MarlinFirmware / Marlin

Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Extruder trying to print above bed after bed levelling #6014

Closed TerryD15 closed 6 years ago

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi, sorry to raise this problem but I have spent more hours than I care to admit in trying to understand the problem using various sources including these forums.

Using Marlin V. 1.1.0 RC7 I have set up bed levelling using an inductive probe (8 mm version)using a grid of test points and it works well, giving credible readings, and parks in the middle of the bed, around 10 mm above.

However when I try to print, the nozzle of the extruder moves to the start position but around 5 mm above the bed and tries to print in mid air. I am not technical at all but I have tried setting the Nozzle Z - probe offset to various settings but the print always seems to start in the same way.

oysteinkrog commented 7 years ago

Why are you using an old RC w/known issues? Have you tried the latest code?

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago


Many thanks for the reply. I chose it as the most recent except for RC8 which had a caveat about it's reliability on the Marlin site and was unaware of the 'issues' you allude to. As RC8 had issues highlighted (especially for SCARA printers) I followed that advice on the downloads page.

I will certainly try RC8 if it is free from such 'issues' and report on the results,

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago


I downloaded and configured Marlin 1.1.0-RC8, again it homes and probes well but when it begins to print the nozzle rests exactly 10 mm above the print level measured with feeler gauges (the measure ment is actually 10.35 mm and the first layer is set at 0.35 mm) and tries to print in mid air. As a novice I'm just not sure what I have done wrong in the configuring - I assume it is an error or oversight on my part.

I list below what I think is the relevant part of the configuration.h file and have removed most of the comments for brevity. I would be most grateful for any help so that this old novice can solve the problem.

I also set:


in configuration_adv.h

Thanks in advance


//============================== Endstop Settings 

//#define USE_XMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_YMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_ZMAX_PLUG

// coarse Endstop Settings
#define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors

  // fine endstop settings: Individual pullups. will be ignored if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined

// Mechanical endstop with COM to ground and NC to Signal uses "false" here (most common setup).


//============================== Movement Settings ============================

// @section motion

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT   { 80, 80, 4000, 960 }

#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE          { 300, 300, 5, 25 }

#define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION      { 3000, 3000, 100, 10000 }

#define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION          3000    // X, Y, Z and E acceleration for printing moves
#define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION  3000    // E acceleration for retracts
#define DEFAULT_TRAVEL_ACCELERATION   3000    // X, Y, Z acceleration for travel (non printing) moves

 * Default Jerk (mm/s)

#define DEFAULT_XJERK                 20.0
#define DEFAULT_YJERK                 20.0
#define DEFAULT_ZJERK                  0.4
#define DEFAULT_EJERK                  5.0

//============================= Z Probe Options 

// @section probes


#define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 20  // X offset: -left  +right  [of the nozzle]
#define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -8  // Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle]
#define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 1.3   // Z offset: -below +above  [the nozzle]

#define XY_PROBE_SPEED 8000






// The Z_MIN_PIN will then be used for both Z-homing and probing.


#define Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE   10 // Z Clearance for Deploy/Stow

#define Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES  5 // Z Clearance between probe points

// For M851 give a range for adjusting the Z probe offset

#define X_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Z_ENABLE_ON 0
#define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders

#define DISABLE_X false
#define DISABLE_Y false
#define DISABLE_Z false


// @section extruder

#define DISABLE_E false // For all extruders
#define DISABLE_INACTIVE_EXTRUDER true //disable only inactive extruders and keep active extruder enabled

// @section machine

#define INVERT_X_DIR false
#define INVERT_Y_DIR false
#define INVERT_Z_DIR false

// @section extruder

// For direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false.
#define INVERT_E0_DIR false
#define INVERT_E1_DIR false
#define INVERT_E2_DIR false
#define INVERT_E3_DIR false

// @section homing

#define Z_HOMING_HEIGHT 4  


#define X_HOME_DIR -1
#define Y_HOME_DIR -1
#define Z_HOME_DIR -1

#define min_software_endstops false 

#define max_software_endstops true  

// @section machine

#define X_MIN_POS 0
#define Y_MIN_POS 0
#define Z_MIN_POS 0
#define X_MAX_POS 200
#define Y_MAX_POS 200
#define Z_MAX_POS 200

//============================ Mesh Bed Leveling 

//#define MESH_BED_LEVELING    // Enable mesh bed leveling.


//============================ Auto Bed Leveling 

 *   Probe several points in a grid.
 *   You specify the rectangle and the density of sample points.
 *   The result is a mesh, best for large or uneven beds.



  // Set the number of grid points per dimension.
  #define ABL_GRID_POINTS_X 3

  // Set the boundaries for probing (where the probe can reach).

  // The Z probe minimum outer margin (to validate G29 parameters).
  #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE 10

  // Probe along the Y axis, advancing X after each column
  #define PROBE_Y_FIRST



      // Number of subdivisions between probe points



  #define ABL_PROBE_PT_1_X 15
  #define ABL_PROBE_PT_1_Y 180
  #define ABL_PROBE_PT_2_X 15
  #define ABL_PROBE_PT_2_Y 20
  #define ABL_PROBE_PT_3_X 170
  #define ABL_PROBE_PT_3_Y 20


 * Commands to execute at the end of G29 probing.
 * Useful to retract or move the Z probe out of the way.
#define Z_PROBE_END_SCRIPT "G1 Z10 F12000\nG1 X120 Y100\nG1 Z0.5\nG1 Z10"

// @section homing

// The center of the bed is at (X=0, Y=0)
//#define BED_CENTER_AT_0_0



  #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT ((X_MIN_POS + X_MAX_POS) / 2)    

  #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT ((Y_MIN_POS + Y_MAX_POS) / 2)    


// Homing speeds (mm/m)
#define HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY (50*60)
#define HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z  (4*60)

Augermeister commented 7 years ago

@TerryD15 - I am having the same problem with both RC8 and RCBugFix. Everything seems to work fine, but then I get air prints. You've come to the right place, as these folks are a great help! Here's a suggestion from Roxy-3d: "Personally... I think it is best to have the Z-Offset set at 0.000mm And then adjust the Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER number to be exactly correct. That is what I do.

Incidentally... In the UBL code I'm thinking about eliminating the Z-Offset. It will save some floating point additions. But in truth, there is no need for it. The Mesh is already adding and subtracting offsets from the Z position. It would be better to just adjust the entire mesh up or down instead of having a separate Z-Offset that needs to be added into each position calculation."

Now I need to locate where the Z-Offset is set, because all I see is the Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, which I thought was the same thing?

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

I think they're talking about Z_MIN_POS when they say "Z-Offset". Z_MIN_POS is what G28 sets the Z location to after homing in the - direction. This is usually set to 0.

Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER is used after G29 has been run to get the Z's zero location perfect.

What I like to do is the following. This only needs to be done once.

Augermeister commented 7 years ago

That's exactly what I've been looking for! I'll follow your steps and see if it works for me. Thank you!

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Augermeister,

if you manage to it do before me please report, I will try it as soon as I can get to my machine - it's kept in a separate workshop. we can compare notes and try to come up with a decent solution.

Hi Bob, as a novice I'm not exactly familiar with the procedures you mention. When you say, for example, 'issue GO Z0 to move the head to the current Z0', I assume that you mean issue it through Pronterface dialogue box? to the motherboard.


Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago


TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

I tried your advice and entered the results into my Z_PROBEOFFSETS FROM _EXTRUDER and the sum total was 10.9 mm which I entered as a positive and the nozzle then tried to print at 21 mm above the bed. i.e. the original 10 mm PLUS the new nozzle offset so I decided that that the 10.9 had been added to the original height and deduced that if I made the offset negative i.e. -10.9 mm it should subtract the amount from the original offset and touch the glass.

However when I ran the print routine the nozzle still tried to print at the original 10.3 mm (approx) above the bed, so something in the code is telling the nozzle not to descend below 10 mm when printing.

I will now subtract a further 5 mm from the NOZZLE_OFFSET...... and try again. So I will be setting it at -15 mm to see if there is any effect. I just wish that I could work out why the nozzle is refusing to descend below 10 mm when printing.

I have set #define ENDSTOPS_ALWAYS_ON_DEFAULT in the configuration_adv.h file as advised to allow the nozzle to descend below the probe limit and can touch paper under it by inching the nozzle by 0.1 mm steps.

Hi Augermeister,

you say:

"Personally... I think it is best to have the Z-Offset set at 0.000mm And then adjust the Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER number to be exactly correct. That is what I do.

I'm not sure when you say " have the Z-Offset set at 0.0 mm..." and "...adjust at Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER..." I can't see where Z-Offset can be set to 0.00 mm. Could you paste a sample of your Configuration.h code to indicate where I should do this Config.h Config.h

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago


I have messed about with the Z_PROBE_OFFSETS_FROM_EXTRUDER as below:

define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 20 // X offset: -left +right [of the nozzle]

define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -8 // Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle]

define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -10.9 // Z offset: -below +above [the nozzle

And have now tried the Z -Probe offset set at -15.9 but still the same result, the z extruder refuses to descend below 10 mm above teh bed when attempting to print. Is it something galringly obvious that I am missing? or am I just stupid?

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Oh, I have been most discourteous by not thanking you all for your efforts and inputs so I am doing that now -Thank You, your efforts are very much appreciated,


Augermeister commented 7 years ago

@TerryD15 - I followed @Bob-the-Kuhn 's directions step by step and met with success (Thanks Mr. Kuhn!). But . . . these steps assume you have your configuration correct. You may have to provide your configuration.h file for others to review all your settings, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to be of much help. It does sound like one setting that's hanging you up, it's just a matter of finding out which one!

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago


I would be grateful if someone could check my configuration.h file below to try and figure out why my printer will not descend below 10 mm when trying to print with RC8 no matter what I try, I have followed all the advice above and others have it working so there must be something I am missing but cannot for the life of me find out what it is.

Thanks Augermeister for your efforts and advice in this problem. I have tried all sorts of things, there is another thread (#5437) where this problem is mentioned and analysed in depth but I have tried the things from there but to no avail, the problem is always the same, The Nozzle will not descend below 10 mm whatever I do. I feel so stupid!

I will attach my Configuration file to see if some can help.

Is it possible for you to publish your configuration.h file here so that I can compare with mine? that would be a real help as ou have solved the problem. I would be really grateful if you could. Meanwhile I will keep exploring and hoping for someone to spot my simple mistake.

