MarlinFirmware / Marlin

Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
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AUTO BED LEVELING FEATURE crashes to the bed with latest RCBugFix #4830

Closed renzaaa closed 8 years ago

renzaaa commented 8 years ago

After G29 start print and nozzle crashes to the bed.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

Do the coordinates appear to be wrong at the end of G29, before starting the print?

Could you do a G29 with DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE enabled (after M111 S255 or at least M111 S32), and post the log output?

Also, I have a set of changes pending, which includes some potential bug fixes, so you might want to test with that branch rather than just RCBugFix. I'd do more testing myself, but I don't have a 3D printer handy at this time.

Jartza commented 8 years ago

I think I've ran into same issue (RCBugFix, last commit "d41eeb62af4bfff0094a6c293761dfbfc3bf0f75").

I'm using BLTouch with safe leveling, no other Z-endstops.

I started by clearing EEPROM (M502) after firmware update.

After I home with G28, level bed with G29, I set nozzle over bed with G1 X100 Y100 Z0

I then measure nozzle offset from bed to be 1.2mm.

Then I set the offset with M851 Z-1.2 and store it with M500

After that, G28 and G29 again. Everything looks good... except after G1 X100 Y100 Z0 the nozzle crashes to bed.

If I set the offset to -0.6 (half of the value) I get approximately correct offset. Could it be that the offset is applied twice?

mgineer85 commented 8 years ago

Could it be that the offset is applied twice?

Just testing the RCbugfix, and came to that thought, too. After G28 everything nozzle just touches the bed as expected, after the following g29, nozzle would crash into bed.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

Anyone feel like providing a log to help debug the issue?

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

I started by clearing EEPROM (M502) after firmware update.

M502 doesn't clear the EEPROM. It just applies default settings.

Jartza commented 8 years ago

M502 doesn't clear the EEPROM.

True. And usually I start with M502 + M500 which should take values from firmware and store them to EEPROM, unless I'm mistaken? Bad wording.

I'll try to get the log out in few minutes.

