MarlinFirmware / Marlin

Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Store and display FT_MOTION linearadvance as a float with 4 digit and 2 decimals #26785

Open narno2202 opened 3 months ago

narno2202 commented 3 months ago


As reported by users, linearadvance value in FT_MOTION is a 10E-6 value. Setting via M493 is correct but the reported value is not correct and is impossible to set via FT_MOTION menu. With this PR the value is shown and stored as a float with four digit and 2 decimals, the real linearadvance value is processed in ft-motion.cpp. The menu is updated accordingly.


FT_MOTION enbaled


Linearadvance value can be et via menu, M493 and reported correctly


Related Issues

grizzleeadam commented 3 months ago

Wanted to give some feedback on this. I've got a pretty much stock Ender 3 Pro (SKR Mini E3 v1.2 board) with the stock bowden tube and have been playing around with FT Motion today (using your FT-Motion Print Menu branch as of 2/17/24)

Using 2500 acceleration, and MZV shaping tuned, my K-factor is best around .024. (Used the Marlin K-factor calibration generator, replaced all the M900 commands with M493.)

Other variables that may have an effect: using JD at .14, edge_stepping on, s-curve on, stealthchop enabled.

I'm not sure if your .000006 value is from a direct drive extruder? Would be good to have the multiplier be fair for both direct drive & bowden setups - maybe a 10e4 multiplier with 2 decimals?

narno2202 commented 3 months ago

You are the third user reporting a K factor value. So, this is the first range of values. I change the code accordingly.