Again, thanks,

Best regards


Configuration.h ```cpp /** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (C) 2016 MarlinFirmware [] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /** * Configuration.h * * Basic settings such as: * * - Type of electronics * - Type of temperature sensor * - Printer geometry * - Endstop configuration * - LCD controller * - Extra features * * Advanced settings can be found in Configuration_adv.h * */ #ifndef CONFIGURATION_H #define CONFIGURATION_H /** * * *********************************** * ** ATTENTION TO ALL DEVELOPERS ** * *********************************** * * You must increment this version number for every significant change such as, * but not limited to: ADD, DELETE RENAME OR REPURPOSE any directive/option. * * Note: Update also Version.h ! */ #define CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION 010100 //=========================================================================== //============================= Getting Started ============================= //=========================================================================== /** * Here are some standard links for getting your machine calibrated: * * * * * * * * */ //=========================================================================== //============================= DELTA Printer =============================== //=========================================================================== // For a Delta printer replace the configuration files with the files in the // example_configurations/delta directory. // //=========================================================================== //============================= SCARA Printer =============================== //=========================================================================== // For a Scara printer replace the configuration files with the files in the // example_configurations/SCARA directory. // // @section info // User-specified version info of this build to display in [Pronterface, etc] terminal window during // startup. Implementation of an idea by Prof Braino to inform user that any changes made to this // build by the user have been successfully uploaded into firmware. #define STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR "(Terry Dixon, Prusa i3 DIY)" // Who made the changes. #define SHOW_BOOTSCREEN #define STRING_SPLASH_LINE1 SHORT_BUILD_VERSION // will be shown during bootup in line 1 #define STRING_SPLASH_LINE2 WEBSITE_URL // will be shown during bootup in line 2 // // *** VENDORS PLEASE READ ***************************************************** // // Marlin now allow you to have a vendor boot image to be displayed on machine // start. When SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN is defined Marlin will first show your // custom boot image and them the default Marlin boot image is shown. // // We suggest for you to take advantage of this new feature and keep the Marlin // boot image unmodified. For an example have a look at the bq Hephestos 2 // example configuration folder. // //#define SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN // @section machine /** * Select which serial port on the board will be used for communication with the host. * This allows the connection of wireless adapters (for instance) to non-default port pins. * Serial port 0 is always used by the Arduino bootloader regardless of this setting. * * :[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] */ #define SERIAL_PORT 0 /** * This setting determines the communication speed of the printer. * * 250000 works in most cases, but you might try a lower speed if * you commonly experience drop-outs during host printing. * * :[2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 250000] */ #define BAUDRATE 115200 // Enable the Bluetooth serial interface on AT90USB devices //#define BLUETOOTH // The following define selects which electronics board you have. // Please choose the name from boards.h that matches your setup #ifndef MOTHERBOARD #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_RAMPS_14_EFB #endif // Optional custom name for your RepStrap or other custom machine // Displayed in the LCD "Ready" message //#define CUSTOM_MACHINE_NAME "My DIY Prusa i3 3D Printer" // Define this to set a unique identifier for this printer, (Used by some programs to differentiate between machines) // You can use an online service to generate a random UUID. (eg //#define MACHINE_UUID "184e76c2-f716-45d5-9799-f816dcde89fc" // This defines the number of extruders // :[1, 2, 3, 4] #define EXTRUDERS 1 // Enable if your E steppers or extruder gear ratios are not identical //#define DISTINCT_E_FACTORS // For Cyclops or any "multi-extruder" that shares a single nozzle. //#define SINGLENOZZLE // A dual extruder that uses a single stepper motor // Don't forget to set SSDE_SERVO_ANGLES and HOTEND_OFFSET_X/Y/Z //#define SWITCHING_EXTRUDER #if ENABLED(SWITCHING_EXTRUDER) #define SWITCHING_EXTRUDER_SERVO_NR 0 #define SWITCHING_EXTRUDER_SERVO_ANGLES { 0, 90 } // Angles for E0, E1 //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_Z {0.0, 0.0} #endif /** * "Mixing Extruder" * - Adds a new code, M165, to set the current mix factors. * - Extends the stepping routines to move multiple steppers in proportion to the mix. * - Optional support for Repetier Host M163, M164, and virtual extruder. * - This implementation supports only a single extruder. * - Enable DIRECT_MIXING_IN_G1 for Pia Taubert's reference implementation */ //#define MIXING_EXTRUDER #if ENABLED(MIXING_EXTRUDER) #define MIXING_STEPPERS 2 // Number of steppers in your mixing extruder #define MIXING_VIRTUAL_TOOLS 16 // Use the Virtual Tool method with M163 and M164 //#define DIRECT_MIXING_IN_G1 // Allow ABCDHI mix factors in G1 movement commands #endif // Offset of the extruders (uncomment if using more than one and relying on firmware to position when changing). // The offset has to be X=0, Y=0 for the extruder 0 hotend (default extruder). // For the other hotends it is their distance from the extruder 0 hotend. //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_X {0.0, 20.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the X axis //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_Y {0.0, 5.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the Y axis /** * Select your power supply here. Use 0 if you haven't connected the PS_ON_PIN * * 0 = No Power Switch * 1 = ATX * 2 = X-Box 360 203Watts (the blue wire connected to PS_ON and the red wire to VCC) * * :{ 0:'No power switch', 1:'ATX', 2:'X-Box 360' } */ #define POWER_SUPPLY 1 #if POWER_SUPPLY > 0 // Enable this option to leave the PSU off at startup. // Power to steppers and heaters will need to be turned on with M80. //#define PS_DEFAULT_OFF #endif // @section temperature //=========================================================================== //============================= Thermal Settings ============================ //=========================================================================== /** * --NORMAL IS 4.7kohm PULLUP!-- 1kohm pullup can be used on hotend sensor, using correct resistor and table * * Temperature sensors available: * * -3 : thermocouple with MAX31855 (only for sensor 0) * -2 : thermocouple with MAX6675 (only for sensor 0) * -1 : thermocouple with AD595 * 0 : not used * 1 : 100k thermistor - best choice for EPCOS 100k (4.7k pullup) * 2 : 200k thermistor - ATC Semitec 204GT-2 (4.7k pullup) * 3 : Mendel-parts thermistor (4.7k pullup) * 4 : 10k thermistor !! do not use it for a hotend. It gives bad resolution at high temp. !! * 5 : 100K thermistor - ATC Semitec 104GT-2 (Used in ParCan & J-Head) (4.7k pullup) * 6 : 100k EPCOS - Not as accurate as table 1 (created using a fluke thermocouple) (4.7k pullup) * 7 : 100k Honeywell thermistor 135-104LAG-J01 (4.7k pullup) * 71 : 100k Honeywell thermistor 135-104LAF-J01 (4.7k pullup) * 8 : 100k 0603 SMD Vishay NTCS0603E3104FXT (4.7k pullup) * 9 : 100k GE Sensing AL03006-58.2K-97-G1 (4.7k pullup) * 10 : 100k RS thermistor 198-961 (4.7k pullup) * 11 : 100k beta 3950 1% thermistor (4.7k pullup) * 12 : 100k 0603 SMD Vishay NTCS0603E3104FXT (4.7k pullup) (calibrated for Makibox hot bed) * 13 : 100k Hisens 3950 1% up to 300°C for hotend "Simple ONE " & "Hotend "All In ONE" * 20 : the PT100 circuit found in the Ultimainboard V2.x * 60 : 100k Maker's Tool Works Kapton Bed Thermistor beta=3950 * 66 : 4.7M High Temperature thermistor from Dyze Design * 70 : the 100K thermistor found in the bq Hephestos 2 * * 1k ohm pullup tables - This is atypical, and requires changing out the 4.7k pullup for 1k. * (but gives greater accuracy and more stable PID) * 51 : 100k thermistor - EPCOS (1k pullup) * 52 : 200k thermistor - ATC Semitec 204GT-2 (1k pullup) * 55 : 100k thermistor - ATC Semitec 104GT-2 (Used in ParCan & J-Head) (1k pullup) * * 1047 : Pt1000 with 4k7 pullup * 1010 : Pt1000 with 1k pullup (non standard) * 147 : Pt100 with 4k7 pullup * 110 : Pt100 with 1k pullup (non standard) * * Use these for Testing or Development