Jartza commented 8 years ago
Here's the Debuglog ``` Attempting connection at /dev/cu.usbserial-AH03EKZU... READ: start Connected to machine! READ: echo:Marlin 1.1.0-RCBugFix Marlin 1.1.0-RCBugFix READ: READ: echo: Last Updated: 2016-07-26 12:00 | Author: Jartza Last Updated: 2016-07-26 12:00 | Author: Jartza READ: Compiled: Sep 18 2016 READ: echo: Free Memory: 3222 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232 Free Memory: 3222 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232 READ: echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded READ: echo:Steps per unit: Steps per unit: READ: echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E97.00 M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E97.00 READ: echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s): Maximum feedrates (mm/s): READ: echo: M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z12.00 E50.00 M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z12.00 E50.00 READ: echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2): Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2): READ: echo: M201 X1500 Y1500 Z100 E10000 M201 X1500 Y1500 Z100 E10000 READ: echo:Accelerations: P=printing, R=retract and T=travel Accelerations: P=printing, R=retract and T=travel READ: echo: M204 P900.00 R3000.00 T900.00 M204 P900.00 R3000.00 T900.00 READ: echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s) Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s) READ: echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X14.00 Z0.40 E5.00 M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X14.00 Z0.40 E5.00 READ: echo:Home offset (mm) Home offset (mm) READ: echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 READ: echo:Material heatup parameters: Material heatup parameters: READ: echo: M145 S0 H195 B55 F0 M145 S0 H195 B55 F0 READ: echo: M145 S1 H240 B75 F0 M145 S1 H240 B75 F0 READ: echo:PID settings: PID settings: READ: echo: M301 P16.10 I0.76 D85.73 M301 P16.10 I0.76 D85.73 READ: echo: M304 P450.06 I63.88 D792.67 M304 P450.06 I63.88 D792.67 READ: echo:Filament settings: Disabled READ: echo: M200 D3.00 READ: echo: M200 D0 READ: echo:Z-Probe Offset (mm): READ: echo: M851 Z0.00 SENT: T0 SENT: M105 SENT: M105 READ: echo:SD init fail READ: echo:Active Extruder: 0 READ: ok READ: ok T:21.5 /0.0 B:21.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 READ: ok T:21.5 /0.0 B:21.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 SENT: M111 S255 READ: echo:DEBUG:ECHO,INFO,ERRORS,DRYRUN,COMMUNICATION,LEVELING DEBUG:ECHO,INFO,ERRORS,DRYRUN,COMMUNICATION,LEVELING READ: ok SENT: G28 READ: echo:G28 READ: >>> gcode_G28 READ: Machine Type: Cartesian READ: Probe: SERVO PROBE READ: Probe Offset X:38 Y:-10 Z:0.00 (Right-Front & Same Z as Nozzle) READ: reset_bed_level READ: current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 0.00) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move READ: > endstops.enable(true) READ: Raise Z (before homing) to 10.00 READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) READ: >>> homeaxis(X) READ: current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: > 1st Home -300.00 READ: current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: > 2nd Home -10.00 READ: >>> set_axis_is_at_home(X) READ: For X axis: READ: home_offset = 0.00 READ: position_shift = 0.00 READ: soft_endstop_min = 0.00 READ: soft_endstop_max = 200.00 READ: > home_offset[X] = 0.00 READ: current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : READ: <<< set_axis_is_at_home(X) READ: current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home READ: <<< homeaxis(X) READ: current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : > homeX READ: >>> homeaxis(Y) READ: current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: > 1st Home -315.00 READ: current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: > 2nd Home -10.00 READ: >>> set_axis_is_at_home(Y) READ: For Y axis: READ: home_offset = 0.00 READ: position_shift = 0.00 READ: soft_endstop_min = 0.00 READ: soft_endstop_max = 210.00 READ: > home_offset[Y] = 0.00 READ: current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : READ: <<< set_axis_is_at_home(Y) READ: current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home READ: <<< homeaxis(Y) READ: current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : > homeY READ: Z_SAFE_HOMING >>> READ: current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position READ: destination=(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) : Z_SAFE_HOMING READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) READ: >>> homeaxis(Z) READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: do_probe_raise(15.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position READ: > 1st Home -315.00 READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position READ: > 2nd Home -6.00 READ: >>> set_axis_is_at_home(Z) READ: For Z axis: READ: home_offset = 0.00 READ: position_shift = 0.00 READ: soft_endstop_min = 0.00 READ: soft_endstop_max = 210.00 READ: *** Z HOMED WITH PROBE (Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN) *** READ: > zprobe_zoffset = 0.00 READ: > home_offset[Z] = 0.00 READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : READ: <<< set_axis_is_at_home(Z) READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 0 READ: do_probe_raise(15.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) READ: <<< homeaxis(Z) READ: <<< Z_SAFE_HOMING READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : > (home_all_axis || homeZ) > final READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move READ: <<< gcode_G28 READ: X:62.00 Y:115.00 Z:15.00 E:0.00 Count X: 4960 Y:9200 Z:6000 READ: ok SENT: G29 READ: echo:G29 READ: >>> gcode_G29 READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : READ: Machine Type: Cartesian READ: Probe: SERVO PROBE READ: Probe Offset X:38 Y:-10 Z:0.00 (Right-Front & Same Z as Nozzle) READ: G29 Auto Bed Leveling READ: reset_bed_level READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: do_probe_raise(15.