MarlinFirmware / Marlin

Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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manual_feedrate_mm_s undefined in marlin #23656

Closed guitarplayr2 closed 2 years ago

guitarplayr2 commented 2 years ago

Did you test the latest bugfix-2.0.x code?

Yes, and the problem still exists.

Bug Description

image keep getting this, no matter what i do. ive tried various different versions of marlin 2.0, none work.

Bug Timeline

Apparently old issue, but all of the times people have had it those suggested fixes havent worked

Expected behavior

I expected the files to compile to a .bin file that I could upload to my printer (an ender 3 pro with a creality 4.2.2 board)

Actual behavior

I got an error when i tried to compile, saying that manual_feedrate_mm_s was undefined

Steps to Reproduce

Download /marlin/lcd/marlinui.cpp file

Try running in platform io in vs code

See if you get the same problem, if you do then need help fixing

i will include my files here [Uploading Marlin- (2).zip…]()

Version of Marlin Firmware

Currently 1.0.1, trying to upgrade to 2.0.9, got stuck here

Printer model

Creality Ender 3 Pro with 4.2.2 board




Added an ender extender 500 z height, need to change that in firmware, thats why i have a modified config file

Bed Leveling

No Bed Leveling

Your Slicer


Host Software

No response

Additional information & file uploads

No response

borland1 commented 2 years ago

Try uploading your config files again. I tried to download them unsuccessfully.

Did you search for similar issues? Are you sure you have your display configured correctly? Closed report #21598 seem to be a similar issue.

ellensp commented 2 years ago

You need to have the correct configuration files for the code you are using In particular In Configuration_adv.h this has changes a lot recently

Bugfux 2.0.x needs

// @section lcd

  #define MANUAL_FEEDRATE { 50*60, 50*60, 4*60, 2*60 } // (mm/min) Feedrates for manual moves along X, Y, Z, E from panel

Marlin - needs

// @section lcd

  #define MANUAL_FEEDRATE { 50*60, 50*60, 4*60, 2*60 } // (mm/min) Feedrates for manual moves along X, Y, Z, E from panel

Marlin needs

// @section lcd

  #define MANUAL_FEEDRATE { 50*60, 50*60, 4*60, 2*60 } // (mm/min) Feedrates for manual moves along X, Y, Z, E from panel
isarrider commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue and the the added lines dont work f me...

thisiskeithb commented 2 years ago

Cannot reproduce.

Also, it's clear from your screenshot that you are not using the latest bugfix.

descipher commented 2 years ago

Not a bug, just a define change. Start with the included repo config files and then add your settings.

isarrider commented 2 years ago

it is helpful if you use the right conf files (matching the branch u wanna compile ;))...

nspillson commented 2 years ago

I had the same problem until I switched to the release- branch from the Configuration and grabbed the updated config from there.

The default branch on Configuration import-2.0.x which is what might be messing you up.

As a sanity check I did a build with a clean repo so I knew it had to be something wrong in the config I was applying. Hope that helps.

tablatronix commented 2 years ago

This is so damn confusing... Yes I had to use release-, perhaps a new master branch should be defined in config repo..

Microsparky commented 2 years ago

I made the mistake of just commenting out the following #errors since it was not clear what was meant, and they were preventing me from compiling:

// #error "Don't build with import-2.0.x configurations!"
// #error "Use the 'bugfix...' or 'release...' configurations matching your Marlin version."

Something like the following would be clearer for newcomers:

#error "Ensure used configuration file version matches Marlin version."
#error "Use the matching 'bugfix...' or 'release...' branch from"
#error "Don't build with import-2.0.x configurations!"

Checking and warning the user at compile time would be an enhancement!

thisiskeithb commented 2 years ago

Checking and warning the user at compile time would be an enhancement!

Those #error lines are the compile time check.

Don’t use configs from the import-2.0.x branch.

This Issue Queue is for Marlin bug reports and development-related issues, and we prefer not to handle user-support questions here. (As noted on this page.) For best results getting help with configuration and troubleshooting, please use the following resources:

After seeking help from the community, if the consensus points to a bug in Marlin, then you should post a bug report.

xbral commented 2 years ago

In my case, I do this: add HAS_MANUAL_MOVE_MEN in if clause

section lcd


define MANUAL_FEEDRATE { 5060, 5060, 460, 260 } // (mm/min) Feedrates for manual moves along X, Y, Z, E from panel

With this the build get success

Microsparky commented 2 years ago

#error is not a check. I mean an actual compile time check like #ifor assert()

thisiskeithb commented 2 years ago

#error is not a check. I mean an actual compile time check like #ifor assert()

We have other checks in place, but the errors added to configs in the import-2.0.x branch immediately halt the build at compile time. If you are just going to bypass those, then adding more ways to prevent building won't do us any good.

Read what the error message says and "Don't build with import-2.0.x configurations! Use the 'bugfix...' or 'release...' configurations matching your Marlin version.":

Microsparky commented 2 years ago

I am trying to help here...

The reason people (including me) are ending up here is that It's not clear what the error means if the user doesn't know how the project is supposed to be built or what "import-2.0.x configurations" means.