purposes. NEVER for production machine. * 998 : Dummy Table that ALWAYS reads 25°C or the temperature defined below. * 999 : Dummy Table that ALWAYS reads 100°C or the temperature defined below. * * :{ '0': "Not used", '1':"100k / 4.7k - EPCOS", '2':"200k / 4.7k - ATC Semitec 204GT-2", '3':"Mendel-parts / 4.7k", '4':"10k !! do not use for a hotend. Bad resolution at high temp. !!", '5':"100K / 4.7k - ATC Semitec 104GT-2 (Used in ParCan & J-Head)", '6':"100k / 4.7k EPCOS - Not as accurate as Table 1", '7':"100k / 4.7k Honeywell 135-104LAG-J01", '8':"100k / 4.7k 0603 SMD Vishay NTCS0603E3104FXT", '9':"100k / 4.7k GE Sensing AL03006-58.2K-97-G1", '10':"100k / 4.7k RS 198-961", '11':"100k / 4.7k beta 3950 1%", '12':"100k / 4.7k 0603 SMD Vishay NTCS0603E3104FXT (calibrated for Makibox hot bed)", '13':"100k Hisens 3950 1% up to 300°C for hotend 'Simple ONE ' & hotend 'All In ONE'", '20':"PT100 (Ultimainboard V2.x)", '51':"100k / 1k - EPCOS", '52':"200k / 1k - ATC Semitec 204GT-2", '55':"100k / 1k - ATC Semitec 104GT-2 (Used in ParCan & J-Head)", '60':"100k Maker's Tool Works Kapton Bed Thermistor beta=3950", '66':"Dyze Design 4.7M High Temperature thermistor", '70':"the 100K thermistor found in the bq Hephestos 2", '71':"100k / 4.7k Honeywell 135-104LAF-J01", '147':"Pt100 / 4.7k", '1047':"Pt1000 / 4.7k", '110':"Pt100 / 1k (non-standard)", '1010':"Pt1000 / 1k (non standard)", '-3':"Thermocouple + MAX31855 (only for sensor 0)", '-2':"Thermocouple + MAX6675 (only for sensor 0)", '-1':"Thermocouple + AD595",'998':"Dummy 1", '999':"Dummy 2" } */ #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_3 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 1 // Dummy thermistor constant temperature readings, for use with 998 and 999 #define DUMMY_THERMISTOR_998_VALUE 25 #define DUMMY_THERMISTOR_999_VALUE 100 // Use temp sensor 1 as a redundant sensor with sensor 0. If the readings // from the two sensors differ too much the print will be aborted. //#define TEMP_SENSOR_1_AS_REDUNDANT #define MAX_REDUNDANT_TEMP_SENSOR_DIFF 10 // Extruder temperature must be close to target for this long before M109 returns success #define TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME 10 // (seconds) #define TEMP_HYSTERESIS 3 // (degC) range of +/- temperatures considered "close" to the target one #define TEMP_WINDOW 1 // (degC) Window around target to start the residency timer x degC early. // Bed temperature must be close to target for this long before M190 returns success #define TEMP_BED_RESIDENCY_TIME 10 // (seconds) #define TEMP_BED_HYSTERESIS 3 // (degC) range of +/- temperatures considered "close" to the target one #define TEMP_BED_WINDOW 1 // (degC) Window around target to start the residency timer x degC early. // The minimal temperature defines the temperature below which the heater will not be enabled It is used // to check that the wiring to the thermistor is not broken. // Otherwise this would lead to the heater being powered on all the time. #define HEATER_0_MINTEMP 5 #define HEATER_1_MINTEMP 5 #define HEATER_2_MINTEMP 5 #define HEATER_3_MINTEMP 5 #define BED_MINTEMP 5 // When temperature exceeds max temp, your heater will be switched off. // This feature exists to protect your hotend from overheating accidentally, but *NOT* from thermistor short/failure! // You should use MINTEMP for thermistor short/failure protection. #define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP 275 #define HEATER_1_MAXTEMP 275 #define HEATER_2_MAXTEMP 275 #define HEATER_3_MAXTEMP 275 #define BED_MAXTEMP 150 //=========================================================================== //============================= PID Settings ================================ //=========================================================================== // PID Tuning Guide here: // Comment the following line to disable PID and enable bang-bang. #define PIDTEMP #define BANG_MAX 255 // limits current to nozzle while in bang-bang mode; 255=full current #define PID_MAX BANG_MAX // limits current to nozzle while PID is active (see PID_FUNCTIONAL_RANGE below); 255=full current #if ENABLED(PIDTEMP) //#define PID_AUTOTUNE_MENU // Add PID Autotune to the LCD "Temperature" menu to run M303 and apply the result. //#define PID_DEBUG // Sends debug data to the serial port. //#define PID_OPENLOOP 1 // Puts PID in open loop. M104/M140 sets the output power from 0 to PID_MAX //#define SLOW_PWM_HEATERS // PWM with very low frequency (roughly 0.125Hz=8s) and minimum state time of approximately 1s useful for heaters driven by a relay //#define PID_PARAMS_PER_HOTEND // Uses separate PID parameters for each extruder (useful for mismatched extruders) // Set/get with gcode: M301 E[extruder number, 0-2] #define PID_FUNCTIONAL_RANGE 10 // If the temperature difference between the target temperature and the actual temperature // is more than PID_FUNCTIONAL_RANGE then the PID will be shut off and the heater will be set to min/max. #define K1 0.95 //smoothing factor within the PID // If you are using a pre-configured hotend then you can use one of the value sets by uncommenting it // Ultimaker #define DEFAULT_Kp 22.2 #define DEFAULT_Ki 1.08 #define DEFAULT_Kd 114 // MakerGear //#define DEFAULT_Kp 7.0 //#define DEFAULT_Ki 0.1 //#define DEFAULT_Kd 12 // Mendel Parts V9 on 12V //#define DEFAULT_Kp 63.0 //#define DEFAULT_Ki 2.25 //#define DEFAULT_Kd 440 #endif // PIDTEMP //=========================================================================== //============================= PID > Bed Temperature Control =============== //=========================================================================== // Select PID or bang-bang with PIDTEMPBED. If bang-bang, BED_LIMIT_SWITCHING will enable hysteresis // // Uncomment this to enable PID on the bed. It uses the same frequency PWM as the extruder. // If your PID_dT is the default, and correct for your hardware/configuration, that means 7.689Hz, // which is fine for driving a square wave into a resistive load and does not significantly impact you FET heating. // This also works fine on a Fotek SSR-10DA Solid State Relay into a 250W heater. // If your configuration is significantly different than this and you don't understand the issues involved, you probably // shouldn't use bed PID until someone else verifies your hardware works. // If this is enabled, find your own PID constants below. //#define PIDTEMPBED //#define BED_LIMIT_SWITCHING // This sets the max power delivered to the bed, and replaces the HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER option. // all forms of bed control obey this (PID, bang-bang, bang-bang with hysteresis) // setting this to anything other than 255 enables a form of PWM to the bed just like HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER did, // so you shouldn't use it unless you are OK with PWM on your bed. (see the comment on enabling PIDTEMPBED) #define MAX_BED_POWER 255 // limits duty cycle to bed; 255=full current #if ENABLED(PIDTEMPBED) //#define PID_BED_DEBUG // Sends debug data to the serial port. //120V 250W silicone heater into 4mm borosilicate (MendelMax 1.5+) //from FOPDT model - kp=.39 Tp=405 Tdead=66, Tc set to 79.2, aggressive factor of .15 (vs .1, 1, 10) #define DEFAULT_bedKp 10.00 #define DEFAULT_bedKi .023 #define DEFAULT_bedKd 305.4 //120V 250W silicone heater into 4mm borosilicate (MendelMax 1.5+) //from pidautotune //#define DEFAULT_bedKp 97.1 //#define DEFAULT_bedKi 1.41 //#define DEFAULT_bedKd 1675.16 // FIND YOUR OWN: "M303 E-1 C8 S90" to run autotune on the bed at 90 degreesC for 8 cycles. #endif // PIDTEMPBED // @section extruder // This option prevents extrusion if the temperature is below EXTRUDE_MINTEMP. // It also enables the M302 command to set the minimum extrusion temperature // or to allow moving the extruder regardless of the hotend temperature. // *** IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO LEAVE THIS OPTION ENABLED! *** #define PREVENT_COLD_EXTRUSION #define EXTRUDE_MINTEMP 170 // This option prevents a single extrusion longer than EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH. // Note that for Bowden Extruders a too-small value here may prevent loading. #define PREVENT_LENGTHY_EXTRUDE #define EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH 200 //=========================================================================== //======================== Thermal Runaway Protection ======================= //=========================================================================== /** * Thermal Protection protects your printer from damage and fire if a * thermistor falls out or temperature sensors fail in any way. * * The issue: If a thermistor falls out or a temperature sensor fails, * Marlin can no longer sense the actual temperature. Since a disconnected * thermistor reads as a low temperature, the firmware will keep the heater on. * * If you get "Thermal Runaway" or "Heating failed" errors the * details can be tuned in Configuration_adv.h */ #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_HOTENDS // Enable thermal protection for all extruders #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED // Enable thermal protection for the heated bed //=========================================================================== //============================= Mechanical Settings ========================= //=========================================================================== // @section machine // Uncomment one of these options to enable CoreXY, CoreXZ, or CoreYZ kinematics // either in the usual order or reversed //#define COREXY //#define COREXZ //#define COREYZ //#define COREYX //#define COREZX //#define COREZY // Enable this option for Toshiba steppers //#define CONFIG_STEPPERS_TOSHIBA //=========================================================================== //============================== Endstop Settings =========================== //=========================================================================== // @section homing // Specify here all the endstop connectors that are connected to any endstop or probe. // Almost all printers will be using one per axis. Probes will use one or more of the // extra connectors. Leave undefined any used for non-endstop and non-probe purposes. #define USE_XMIN_PLUG #define USE_YMIN_PLUG #define USE_ZMIN_PLUG //#define USE_XMAX_PLUG //#define USE_YMAX_PLUG //#define USE_ZMAX_PLUG // coarse Endstop Settings //#define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors #if DISABLED(ENDSTOPPULLUPS) // fine endstop settings: Individual pullups. will be ignored if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined //#define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX //#define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX //#define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN_PROBE #endif // Mechanical endstop with COM to ground and NC to Signal uses "false" here (most common setup). #define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. #define Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. #define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. #define X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. #define Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. #define Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. #define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. // Enable this feature if all enabled endstop pins are interrupt-capable. // This will remove the need to poll the interrupt pins, saving many CPU cycles. //#define ENDSTOP_INTERRUPTS_FEATURE //============================================================================= //============================== Movement Settings ============================ //============================================================================= // @section motion /** * Default Settings * * These settings can be reset by M502 * * You can set distinct factors for each E stepper, if needed. * If fewer factors are given, the last will apply to the rest. * * Note that if EEPROM is enabled, saved values will override these. */ /** * Default Axis Steps Per Unit (steps/mm) * Override with M92 * X, Y, Z, E0 [, E1[, E2[, E3]]] */ #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 4000, 960 } /** * Default Max Feed Rate (mm/s) * Override with M203 * X, Y, Z, E0 [, E1[, E2[, E3]]] */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE { 300, 300, 5, 25 } /** * Default Max Acceleration (change/s) change = mm/s * (Maximum start speed for accelerated moves) * Override with M201 * X, Y, Z, E0 [, E1[, E2[, E3]]] */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION { 3000, 3000, 100, 10000 } /** * Default Acceleration (change/s) change = mm/s * Override with M204 * * M204 P Acceleration * M204 R Retract Acceleration * M204 T Travel Acceleration */ #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 3000 // X, Y, Z and E acceleration for printing moves #define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 3000 // E acceleration for retracts #define DEFAULT_TRAVEL_ACCELERATION 3000 // X, Y, Z acceleration for travel (non printing) moves /** * Default Jerk (mm/s) * * "Jerk" specifies the minimum speed change that requires acceleration. * When changing speed and direction, if the difference is less than the * value set here, it may happen instantaneously. */ #define DEFAULT_XJERK 20.0 #define DEFAULT_YJERK 20.0 #define DEFAULT_ZJERK 0.4 #define DEFAULT_EJERK 5.0 //=========================================================================== //============================= Z Probe Options ============================= //=========================================================================== // @section probes // // Probe Type // Probes are sensors/switches that are activated / deactivated before/after use. // // Allen Key Probes, Servo Probes, Z-Sled Probes, FIX_MOUNTED_PROBE, etc. // You must activate one of these to use Auto Bed Leveling below. // // Use M851 to set the Z probe vertical offset from the nozzle. Store with M500. // // A Fix-Mounted Probe either doesn't deploy or needs manual deployment. // For example an inductive probe, or a setup that uses the nozzle to probe. // An inductive probe must be deactivated to go below // its trigger-point if hardware endstops are active. #define FIX_MOUNTED_PROBE // The BLTouch probe emulates a servo probe. // The default connector is SERVO 0. Set Z_ENDSTOP_SERVO_NR below to override. //#define BLTOUCH // Z Servo Probe, such as an endstop switch on a rotating arm. //#define Z_ENDSTOP_SERVO_NR 0 //#define Z_SERVO_ANGLES {70,0} // Z Servo Deploy and Stow angles // Enable if you have a Z probe mounted on a sled like those designed by Charles Bell. //#define Z_PROBE_SLED //#define SLED_DOCKING_OFFSET 5 // The extra distance the X axis must travel to pickup the sled. 0 should be fine but you can push it further if you'd like. // Z Probe to nozzle (X,Y) offset, relative to (0, 0). // X and Y offsets must be integers. // // In the following example the X and Y offsets are both positive: // #define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 10 // #define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 10 // // +-- BACK ---+ // | | // L | (+) P | R <-- probe (20,20) // E | | I // F | (-) N (+) | G <-- nozzle (10,10) // T | | H // | (-) | T // | | // O-- FRONT --+ // (0,0) #define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 20 // X offset: -left +right [of the nozzle] #define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -8 // Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle] #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 0.9 // Z offset: -below +above [the nozzle] // X and Y axis travel speed (mm/m) between probes #define XY_PROBE_SPEED 8000 // Speed for the first approach when double-probing (with PROBE_DOUBLE_TOUCH) #define Z_PROBE_SPEED_FAST HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z // Speed for the "accurate" probe of each point #define Z_PROBE_SPEED_SLOW (Z_PROBE_SPEED_FAST / 2) // Use double touch for probing //#define PROBE_DOUBLE_TOUCH // // Allen Key Probe is defined in the Delta example configurations. // // *** PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR SAFETY! *** // // To continue using the Z-min-endstop for homing, be sure to disable Z_SAFE_HOMING. // Example: To park the head outside the bed area when homing with G28. // // To use a separate Z probe, your board must define a Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN. // // For a servo-based Z probe, you must set up servo support below, including // NUM_SERVOS, Z_ENDSTOP_SERVO_NR and Z_SERVO_ANGLES. // // - RAMPS 1.3/1.4 boards may be able to use the 5V, GND, and Aux4->D32 pin. // - Use 5V for powered (usu. inductive) sensors. // - Otherwise connect: // - normally-closed switches to GND and D32. // - normally-open switches to 5V and D32. // // Normally-closed switches are advised and are the default. // // // The Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN sets the Arduino pin to use. (See your board's pins file.) // Since the RAMPS Aux4->D32 pin maps directly to the Arduino D32 pin, D32 is the // default pin for all RAMPS-based boards. Most boards use the X_MAX_PIN by default. // To use a different pin you can override it here. // // WARNING: // Setting the wrong pin may have unexpected and potentially disastrous consequences. // Use with caution and do your homework. // //#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN X_MAX_PIN // // Enable Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP to use _both_ a Z Probe and a Z-min-endstop on the same machine. // With this option the Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN will only be used for probing, never for homing. // //#define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP // Enable Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN to use the Z_MIN_PIN for your Z_MIN_PROBE. // The Z_MIN_PIN will then be used for both Z-homing and probing. #define Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN // To use a probe