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) READ: >>> probe_pt(40.00, 20.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 30.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, -0.09) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, -0.09) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 2.91) READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 2.91) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, -0.08) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, -0.08) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, -0.08) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(100.00, 20.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 30.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 0.02) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 0.02) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 3.02) READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 3.02) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 0.04) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 0.04) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 0.04) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(160.00, 20.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 30.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, -0.24) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, -0.24) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 2.76) READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 2.76) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, -0.23) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, -0.23) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, -0.23) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(160.00, 100.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 110.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, -0.09) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, -0.09) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 2.91) READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 2.91) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, -0.13) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, -0.13) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, -0.13) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(100.00, 100.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 110.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 0.10) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 0.10) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 3.10) READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 3.10) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 0.06) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 0.06) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 0.06) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(40.00, 100.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 110.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 0.19) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 0.19) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 3.19) READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 3.19) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 0.19) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 0.19) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 0.19) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(40.00, 180.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 190.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 0.05) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 0.05) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 3.05) READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 3.05) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 0.03) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 0.03) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 0.03) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(100.00, 180.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 190.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 0.00) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 3.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 3.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 0.01) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 0.01) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 0.01) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: >>> probe_pt(160.00, 180.00, no stow) READ: current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 190.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 1 READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, -0.23) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, -0.23) : <<< do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 2.77) READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 2.77) : >>> do_probe_move READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, -220.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, -0.22) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, -0.22) : <<< do_probe_move READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, -0.22) : <<< run_z_probe READ: > do_probe_raise READ: do_probe_raise(10.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) READ: <<< probe_pt READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed READ: deploy: 0 READ: do_probe_raise(15.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) READ: >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : > probing complete READ: Eqn coefficients: a: -0.00199306 b: 0.00020312 d: 0.14427092 READ: READ: READ: Bed Level Correction Matrix: READ: +0.999998 +0.000000 -0.001993 READ: +0.000000 +1.000000 +0.000203 READ: +0.001993 -0.000203 +0.999998 READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : G29 uncorrected XYZ READ: Z from Probe:15.00 Matrix:15.03 Discrepancy:-0.03 READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : sync_plan_position READ: current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : G29 corrected XYZ READ: <<< gcode_G29 READ: X:122.00 Y:190.00 Z:15.00 E:0.00 Count X: 9762 Y:15200 Z:5989 READ: ok ```
Jartza commented 8 years ago

