 4 years ago

I have a handful of genuine BLTouches and they all work fine on an SKR 1.3 which is also LPC1768.

boelle commented 4 years ago

so jumping the gun here, is it most likely a hardware issue (wire, noise connection) or a user config issue?

thisiskeithb commented 4 years ago

Same reason for most of the extra BLTouch code/config options, it's a BLTouch clone issue.

Keep in mind that 3DTouch != BLTouch. There are a lot of closed issues related to these copies.

boelle commented 4 years ago

i would call it a hardware issue then,

yep i now 3dtouch (and others) are not a BLtouch

the big Q for me is whatever marlin supports the clones or if we only care about the genuine products?

boelle commented 4 years ago

giving a bit of thought personal i dont think its fair that marlin should support the clones

but i could be wrong, thoughts?

kockockockoc commented 4 years ago

My two cents, no matter what the name of XXtouch. Any of them connects to SERVOS pin (not BLtouch special pin). The SERVOS should work like a servos.

But i think, that this issue should be fixed anyhow, because i think that even an actual servo could possibly react on this pulse with a short shake or any other weird behavior. (from @mlehnhoff comment)

sjasonsmith commented 4 years ago

This shouldn't be blamed on the probe hardware. The signal being produced from the board is incorrect, and was verified using an oscilloscope. That should be fixed.

I can also confirm that the reported behavior is very similar to genuine BLTouch hardware when I was debugging all those timer conflicts causing similar issues on SKR Mini E3 boards. Invalid pulse lengths seemed to cause the BLTouch to simply forget what it was doing and caused failures.

@mlehnhoff, did you capture any images from your oscilloscope that demonstrate the problem, that you could attach to this issue?

I don't think I like the current workaround as a complete solution, but I really appreciate the level of detail mlehnhoff provided describing the issue and the workaround demonstrating that pulse apparently is the root cause of the issue.

mlehnhoff commented 4 years ago

Sorry, that i did not provide scope screenshot immediately. I thougt i had had made some, but something went wrong. But i did not realize until i had given the scope back (it is not mine). But now i have made a new one: scope_0 On the picture you see the transition from 1472µs to 544µ, but the first new

pulse is 20544µs.

Plus i tried an actual servo and here is the prove, that this problem is not only limited to 3dtouch or other clones.

The Servo should turn from 90° (lever in the middle) to 0° (lever down), but when the faulty pulse occurs, it actually turns up at first, before turning down.

By the way there are at least eight different versions of genuine bltouch (classic v1.0, v1.2, v1.3, smart v1.0, v2.0, v2.2, v3.0, v3.1) and no one knows, if all of them will work correctly ;-)

Here is another hint: When you send the M280 command manually it is very unlikely, that the issue occurs. I wrote a script to toggle the servo (used in the video) which increases the likeliness a lot: servo_toggle.gcode.txt

ManuelMcLure commented 4 years ago

I wonder if this is related to an issue I'm seeing with my BLTouch. I power my Re-ARM over USB and use M80 to turn on the 12V power supply. There is a 5V buck converter connected to the 12V power supply that powers the BLTouch, so the BLTouch doesn't get power until the 12V supply kicks in. When the board powers up, the BLTouch flashes red - this is apparently somewhat normal if the BLTouch gets a signal before it powers up, so I'm not concerned about that. However, any attempt to reset it with M280 P0 S160 has absolutely no effect. Neither does it retract the pin if it is deployed. However, M280 P0 S60 successfully switches to SW mode and also stops the blinking. Other than the blinking and S160 apparently being ignored, the BLTouch seems to work perfectly. Even when blinking it properly deploys, stows and probes - I've done full bed probes and have never seen a probe failure and repeatability is excellent. This is a genuine V3.1 BLTouch - not a clone.

ManuelMcLure commented 4 years ago

I forgot to mention that I checked the pulses with both my cheap mini DSO and my big CRT oscilloscope and the pulse lengths seem fine. I've also tried different S values (from 155 to 165) without finding one that will trigger the reset.