you must enable one of the two options above! // Enable Z Probe Repeatability test to see how accurate your probe is //#define Z_MIN_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST /** * Z probes require clearance when deploying, stowing, and moving between * probe points to avoid hitting the bed and other hardware. * Servo-mounted probes require extra space for the arm to rotate. * Inductive probes need space to keep from triggering early. * * Use these settings to specify the distance (mm) to raise the probe (or * lower the bed). The values set here apply over and above any (negative) * probe Z Offset set with Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, M851, or the LCD. * Only integer values >= 1 are valid here. * * Example: `M851 Z-5` with a CLEARANCE of 4 => 9mm from bed to nozzle. * But: `M851 Z+1` with a CLEARANCE of 2 => 2mm from bed to nozzle. */ #define Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE 10 // Z Clearance for Deploy/Stow #define Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES 5 // Z Clearance between probe points // // For M851 give a range for adjusting the Z probe offset // #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_RANGE_MIN -20 #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_RANGE_MAX 20 // For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1 // :{ 0:'Low', 1:'High' } #define X_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0 #define Z_ENABLE_ON 0 #define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders // Disables axis stepper immediately when it's not being used. // WARNING: When motors turn off there is a chance of losing position accuracy! #define DISABLE_X false #define DISABLE_Y false #define DISABLE_Z false // Warn on display about possibly reduced accuracy //#define DISABLE_REDUCED_ACCURACY_WARNING // @section extruder #define DISABLE_E false // For all extruders #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_EXTRUDER true //disable only inactive extruders and keep active extruder enabled // @section machine // Invert the stepper direction. Change (or reverse the motor connector) if an axis goes the wrong way. #define INVERT_X_DIR false #define INVERT_Y_DIR false #define INVERT_Z_DIR false // @section extruder // For direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false. #define INVERT_E0_DIR false #define INVERT_E1_DIR false #define INVERT_E2_DIR false #define INVERT_E3_DIR false // @section homing #define Z_HOMING_HEIGHT 4 // (in mm) Minimal z height before homing (G28) for Z clearance above the bed, clamps, ... // Be sure you have this distance over your Z_MAX_POS in case. // ENDSTOP SETTINGS: // Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN // :[-1, 1] #define X_HOME_DIR -1 #define Y_HOME_DIR -1 #define Z_HOME_DIR -1 #define min_software_endstops false // If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than HOME_POS. #define max_software_endstops true // If true, axis won't move to coordinates greater than the defined lengths below. // @section machine // Travel limits after homing (units are in mm) #define X_MIN_POS 0 #define Y_MIN_POS 0 #define Z_MIN_POS 0 #define X_MAX_POS 200 #define Y_MAX_POS 200 #define Z_MAX_POS 200 //=========================================================================== //========================= Filament Runout Sensor ========================== //=========================================================================== //#define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR // Uncomment for defining a filament runout sensor such as a mechanical or opto endstop to check the existence of filament // RAMPS-based boards use SERVO3_PIN. For other boards you may need to define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN. // It is assumed that when logic high = filament available // when logic low = filament ran out #if ENABLED(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR) #define FIL_RUNOUT_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the sensor. #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_FIL_RUNOUT // Uncomment to use internal pullup for filament runout pins if the sensor is defined. #define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT "M600" #endif //=========================================================================== //============================ Mesh Bed Leveling ============================ //=========================================================================== //#define MESH_BED_LEVELING // Enable mesh bed leveling. #if ENABLED(MESH_BED_LEVELING) #define MESH_INSET 10 // Mesh inset margin on print area #define MESH_NUM_X_POINTS 3 // Don't use more than 7 points per axis, implementation limited. #define MESH_NUM_Y_POINTS 3 #define MESH_HOME_SEARCH_Z 4 // Z after Home, bed somewhere below but above 0.0. //#define MESH_G28_REST_ORIGIN // After homing all axes ('G28' or 'G28 XYZ') rest at origin [0,0,0] //#define MANUAL_BED_LEVELING // Add display menu option for bed leveling. #if ENABLED(MANUAL_BED_LEVELING) #define MBL_Z_STEP 0.025 // Step size while manually probing Z axis. #endif // MANUAL_BED_LEVELING // Gradually reduce leveling correction until a set height is reached, // at which point movement will be level to the machine's XY plane. // The height can be set with M420 Z //#define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT #endif // MESH_BED_LEVELING //=========================================================================== //============================ Auto Bed Leveling ============================ //=========================================================================== // @section bedlevel /** * Select one form of Auto Bed Leveling below. * * If you're also using the Probe for Z Homing, it's * highly recommended to enable Z_SAFE_HOMING also! * * - 3POINT * Probe 3 arbitrary points on the bed (that aren't collinear) * You specify the XY coordinates of all 3 points. * The result is a single tilted plane. Best for a flat bed. * * - LINEAR * Probe several points in a grid. * You specify the rectangle and the density of sample points. * The result is a single tilted plane. Best for a flat bed. * * - BILINEAR * Probe several points in a grid. * You specify the rectangle and the density of sample points. * The result is a mesh, best for large or uneven beds. */ //#define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_3POINT //#define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_LINEAR #define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR /** * Enable detailed logging of G28, G29, M48, etc. * Turn on with the command 'M111 S32'. * NOTE: Requires a lot of PROGMEM! */ #define DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_LINEAR) || ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR) // Set the number of grid points per dimension. #define ABL_GRID_POINTS_X 3 #define ABL_GRID_POINTS_Y ABL_GRID_POINTS_X // Set the boundaries for probing (where the probe can reach). #define LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 30 #define RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 180 #define FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 20 #define BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION 175 // The Z probe minimum outer margin (to validate G29 parameters). #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE 10 // Probe along the Y axis, advancing X after each column #define PROBE_Y_FIRST #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR) // Gradually reduce leveling correction until a set height is reached, // at which point movement will be level to the machine's XY plane. // The height can be set with M420 Z // #define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT // // Experimental Subdivision of the grid by Catmull-Rom method. // Synthesizes intermediate points to produce a more detailed mesh. // #define ABL_BILINEAR_SUBDIVISION #if ENABLED(ABL_BILINEAR_SUBDIVISION) // Number of subdivisions between probe points #define BILINEAR_SUBDIVISIONS 3 #endif #endif #elif ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_3POINT) // 3 arbitrary points to probe. // A simple cross-product is used to estimate the plane of the bed. #define ABL_PROBE_PT_1_X 15 #define ABL_PROBE_PT_1_Y 180 #define ABL_PROBE_PT_2_X 15 #define ABL_PROBE_PT_2_Y 20 #define ABL_PROBE_PT_3_X 170 #define ABL_PROBE_PT_3_Y 20 #endif /** * Commands to execute at the end of G29 probing. * Useful to retract or move the Z probe out of the way. */ #define Z_PROBE_END_SCRIPT "G1 Z10 F12000\nG1 X120 Y100\nG1 Z0.5\nG1 Z10" // @section homing // The center of the bed is at (X=0, Y=0) //#define BED_CENTER_AT_0_0 // Manually set the home position. Leave these undefined for automatic settings. // For DELTA this is the top-center of the Cartesian print volume. //#define MANUAL_X_HOME_POS 0 //#define MANUAL_Y_HOME_POS 0 //#define MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS 0 // Distance between the nozzle to printbed after homing // Use "Z Safe Homing" to avoid homing with a Z