The debug-log above had M851 set to 0.00, but if needed, I can get another log where Z-offset has been set to something else, if needed?

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

If M851 is not set to "the distance from the nozzle to the bed when the probe triggers" then the results may not be very useful.

Jartza commented 8 years ago

Okay. I'll set it to -1.20mm which was the original measured distance and get new log in a minute.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

It will also help if you use G29 V4 so it prints out the bed matrix.

renzaaa commented 8 years ago

@thinkyhead Coordinates is correct at the end of G29, but something wrong with offset. Before the latest rcbugfix was everything fine.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

The probe offset isn't actually used by G29. It's only used when doing G28 homing with a probe to determine the current Z.

EDIT: Well, actually, not entirely true… I just recently added an optional Z correction to the end of G29 that does make use of it. Almost forgot…

renzaaa commented 8 years ago

I don`t know whats wrong with this fix, but before latest fix is all good.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

I don't know either. That's why we're here.

Jartza commented 8 years ago
Log of G29 ``` start echo:Marlin 1.1.0-RCBugFix echo: Last Updated: 2016-07-26 12:00 | Author: Jartza Compiled: Sep 18 2016 echo: Free Memory: 3222 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232 echo:V25 stored settings retrieved (394 bytes) echo:Steps per unit: echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E97.00 echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s): echo: M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z12.00 E50.00 echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2): echo: M201 X1500 Y1500 Z100 E10000 echo:Accelerations: P=printing, R=retract and T=travel echo: M204 P900.00 R3000.00 T900.00 echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s) echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X14.00 Z0.40 E5.00 echo:Home offset (mm) echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 echo:Material heatup parameters: echo: M145 S0 H195 B55 F0 echo: M145 S1 H240 B75 F0 echo:PID settings: echo: M301 P16.10 I0.76 D85.73 echo: M304 P450.06 I63.88 D792.67 echo:Filament settings: Disabled echo: M200 D3.00 echo: M200 D0 echo:Z-Probe Offset (mm): echo: M851 Z-1.20 echo:SD init fail echo:DEBUG:ECHO,INFO,ERRORS,DRYRUN,COMMUNICATION,LEVELING ok echo:G28 >>> gcode_G28 Machine Type: Cartesian Probe: SERVO PROBE Probe Offset X:38 Y:-10 Z:-1.20 (Right-Front & Below Nozzle) reset_bed_level current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 0.00) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move > endstops.enable(true) Raise Z (before homing) to 10.00 >>> do_blocking_move_to(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) >>> homeaxis(X) current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 1st Home -300.00 current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 2nd Home -10.00 >>> set_axis_is_at_home(X) For X axis: home_offset = 0.00 position_shift = 0.00 soft_endstop_min = 0.00 soft_endstop_max = 200.00 > home_offset[X] = 0.00 current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : <<< set_axis_is_at_home(X) current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home <<< homeaxis(X) current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : > homeX >>> homeaxis(Y) current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 1st Home -315.00 current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 2nd Home -10.00 >>> set_axis_is_at_home(Y) For Y axis: home_offset = 0.00 position_shift = 0.00 soft_endstop_min = 0.00 soft_endstop_max = 210.00 > home_offset[Y] = 0.00 current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : <<< set_axis_is_at_home(Y) current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home <<< homeaxis(Y) current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : > homeY Z_SAFE_HOMING >>> current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position destination=(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) : Z_SAFE_HOMING >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) >>> homeaxis(Z) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position > 1st Home -315.00 current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position > 2nd Home -6.00 >>> set_axis_is_at_home(Z) For Z axis: home_offset = 0.00 position_shift = 0.00 soft_endstop_min = 0.00 soft_endstop_max = 210.00 *** Z HOMED WITH PROBE (Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN) *** > zprobe_zoffset = -1.20 > home_offset[Z] = 0.00 current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : <<< set_axis_is_at_home(Z) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 0 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) <<< homeaxis(Z) <<< Z_SAFE_HOMING current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : > (home_all_axis || homeZ) > final current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move <<< gcode_G28 X:62.00 Y:115.00 Z:15.00 E:0.00 Count X: 4960 Y:9200 Z:6000 ok echo:G29 V4 >>> gcode_G29 current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : Machine Type: Cartesian Probe: SERVO PROBE Probe Offset X:38 Y:-10 Z:-1.20 (Right-Front & Below Nozzle) G29 Auto Bed Leveling reset_bed_level current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) >>> probe_pt(40.00, 20.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 30.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.05) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.05) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 4.05) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 4.05) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.08) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.08) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.08) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 10.00) Bed X: 40.000 Y: 20.000 Z: 1.085 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(100.00, 20.00, no stow) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 30.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.16) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.16) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 4.16) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 4.16) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.17) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.17) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.17) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) Bed X: 100.000 Y: 20.000 Z: 1.167 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(160.00, 20.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 30.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 0.86) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 0.86) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 3.87) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 3.87) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 0.87) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 0.87) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 0.87) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) Bed X: 160.000 Y: 20.000 Z: 0.873 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(160.00, 100.00, no stow) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 110.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.00) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 4.01) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 4.01) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.01) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.01) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.01) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) Bed X: 160.000 Y: 100.000 Z: 1.010 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(100.00, 100.00, no stow) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 110.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.20) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.20) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 4.20) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 4.20) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.17) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.17) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.17) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) Bed X: 100.000 Y: 100.000 Z: 1.170 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(40.00, 100.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 110.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.29) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.29) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 4.30) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 4.30) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.29) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.29) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.29) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) Bed X: 40.000 Y: 100.000 Z: 1.292 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(40.00, 180.00, no stow) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 190.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.15) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.15) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 4.15) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 4.15) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.13) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.13) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.13) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) Bed X: 40.000 Y: 180.000 Z: 1.127 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(100.00, 180.00, no stow) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 190.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.10) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.10) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 4.10) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 4.10) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.08) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.08) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.08) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) Bed X: 100.000 Y: 180.000 Z: 1.080 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(160.00, 180.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 190.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 0.85) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 0.85) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 3.85) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 3.85) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 0.86) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 0.86) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 0.86) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) Bed X: 160.000 Y: 180.000 Z: 0.860 <<< probe_pt current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 0 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : > probing complete Eqn coefficients: a: -0.00211806 b: -0.00011979 d: 1.29767358 Mean of sampled points: 1.07388889 Bed Height Topography: +--- BACK --+ | | L | (+) | R E | | I F | (-) N (+) | G T | | H | (-) | T | | O-- FRONT --+ (0,0) +0.05361 +0.00611 -0.21389 +0.21861 +0.09611 -0.06389 +0.01111 +0.09361 -0.20139 Corrected Bed Height vs. Bed Topology: +0.06167 +0.14125 +0.04833 +0.21708 +0.22167 +0.18875 +0.00000 +0.20958 +0.04167 Bed Level Correction Matrix: +0.999998 +0.000000 -0.002118 -0.000000 +1.000000 -0.000120 +0.002118 +0.000120 +0.999998 current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : G29 uncorrected XYZ Z from Probe:16.20 Matrix:15.06 Discrepancy:1.14 current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 16.20) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 16.20) : G29 corrected XYZ <<< gcode_G29 X:122.00 Y:190.00 Z:16.20 E:0.00 Count X: 9763 Y:15200 Z:6457 ok ```
thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