AnHardt commented 4 years ago

I haven't looked up how the servo library for the LPC works - but: A servo signal is a PWM. If this would be realized with a STM32 hardware timer this error would likely be caused by updating the counters compare register directly, instead of updating the new value to the preload register of the compare register. If changing the compare register from a high value to a low value while the counter is in between of the low and the high value, the (equal) compare is skipped, the pin is not changed until the counter overrun and than reaches the new value. If the preload register is used, the compare register is updated either when the counter overruns, or when the (old) compare value has a match. This has no risk of a loooong puls, only a possible delay of max about one PWM-periode (20ms). EDIT: The chance for the error would be 5% per skipping 1ms backwards. I suppose, here we have something similar.

p3p commented 4 years ago

This is because the lpc framework is not running the hardware pwm in latching mode, (where the pulsewidth register is shadowed and latched in on each period), it should be possible to do that with a simple mode bit .. but unfortunately I can not get it to work reliably, its a choice between a possible 1 period duration glitch, or the pulse width randomly (but quite frequently depending on how often it is updated) not changing at all.

Further research on the matter could be done, but it's really not a complicated peripheral, I wasted a long time on that glitch and in the end other things needed attention.

cronos45 commented 4 years ago

@mlehnhoff @kockockockoc How dp you apply the patch please?

mlehnhoff commented 4 years ago

@mlehnhoff @kockockockoc How dp you apply the patch please?

To be honest, i am pretty new to git and i am just glad, that i could create this patch via "git diff". I am sure, there must be a different git command to apply this patch back. Maybe @kockockockoc can help out... But for this very small code fragment, you can even do it by hand. It is just as easy as adding the four lines that begin wit a "+" to the file "Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/Servo.h" (of course without the "+") at the shown position...

javata70 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have same board Bigtreetech SKR v1.3 and 3D Touch but the 3D Touch doens't work. I've tested the 3dTouch using some code in an Arduino Mega and does work perfect. So, I've tried any suggestion I found and also the @mlehnhoff patch but I'm still having the same problem = 3D Touch is freeze. When Marlin start the 3D Touch does a self-test and then the pin is stow and stays in this state forever without any change (throught M43 S or from the Marlin menu) I'm really concern about that because I dont know what I have to do in order to solve this issue. Any suggestion is wellcome.

Reywas62 commented 4 years ago

I suspect that this bug is the same one I reported here:

I am still running a bugfix commit from 6/22/19 with no issues. I tried the latest bugfix commit today and the servo issue is still present.

javata70 commented 4 years ago

@Reywas62 and all, I found this article that could solve the problem. Aparently some SKR boards could have an output signal that has a low impedance (around 200 ohms) that would require a significant amount of current to work properly (and it not happens on Arduino boards, that is the reason why my 3D touch probe works propertly on the Arduino) So, apparently it is not related to firmware.

Reywas62 commented 4 years ago

Well I'd buy that explanation except that my board works fine with an earlier commit of Marlin bugfix 2.0.x (6/22/19).

dermigoe commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that the "quick an dirty" solution from mlehnhoff is working. I probing a 9x9 UBL-Mesh with a BLTouch Clone. Normally 1 or 2 points of the 81 point mesh are failing when i run the meshgeneration. But with the "fix" everything works fine. So i will continue to use this solution. And i my case i think it is a problem with the long servo pulse because my push-pin is deployed an the sensor doesn't trigger.

javata70 commented 4 years ago

I'd like to confirm that my problem with the 3D Touch has been solved. The problem is the low current of the SKR 1.3 Servo pins. I made the circuit and test it sucessfully. Now I've received this information after running M43: SENDING:M43 S Servo probe test . using index: 0, deploy angle: 10, stow angle: 90 . Probe Z_MIN_PIN: 57 . Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING: false . Check for BLTOUCH = BLTouch Classic 1.2, 1.3, Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1 detected. Please trigger probe within 30 sec . Pulse width (+/- 4ms): 10 = BLTouch pre V3.1 (or compatible) detected

DarkAlaranth commented 4 years ago

Going to experiment with my setup here, but I have both a SG90 and a MG90 servo motor that intermittently moves back on disable. As it's holding the Z-Probe switch this kinda kills the machine when it crashes into the bed. Last crash totaled the Creality CR10 S5's wheel mounts. >_<It actually bent the x-axis roller frame! O_O

When I get a chance I'll try the circuit and see if it sorts that out. but also going to try the firmware hack. :)

DarkAlaranth commented 4 years ago

After trying the firmware hack, there was no change for me (as I suspected, as the hack fixes bl-touch clones, not necessarily servo movement). The Servo would occasionally still move backwards further after completing a move.