probe outside the bed area. // // With this feature enabled: // // - Allow Z homing only after X and Y homing AND stepper drivers still enabled. // - If stepper drivers time out, it will need X and Y homing again before Z homing. // - Move the Z probe (or nozzle) to a defined XY point before Z Homing when homing all axes (G28). // - Prevent Z homing when the Z probe is outside bed area. #define Z_SAFE_HOMING #if ENABLED(Z_SAFE_HOMING) #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT ((X_MIN_POS + X_MAX_POS) / 2) // X point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28). #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT ((Y_MIN_POS + Y_MAX_POS) / 2) // Y point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28). #endif // Homing speeds (mm/m) #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY (50*60) #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z (4*60) //============================================================================= //============================= Additional Features =========================== //============================================================================= // @section extras // // EEPROM // // The microcontroller can store settings in the EEPROM, e.g. max velocity... // M500 - stores parameters in EEPROM // M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily). // M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to. //define this to enable EEPROM support //#define EEPROM_SETTINGS #if ENABLED(EEPROM_SETTINGS) // To disable EEPROM Serial responses and decrease program space by ~1700 byte: comment this out: #define EEPROM_CHITCHAT // Please keep turned on if you can. #endif // // Host Keepalive // // When enabled Marlin will send a busy status message to the host // every couple of seconds when it can't accept commands. // #define HOST_KEEPALIVE_FEATURE // Disable this if your host doesn't like keepalive messages #define DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL 2 // Number of seconds between "busy" messages. Set with M113. // // M100 Free Memory Watcher // //#define M100_FREE_MEMORY_WATCHER // uncomment to add the M100 Free Memory Watcher for debug purpose // // G20/G21 Inch mode support // //#define INCH_MODE_SUPPORT // // M149 Set temperature units support // //#define TEMPERATURE_UNITS_SUPPORT // @section temperature // Preheat Constants #define PREHEAT_1_TEMP_HOTEND 180 #define PREHEAT_1_TEMP_BED 70 #define PREHEAT_1_FAN_SPEED 0 // Value from 0 to 255 #define PREHEAT_2_TEMP_HOTEND 240 #define PREHEAT_2_TEMP_BED 110 #define PREHEAT_2_FAN_SPEED 0 // Value from 0 to 255 // // Nozzle Park -- EXPERIMENTAL // // When enabled allows the user to define a special XYZ position, inside the // machine's topology, to park the nozzle when idle or when receiving the G27 // command. // // The "P" paramenter controls what is the action applied to the Z axis: // P0: (Default) If current Z-pos is lower than Z-park then the nozzle will // be raised to reach Z-park height. // // P1: No matter the current Z-pos, the nozzle will be raised/lowered to // reach Z-park height. // // P2: The nozzle height will be raised by Z-park amount but never going over // the machine's limit of Z_MAX_POS. // //#define NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE #if ENABLED(NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE) // Specify a park position as { X, Y, Z } #define NOZZLE_PARK_POINT { (X_MIN_POS + 10), (Y_MAX_POS - 10), 20 } #endif // // Clean Nozzle Feature -- EXPERIMENTAL // // When enabled allows the user to send G12 to start the nozzle cleaning // process, the G-Code accepts two parameters: // "P" for pattern selection // "S" for defining the number of strokes/repetitions // // Available list of patterns: // P0: This is the default pattern, this process requires a sponge type // material at a fixed bed location, the cleaning process is based on // "strokes" i.e. back-and-forth movements between the starting and end // points. // // P1: This starts a zig-zag pattern between (X0, Y0) and (X1, Y1), "T" // defines the number of zig-zag triangles to be done. "S" defines the // number of strokes aka one back-and-forth movement. As an example // sending "G12 P1 S1 T3" will execute: // // -- // | (X0, Y1) | /\ /\ /\ | (X1, Y1) // | | / \ / \ / \ | // A | | / \ / \ / \ | // | | / \ / \ / \ | // | (X0, Y0) | / \/ \/ \ | (X1, Y0) // -- +--------------------------------+ // |________|_________|_________| // T1 T2 T3 // // Caveats: End point Z should use the same value as Start point Z. // // Attention: This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature, in the future the G-code arguments // may change to add new functionality like different wipe patterns. // //#define NOZZLE_CLEAN_FEATURE #if ENABLED(NOZZLE_CLEAN_FEATURE) // Number of pattern repetitions #define NOZZLE_CLEAN_STROKES 12 // Specify positions as { X, Y, Z } #define NOZZLE_CLEAN_START_POINT { 30, 30, (Z_MIN_POS + 1)} #define NOZZLE_CLEAN_END_POINT {100, 60, (Z_MIN_POS + 1)} // Moves the nozzle to the initial position #define NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK #endif // // Print job timer // // Enable this option to automatically start and stop the // print job timer when M104/M109/M190 commands are received. // M104 (extruder without wait) - high temp = none, low temp = stop timer // M109 (extruder with wait) - high temp = start timer, low temp = stop timer // M190 (bed with wait) - high temp = start timer, low temp = none // // In all cases the timer can be started and stopped using // the following commands: // // - M75 - Start the print job timer // - M76 - Pause the print job timer // - M77 - Stop the print job timer #define PRINTJOB_TIMER_AUTOSTART // // Print Counter // // When enabled Marlin will keep track of some print statistical data such as: // - Total print jobs // - Total successful print jobs // - Total failed print jobs // - Total time printing // // This information can be viewed by the M78 command. //#define PRINTCOUNTER //============================================================================= //============================= LCD and SD support ============================ //============================================================================= // @section lcd // // LCD LANGUAGE // // Here you may choose the language used by Marlin on the LCD menus, the following // list of languages are available: // en, an, bg, ca, cn, cz, de, el, el-gr, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, hr, it, // kana, kana_utf8, nl, pl, pt, pt_utf8, pt-br, pt-br_utf8, ru, tr, uk, test // // :{ 'en':'English', 'an':'Aragonese', 'bg':'Bulgarian', 'ca':'Catalan', 'cn':'Chinese', 'cz':'Czech', 'de':'German', 'el':'Greek', 'el-gr':'Greek (Greece)', 'es':'Spanish', 'eu':'Basque-Euskera', 'fi':'Finnish', 'fr':'French', 'gl':'Galician', 'hr':'Croatian', 'it':'Italian', 'kana':'Japanese', 'kana_utf8':'Japanese (UTF8)', 'nl':'Dutch', 'pl':'Polish', 'pt':'Portuguese', 'pt-br':'Portuguese (Brazilian)', 'pt-br_utf8':'Portuguese (Brazilian UTF8)', 'pt_utf8':'Portuguese (UTF8)', 'ru':'Russian', 'tr':'Turkish', 'uk':'Ukrainian', 'test':'TEST' } // #define LCD_LANGUAGE en // // LCD Character Set // // Note: This option is NOT applicable to Graphical Displays. // // All character-based LCD's provide ASCII plus one of these // language extensions: // // - JAPANESE ... the most common // - WESTERN ... with more accented characters // - CYRILLIC ... for the Russian language // // To determine the language extension installed on your controller: // // - Compile and upload with LCD_LANGUAGE set to 'test' // - Click the controller to view the LCD menu // - The LCD will display Japanese, Western, or Cyrillic text // // See // // :['JAPANESE', 'WESTERN', 'CYRILLIC'] // #define DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780 JAPANESE // // LCD TYPE // // You may choose ULTRA_LCD if you have character based LCD with 16x2, 16x4, 20x2, // 20x4 char/lines or DOGLCD for the full graphics display with 128x64 pixels // (ST7565R family). (This option will be set automatically for certain displays.) // // IMPORTANT NOTE: The U8glib library is required for Full Graphic Display! // // //#define ULTRA_LCD // Character based //#define DOGLCD // Full graphics display // // SD CARD // // SD Card support is disabled by default. If your controller has an SD slot, // you must uncomment the following option or it won't work. // //#define SDSUPPORT // // SD CARD: SPI SPEED // // Uncomment ONE of the following items to use a slower SPI transfer // speed. This is usually required if you're getting volume init errors. // //#define SPI_SPEED SPI_HALF_SPEED //#define SPI_SPEED SPI_QUARTER_SPEED //#define SPI_SPEED SPI_EIGHTH_SPEED // // SD CARD: ENABLE CRC // // Use CRC checks and retries on the SD communication. // //#define SD_CHECK_AND_RETRY // // ENCODER SETTINGS // // This option overrides the default number of encoder pulses needed to // produce one step. Should be increased for high-resolution encoders. // //#define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 