@Jartza Your probing seems very erratic, with offsets all over the place. Please run an M48 to see how reliable your probe is. Note that planar bed leveling will not produce good results if the probe is inaccurate or the bed is uneven. It only works well with a flat bed and an accurate probe.

Jartza commented 8 years ago

Well, I had to remove the glass because there was buildtak attached to it, which now is pretty much scratched because I was too slow to hit the panic reset, and the nozzle started scraping the buildtak off 😢

8 of 8 z: 15.000000 mean: 1.225312 sigma: 0.023599 Mean: 1.225312 Standard Deviation: 0.023599

But the same happens when I put clean glass on, still the nozzle hits bed.

Jartza commented 8 years ago
Same log but now with 4mm glass on bed ``` start echo:Marlin 1.1.0-RCBugFix echo: Last Updated: 2016-07-26 12:00 | Author: Jartza Compiled: Sep 18 2016 echo: Free Memory: 3222 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232 echo:V25 stored settings retrieved (394 bytes) echo:Steps per unit: echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E97.00 echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s): echo: M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z12.00 E50.00 echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2): echo: M201 X1500 Y1500 Z100 E10000 echo:Accelerations: P=printing, R=retract and T=travel echo: M204 P900.00 R3000.00 T900.00 echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s) echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X14.00 Z0.40 E5.00 echo:Home offset (mm) echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 echo:Material heatup parameters: echo: M145 S0 H195 B55 F0 echo: M145 S1 H240 B75 F0 echo:PID settings: echo: M301 P16.10 I0.76 D85.73 echo: M304 P450.06 I63.88 D792.67 echo:Filament settings: Disabled echo: M200 D3.00 echo: M200 D0 echo:Z-Probe Offset (mm): echo: M851 Z-1.20 echo:SD init fail echo:DEBUG:ECHO,INFO,ERRORS,DRYRUN,COMMUNICATION,LEVELING ok echo:G28 >>> gcode_G28 Machine Type: Cartesian Probe: SERVO PROBE Probe Offset X:38 Y:-10 Z:-1.20 (Right-Front & Below Nozzle) reset_bed_level current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 0.00) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move > endstops.enable(true) Raise Z (before homing) to 10.00 >>> do_blocking_move_to(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) >>> homeaxis(X) current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 1st Home -300.00 current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(0.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 2nd Home -10.00 >>> set_axis_is_at_home(X) For X axis: home_offset = 0.00 position_shift = 0.00 soft_endstop_min = 0.00 soft_endstop_max = 200.00 > home_offset[X] = 0.00 current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : <<< set_axis_is_at_home(X) current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home <<< homeaxis(X) current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : > homeX >>> homeaxis(Y) current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 1st Home -315.00 current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(1.00, 0.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position > 2nd Home -10.00 >>> set_axis_is_at_home(Y) For Y axis: home_offset = 0.00 position_shift = 0.00 soft_endstop_min = 0.00 soft_endstop_max = 210.00 > home_offset[Y] = 0.00 current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : <<< set_axis_is_at_home(Y) current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home <<< homeaxis(Y) current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : > homeY Z_SAFE_HOMING >>> current_position=(1.00, -19.00, 10.00) : sync_plan_position destination=(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) : Z_SAFE_HOMING >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) >>> homeaxis(Z) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position > 1st Home -315.00 current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 0.00) : sync_plan_position > 2nd Home -6.00 >>> set_axis_is_at_home(Z) For Z axis: home_offset = 0.00 position_shift = 0.00 soft_endstop_min = 0.00 soft_endstop_max = 210.00 *** Z HOMED WITH PROBE (Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN) *** > zprobe_zoffset = -1.20 > home_offset[Z] = 0.00 current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : <<< set_axis_is_at_home(Z) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : > AFTER set_axis_is_at_home current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 1.20) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 0 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) <<< homeaxis(Z) <<< Z_SAFE_HOMING current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : > (home_all_axis || homeZ) > final current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move <<< gcode_G28 X:62.00 Y:115.00 Z:15.00 E:0.00 Count X: 4960 Y:9200 Z:6000 ok echo:G29 V4 >>> gcode_G29 current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : Machine Type: Cartesian Probe: SERVO PROBE Probe Offset X:38 Y:-10 Z:-1.20 (Right-Front & Below Nozzle) G29 Auto Bed Leveling reset_bed_level current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : setup_for_endstop_or_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) >>> probe_pt(40.00, 20.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 115.00, 15.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 30.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 15.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.26) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.26) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 4.26) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 4.26) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.27) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.27) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 1.27) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 30.00, 10.00) Bed X: 40.000 Y: 20.000 Z: 1.267 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(100.00, 20.00, no stow) current_position=(2.00, 30.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 30.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.26) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.26) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 4.26) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 4.26) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.23) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.23) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 1.23) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) Bed X: 100.000 Y: 20.000 Z: 1.227 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(160.00, 20.