That is why I suggested that the #error is written in a way that is clear to the uninitiated.

cimba007 commented 2 years ago

Btw .. using Marlin Release with the released config files for Anet A8 ##

So it has nothing to do with version .. @xbral .. that fixed it for me .. adding , HAS_MANUAL_MOVE_MENU

C:\Users\USER\Downloads\Marlin-2.0.x\Marlin\src\lcd\marlinui.cpp: In static member function 'static void ManualMove::task()':
C:\Users\USER\Downloads\Marlin-2.0.x\Marlin\src\lcd\marlinui.cpp:796:60: error: 'manual_feedrate_mm_s' was not declared in this scope
         const feedRate_t fr_mm_s = (axis < LOGICAL_AXES) ? manual_feedrate_mm_s[axis] : XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE_MM_S;
C:\Users\USER\Downloads\Marlin-2.0.x\Marlin\src\lcd\marlinui.cpp:796:60: note: suggested alternative: 'feedrate_mm_s'
         const feedRate_t fr_mm_s = (axis < LOGICAL_AXES) ? manual_feedrate_mm_s[axis] : XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE_MM_S;
"C:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\avr-gcc\\7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7/bin/avr-g++" -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -flto -mmcu=atmega1284p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10819 -DARDUINO_AVR_SANGUINO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR "-IC:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.5\\cores\\arduino" "-IC:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\anet\\hardware\\avr\\1.0.2\\variants\\sanguino" "-IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\libraries\\LiquidCrystal\\src" "C:\\Users\\MARCRE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_738809\\sketch\\src\\lcd\\dogm\\u8g_fontutf8.cpp" -o "C:\\Users\\MARCRE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_738809\\sketch\\src\\lcd\\dogm\\u8g_fontutf8.cpp.o"
Bibliothek LiquidCrystal in Version 1.0.7 im Ordner: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\LiquidCrystal  wird verwendet
exit status 1
Fehler beim Kompilieren für das Board Anet V1.0.
ellensp commented 2 years ago

@cimba007 configs with Marlin
works as expected

But if you use marlin it breaks 2.0.x is the latest release (ie with selected bugfixes applied. In this instance It also includes some changes to Configuration_adv.h tests .

It is very much a version issue, config files for need to be updated if your using 2.0.x code

cimba007 commented 2 years ago

@ellensp Please do the following:

  1. Download Marlin from the link you provided
  2. Download Configuration from the link you provided
  3. Replace Configuration files with config -> examples -> Anet -> A8

.. this produces the error I posted .. the config files "should" be compatible but it seems the Anet A8 config files contains the error that @xbral mentioned.

So this IS NOT an version issue in this case and it does not "works as expected" as you said.

ellensp commented 2 years ago

@cimba007 I already did this, just before posting to tipple check.. IT DOES NOT ERROR

cimba007 commented 2 years ago

I think I found the confusion .. i got mixed up with alle the links .. but what is a fact:

On the download + config files DO NOT MATCH .. the lable suggests but you will download 2.0.x

thisiskeithb commented 2 years ago

I just verified that no errors occur if using direct links to firmware & config releases.

Archiving .pio/build/sanguino1284p/libFrameworkArduino.a
Indexing .pio/build/sanguino1284p/libFrameworkArduino.a
Linking .pio/build/sanguino1284p/firmware.elf
Checking size .pio/build/sanguino1284p/firmware.elf
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM:   [===       ]  25.5% (used 4185 bytes from 16384 bytes)
Flash: [========= ]  85.3% (used 108314 bytes from 126976 bytes)
Building .pio/build/sanguino1284p/firmware.hex
============================== [SUCCESS] Took 29.71 seconds ==============================

Environment    Status    Duration
-------------  --------  ------------
sanguino1284p  SUCCESS   00:00:29.707
=============================== 1 succeeded in 00:00:29.707 ===============================

Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.

Don't use the current 2.0.x branch with configs or you will get the 'manual_feedrate_mm_s' was not declared in this scope error. This will be resolved once are tagged & released.

tekmouse commented 2 years ago

In my case, I do this: add HAS_MANUAL_MOVE_MEN in if clause

section lcd

if ANY(HAS_LCD_MENU, EXTENSIBLE_UI, HAS_DWIN_E3V2, HAS_MANUAL_MOVE_MENU) #define MANUAL_FEEDRATE { 50_60, 50_60, 4_60, 2_60 } // (mm/min) Feedrates for manual moves along X, Y, Z, E from panel

With this the build get success

This fixed it for me. I was using the correct config.h After this add it worked. THank You!

JiffiPop commented 2 years ago

In my case, I do this: add HAS_MANUAL_MOVE_MEN in if clause

section lcd

if ANY(HAS_LCD_MENU, EXTENSIBLE_UI, HAS_DWIN_E3V2, HAS_MANUAL_MOVE_MENU) #define MANUAL_FEEDRATE { 50_60, 50_60, 4_60, 2_60 } // (mm/min) Feedrates for manual moves along X, Y, Z, E from panel

With this the build get success

Excellent work! This worked for me, too. 👍

ChrisGill77 commented 2 years ago

I have exactly the same problem. In my case, I downloaded source and config and confirmed the version by looking in both config files. However, I wanted the files from Configurations-release->config>examples>Creality>Ender5>BigTreeTech SKR Mini E3 2.0. Copying these files and compiling led to the error.

Many thanks to XBRAL for his solution - adding HAS_MANUAL_MOVE_MENU fixed it for me too.

I had no trouble with so I wonder if some of the updates haven't propogated down to all the example config files.

thisiskeithb commented 2 years ago

I wonder if some of the updates haven't propogated down to all the example config files.

The download links on's download page point to the 2.0.x branch of Marlin instead of the tagged release & the tagged configs.

These are currently not compatible with each other.

This will be resolved when and 2.1 are tagged & released. In the meantime, you will need to use: tagged release with tagged configs


bugfix-2.0.x "nightly" with bugfix-2.0.x configs.