Considering that, I undid the hack and told marlin NOT to disable the servo and it seems the move back issue has gone. Seems as though disabling the servo triggers my issue. Fortunately the MG90 I'm using doesn't show any vibration/shaking on the angles I have selected. :)

I would definitely like to thank mlehnhoff for their gcode to test with. Every time I ran it the servo would play up 3 or 4 times, and when I told marlin to keep the servo enabled, the script ran fine 3 times in a row. Considering reports of low current, I also ran the test with the heaters on to put the PSU under load. :)

Don't know if it matters, but my Servo angles are 172(deployed) and 35(Stowed) and it looked like it would move the servo backwards, by the same amount each time. The servo never moved forward.

Reywas62 commented 4 years ago

The firmware hack did not fix my issue but leaving the servo enabled stops the servo from misbehaving, as it did for DarkAlaranth. Not really a fix, but an acceptable workaround.

ebraiman commented 4 years ago

A little extra background I've tried this on several platforms over the past couple of days and thought I might have broken both of my AntLab BLtouch, so I ordered a third.

Here is what I've observed for the following platforms SKR Pro V1.1 Fails to work SKR v1.3 Fails to work RAMPS 1.4 Fails to work SKR v1.4 Fails to work RAMPS 1.6 Fails to work

The symptom before probing read on a M119 Reporting endstop status x_min: TRIGGERED y_min: TRIGGERED z_min: TRIGGERED

I've adjusted the pins file as well with same results.

Here is the process I used in several video of various marlin vintage

I could post more videos, but my point is it's not working on any of them with 3 genuine BL touch(s).

Has something changed in the configuration? The configuration_adv.h now has a bunch of BL touch power settings.

ebraiman commented 4 years ago

Should there be a report temperature when homing Z-axis? Here is the debug: SENT: G28 Z0 SENT: M114 SENT: M105 RECV: Error:!! STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999 [ERROR] Error:!! STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999

ebraiman commented 4 years ago

M119 on RAMPS 1.6/MEGA2560 Reads correct for open on z-min Probing appears not to work.

qwewer0 commented 4 years ago

Have this issue. Ender 3, SKR Mini E3 v1.2, genuine BLTouch v3.1

Grogyan commented 4 years ago

Works fine for me with the V2 The wiring for the skr1.3 is different from the stock orientation. I'm using the release version of Marlin 2.0.1

Are you able to try another BLTouch? To verify that it isn't a damaged probe?

qwewer0 commented 4 years ago

No, sorry. I only have a normal BLTouch. The failure occurs only one in ~200 or so.

boelle commented 4 years ago

@mlehnhoff when you get time please have a retest

and as bugfix 2.0.x is updated daily please retest say every 14 days or so

qwewer0 commented 4 years ago

Recompiled the latest bugfix build [2020.01.24.] Did two probe repeatability test, 150 each.

  1. Bed heating OFF, Finished Successfully, Standard Deviation: 0.003928.
  2. Bed heating ON, Probing Failed, failed at 137.
obertr0n commented 4 years ago

I have observed a similar behavior when using bugfix 2.0.x on a SKR1.1 board (LPC1768) with a clone BLTouch (3DTouch). I have tried different workarounds, but out of 25 probe points, at least for one probing point the pin is released too early (like a deploy immediately followed by stow).

boelle commented 4 years ago

@mlehnhoff when you get time please have a retest

mlehnhoff commented 4 years ago

@boelle: retesting is not necessary, because as @p3p mentioned earlier, the issue is actually not located in Marlin itself, but in the LPC framework. He said, that he had to uncomment the PWM Latching Mode, because it didn't work properly. So, as long as this is not fixed, everybody who wants to have a reliably working bltouch has to use my ugly, but working workaround. At the moment i unfortunately don't have access to an Oscilloscope, otherwise i would like to support P3P in debugging this issue. If anybody else would like to dig deeper into this, feel free:

goofball222 commented 4 years ago

Have this issue. Ender 3, SKR Mini E3 v1.2, genuine BLTouch v3.1

SKR Mini E3 v1.2 uses a STM32 microcontroller, not a LPC1768.