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 30.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 30.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 1.17) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 1.17) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 4.17) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 4.17) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 1.18) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 1.18) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 1.18) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) Bed X: 160.000 Y: 20.000 Z: 1.182 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(160.00, 100.00, no stow) current_position=(122.00, 30.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 110.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.16) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.16) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 4.17) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 4.17) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.15) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.15) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 1.15) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) Bed X: 160.000 Y: 100.000 Z: 1.150 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(100.00, 100.00, no stow) current_position=(122.00, 110.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 110.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.29) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.29) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 4.29) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 4.29) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.29) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.29) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 1.29) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) Bed X: 100.000 Y: 100.000 Z: 1.295 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(40.00, 100.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 110.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 110.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.37) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.37) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 4.38) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 4.38) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.36) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.36) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 1.36) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) Bed X: 40.000 Y: 100.000 Z: 1.362 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(40.00, 180.00, no stow) current_position=(2.00, 110.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(2.00, 190.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.39) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.39) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 4.39) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 4.39) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.42) : sync_plan_position current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.42) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 1.42) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) Bed X: 40.000 Y: 180.000 Z: 1.425 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(100.00, 180.00, no stow) current_position=(2.00, 190.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(62.00, 190.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.29) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.29) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 4.29) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 4.29) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.30) : sync_plan_position current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.30) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 1.30) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) Bed X: 100.000 Y: 180.000 Z: 1.297 <<< probe_pt >>> probe_pt(160.00, 180.00, no stow) current_position=(62.00, 190.00, 10.00) : do_probe_raise(10.00) > do_blocking_move_to_xy(122.00, 190.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 1 current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> run_z_probe current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 1.16) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 1.16) : <<< do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 4.16) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 4.16) : >>> do_probe_move >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, -220.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 1.10) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 1.10) : <<< do_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 1.10) : <<< run_z_probe > do_probe_raise do_probe_raise(10.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) Bed X: 160.000 Y: 180.000 Z: 1.102 <<< probe_pt current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 10.00) : set_probe_deployed deploy: 0 do_probe_raise(15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) >>> do_blocking_move_to(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : > probing complete Eqn coefficients: a: -0.00172222 b: 0.00030729 d: 1.39815950 Mean of sampled points: 1.25666666 Bed Height Topography: +--- BACK --+ | | L | (+) | R E | | I F | (-) N (+) | G T | | H | (-) | T | | O-- FRONT --+ (0,0) +0.16833 +0.04083 -0.15417 +0.10583 +0.03833 -0.10667 +0.01083 -0.02917 -0.07417 Corrected Bed Height vs. Bed Topology: +0.11583 +0.09167 +0.00000 +0.07792 +0.11375 +0.07208 +0.00750 +0.07083 +0.12917 Bed Level Correction Matrix: +0.999999 +0.000000 -0.001722 +0.000001 +1.000000 +0.000307 +0.001722 -0.000307 +0.999998 current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 15.00) : G29 uncorrected XYZ Z from Probe:16.20 Matrix:15.01 Discrepancy:1.19 current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 16.20) : sync_plan_position current_position=(122.00, 190.00, 16.20) : G29 corrected XYZ <<< gcode_G29 X:122.00 Y:190.00 Z:16.20 E:0.00 Count X: 9762 Y:15200 Z:6475 ok ```
thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

Hmm, well the probe seems accurate enough. I'm re-examining the way I'm doing the final Z correction, because this seems quite wrong…

Z from Probe:16.20  Matrix:15.06  Discrepancy:1.14

The "Z from Probe" value is supposed to determine where Z is based on the final probe point. It should be close to 15, but clearly here the probe offset is being included. Possibly a mistake in the code on my part. Checking into it now…

renzaaa commented 8 years ago

Tomorrow I will post the log output also, if the problem will not resolved.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

Aha. I found it. Typo.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

Here's the fix:

- float measured_z = probe_pt(xProbe, yProbe, stow_probe_after_each, verbose_level);
+ measured_z = probe_pt(xProbe, yProbe, stow_probe_after_each, verbose_level);
thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

Okay, I patched this in RCBugFix. Time for more coffee!

Please confirm that it's fixed so I can pretend this never happened.

Jartza commented 8 years ago

I will test.

renzaaa commented 8 years ago
float measured_z = probe_pt(xProbe, yProbe, stow_probe_after_each, verbose_level);

This code is on before latest rcbugfix and work fine.

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

@renzaaa With a recent patch the code declares measured_z earlier and needs to retain the value until probing is complete. That line conceals the original declaration and creates a temporary variable that is thrown away at the end of the block. Not good. By removing float the correct variable is set.

renzaaa commented 8 years ago

In the morning I will test.

Jartza commented 8 years ago

Confirmed, works now!

thinkyhead commented 8 years ago

Excellent. Thanks @Jartza for helping to track it down. This new Z correction at the end of probing will actually fix the Z position even in cases where the M851 offset is wrong. Theoretically…

gcormier commented 8 years ago

Is this in RCBugFix now?

renzaaa commented 8 years ago


renzaaa commented 8 years ago

Latest rcbugfix is working fine.

PabloSica commented 6 years ago

Hello. I have a similar problem. This must have already been resolved. When I command G29 the sensor levels the first point and the second point, but in the third point, the nozzle presses the table without stopping. I have to press e-stop every time. I'm using AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR and CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION 010107

thinkyhead commented 6 years ago

@PabloSica — Please test with the latest bugfix-1.1.x (and/or bugfix-2.0.x) branch to see where it stands. If you still see the bad behavior we should investigate further.

PabloSica commented 6 years ago

I tested this version last night and the problem persists. I'm also using the Octoprint. How can I generate a log to send you? I have not found bugfix-2.0.x in your links.

thinkyhead commented 6 years ago

I tested this version last night and the problem persists.

Please post a new issue. This issue is closed.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.