ManuelMcLure commented 4 years ago

I wonder if the problem with latching PWM is related to the following LPC176x errata:

3.13 PWM.1: When updating the duty cycle for PWM1.1 from 100 %, in some cases the output can stay low for a full PWM period before the update takes effect Introduction: On the LPC176x PWM peripheral, two match registers can be used to provide a single edge controlled PWM output. One match register (PWM1MR0) controls the PWM cycle rate, by resetting the count upon match. The other match register controls the PWM edge position. As an example, match register PWM1MR1 controls PWM1's edge position. Multiple single edge controlled PWM outputs will all have a rising edge at the beginning of each PWM cycle, when a PWM1MR0 match occurs. Problem: Only in single-edge mode, if the duty cycle for PWM1.1 (Pulse Width Modulator 1, channel 1 output) is updated from 100 % (PWM1MR1 = PWM1MR0), then the output for PWM1.1 could unexpectedly remain low for a full PWM period before the new desired duty cycle takes effect. This problem only affects the output for PWM1.1. Other PWM channels (PWM1.2 to PWM1.6) are not affected by this problem. Work-around: A software fix can be implemented where the user can load PWM1MR1 with PWM1MR0 + 1 (at least 1) to avoid any delays in the PWM1.1's output update.

I expect it isn't, since I wouldn't think that we ever put a servo pin in 100% PWM mode.

ManuelMcLure commented 4 years ago

Then again, on the PWM 1.1 is used for P2_0 which is the servo pin on the SKR 1.3...

yavinmaster commented 4 years ago

I have been looking into a similar issue (with a genuine BL Touch 3.1 and a SKR PRO 1.1). I have documented what I found in #16986 but basically I found that mine was related to the XY_PROBE_SPEED. A figure of 10000 causes the BL Touch signal to change from a pulse to a DC level on the 15 probing point (which is also the first after the first Y move), a figure of 6000 for me didn't show any issues.

nife87 commented 4 years ago

I have tested this workaround for more than a month on two Ender 3's with SKR v1.3 and 3D Touch v2 (and Pi 3B). Previously, I have always had regular failures when performing ABL (at least 1 in 3-5 prints) where the probe would not trigger (but blink red immediately) and the nozzle would crash into the bed, were it not for the mechanical Z end-stop I left on purpose. And I have tried most, if not all, permutations of the probing/BL Touch configurations in Marlin 2.0.x. Since I have had 0 failures during countless probings during these weeks (both M48 and many actual prints), I have to deem this workaround a clear success in my case. I will, of course, update my findings should the results change. I have also tested that it works independent of XY probe speed (tried 6-8-10000 mm/s), Z probe speed and without disabling heaters/steppers during probing. Basically, probing setup in Marlin seems no longer a factor for avoiding failures (but may still impact precision, at least the Z speed is). Only issue is that the LCD's backlight (5V) blinks temporarily during probing if its 5V is drawn from the SKR, likely indicating a voltage drop due to the probe's current consumption (but did not want to isolate and probe the whole thing with my scope). Thus, I wired 5V to the Pi instead (but could just as well be any external 5V source) with two GND wires spliced near the probe, one running to the SKR and the other running to the Pi (for a poor man's star ground).

boelle commented 4 years ago

@mlehnhoff Please test the bugfix-2.0.x branch to see where it stands.

aslater3 commented 4 years ago

I will be testing this shortly on my genuine BLTouch, I believe I have the same issue.

Edit: Not the same board (STM32F103RC ) but identical issues! Trying to figure out if its a timing issue or something else! But when doing a 91 UBL mesh I get maybe 1 or 2 failed probes in the same way as described here?

aslater3 commented 4 years ago

Well I figured out my board seems to be using the 'shared' servo code. I have added the below after some trial and error and it seems safe_delay of 6ms/us? is working! The sensor seems to trigger quicker if that makes any sense? And I have now managed to get my first mesh without any sensor fails? Will keep an eye on it and run more test but initially looks promising! This is with a genuine BLTouch, I had ordered a second one thinking it was faulty! I dont think its other hardware as this setup was working fine on the original stock board, only since moving to BTT V2.0 and Marlin has this issue occurred. Previously I was running Klipper with no issues.

if ( (servoIndex == 0) && ( extDigitalRead(SERVO0_PIN) == 1 ) ) { safe_delay(6); }

qwewer0 commented 4 years ago

@aslater3 How can I tell if my board (SKR Mini E3 v1.2) has 'shared' servo code?

mlehnhoff commented 4 years ago

@boelle sorry i was quite busy with different things. I just tested the latest bugfix-2.0.x (which seems to be The issue is still present. That is because it is still not fixed in pio-framework-arduino-lpc176x. But i have access to an oscilloscope now an i am willing to investigate it further (and eventually fix it)...

thisiskeithb commented 4 years ago (2.0.x) and bugfix-2.0.x are two different branches. Please try the latest bugfix-2.0.x and let us know if you're still experiencing this issue.