1 // // Use this option to override the number of step signals required to // move between next/prev menu items. // //#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 5 /** * Encoder Direction Options * * Test your encoder's behavior first with both options disabled. * * Reversed Value Edit and Menu Nav? Enable REVERSE_ENCODER_DIRECTION. * Reversed Menu Navigation only? Enable REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION. * Reversed Value Editing only? Enable BOTH options. */ // // This option reverses the encoder direction everywhere // // Set this option if CLOCKWISE causes values to DECREASE // //#define REVERSE_ENCODER_DIRECTION // // This option reverses the encoder direction for navigating LCD menus. // // If CLOCKWISE normally moves DOWN this makes it go UP. // If CLOCKWISE normally moves UP this makes it go DOWN. // //#define REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION // // Individual Axis Homing // // Add individual axis homing items (Home X, Home Y, and Home Z) to the LCD menu. // //#define INDIVIDUAL_AXIS_HOMING_MENU // // SPEAKER/BUZZER // // If you have a speaker that can produce tones, enable it here. // By default Marlin assumes you have a buzzer with a fixed frequency. // //#define SPEAKER // // The duration and frequency for the UI feedback sound. // Set these to 0 to disable audio feedback in the LCD menus. // // Note: Test audio output with the G-Code: // M300 S P // //#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_DURATION_MS 100 //#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 1000 // // CONTROLLER TYPE: Standard // // Marlin supports a wide variety of controllers. // Enable one of the following options to specify your controller. // // // ULTIMAKER Controller. // //#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER // // ULTIPANEL as seen on Thingiverse. // //#define ULTIPANEL // // Cartesio UI // // //#define CARTESIO_UI // // PanelOne from T3P3 (via RAMPS 1.4 AUX2/AUX3) // // //#define PANEL_ONE // // MaKr3d Makr-Panel with graphic controller and SD support. // // //#define MAKRPANEL // // ReprapWorld Graphical LCD // // //#define REPRAPWORLD_GRAPHICAL_LCD // // Activate one of these if you have a Panucatt Devices // Viki 2.0 or mini Viki with Graphic LCD // // //#define VIKI2 //#define miniVIKI // // Adafruit ST7565 Full Graphic Controller. // // //#define ELB_FULL_GRAPHIC_CONTROLLER // // RepRapDiscount Smart Controller. // // // Note: Usually sold with a white PCB. // //#define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_SMART_CONTROLLER // // GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller // // // Note: Usually sold with a blue PCB. // //#define G3D_PANEL // // RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller // // //#define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER // // MakerLab Mini Panel with graphic // controller and SD support - // //#define MINIPANEL // // RepRapWorld REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD v1.1 // // // REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP sets how much should the robot move when a key // is pressed, a value of 10.0 means 10mm per click. // //#define REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD //#define REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP 1.0 // // RigidBot Panel V1.0 // // //#define RIGIDBOT_PANEL // // BQ LCD Smart Controller shipped by // default with the BQ Hephestos 2 and Witbox 2. // //#define BQ_LCD_SMART_CONTROLLER // // CONTROLLER TYPE: I2C // // Note: These controllers require the installation of Arduino's LiquidCrystal_I2C // library. For more info: // // // Elefu RA Board Control Panel // // //#define RA_CONTROL_PANEL // // Sainsmart YW Robot (LCM1602) LCD Display // //#define LCD_I2C_SAINSMART_YWROBOT // // Generic LCM1602 LCD adapter // //#define LCM1602 // // PANELOLU2 LCD with status LEDs, // separate encoder and click inputs. // // Note: This controller requires Arduino's LiquidTWI2 library v1.2.3 or later. // For more info: // // Note: The PANELOLU2 encoder click input can either be directly connected to // a pin (if BTN_ENC defined to != -1) or read through I2C (when BTN_ENC == -1). // //#define LCD_I2C_PANELOLU2 // // Panucatt VIKI LCD with status LEDs, // integrated click & L/R/U/D buttons, separate encoder inputs. // //#define LCD_I2C_VIKI // // SSD1306 OLED full graphics generic display // //#define U8GLIB_SSD1306 // // SAV OLEd LCD module support using either SSD1306 or SH1106 based LCD modules // //#define SAV_3DGLCD #if ENABLED(SAV_3DGLCD) //#define U8GLIB_SSD1306 #define U8GLIB_SH1106 #endif // // CONTROLLER TYPE: Shift register panels // // 2 wire Non-latching LCD SR from // LCD configuration: // //#define SAV_3DLCD //============================================================================= //=============================== Extra Features ============================== //============================================================================= // @section extras // Increase the FAN PWM frequency. Removes the PWM noise but increases heating in the FET/Arduino //#define FAST_PWM_FAN // Use software PWM to drive the fan, as for the heaters. This uses a very low frequency // which is not as annoying as with the hardware PWM. On the other hand, if this frequency // is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE. //#define FAN_SOFT_PWM // Incrementing this by 1 will double the software PWM frequency, // affecting heaters, and the fan if FAN_SOFT_PWM is enabled. // However, control resolution will be halved for each increment; // at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions. #define SOFT_PWM_SCALE 0 // Temperature status LEDs that display the hotend and bed temperature. // If all hotends and bed temperature and temperature setpoint are < 54C then the BLUE led is on. // Otherwise the RED led is on. There is 1C hysteresis. //#define TEMP_STAT_LEDS // M240 Triggers a camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 Remote // Data from: //#define PHOTOGRAPH_PIN 23 // SkeinForge sends the wrong arc g-codes when using Arc Point as fillet procedure //#define SF_ARC_FIX // Support for the BariCUDA Paste Extruder. //#define BARICUDA //define BlinkM/CyzRgb Support //#define BLINKM // Support for an RGB LED using 3 separate pins with optional PWM //#define RGB_LED #if ENABLED(RGB_LED) #define RGB_LED_R_PIN 34 #define RGB_LED_G_PIN 43 #define RGB_LED_B_PIN 35 #endif /*********************************************************************\ * R/C SERVO support * Sponsored by TrinityLabs, Reworked by codexmas **********************************************************************/ // Number of servos // // If you select a configuration below, this will receive a default value and does not need to be set manually // set it manually if you have more servos than extruders and wish to manually control some // leaving it undefined or defining as 0 will disable the servo subsystem // If unsure, leave commented / disabled // //#define NUM_SERVOS 3 // Servo index starts with 0 for M280 command // Delay (in microseconds) before the next move will start, to give the servo time to reach its target angle. // 300ms is a good value but you can try less delay. // If the servo can't reach the requested position, increase it. #define SERVO_DELAY 300 // Servo deactivation // // With this option servos are powered only during movement, then turned off to prevent jitter. //#define DEACTIVATE_SERVOS_AFTER_MOVE /**********************************************************************\ * Support for a filament diameter sensor * Also allows adjustment of diameter at print time (vs at slicing) * Single extruder only at this point (extruder 0) * * Motherboards * 34 - RAMPS1.4 - uses Analog input 5 on the AUX2 connector * 81 - Printrboard - Uses Analog input 2 on the Exp1 connector (version B,C,D,E) * 301 - Rambo - uses Analog input 3 * Note may require analog pins to be defined for different motherboards **********************************************************************/ // Uncomment below to enable //#define FILAMENT_WIDTH_SENSOR #define DEFAULT_NOMINAL_FILAMENT_DIA 3.00 //Enter the diameter (in mm) of the filament generally used (3.0 mm or 1.75 mm) - this is then used in the slicer software. Used for sensor reading validation #if ENABLED(FILAMENT_WIDTH_SENSOR) #define FILAMENT_SENSOR_EXTRUDER_NUM 0 //The number of the extruder that has the filament sensor (0,1,2) #define MEASUREMENT_DELAY_CM 14 //measurement delay in cm. This is the distance from filament sensor to middle of barrel #define MEASURED_UPPER_LIMIT 3.30 //upper limit factor used for sensor reading validation in mm #define MEASURED_LOWER_LIMIT 1.90 //lower limit factor for sensor reading validation in mm #define MAX_MEASUREMENT_DELAY 20 //delay buffer size in bytes (1 byte = 1cm)- limits maximum measurement delay allowable (must be larger than MEASUREMENT_DELAY_CM and lower number saves RAM) #define DEFAULT_MEASURED_FILAMENT_DIA DEFAULT_NOMINAL_FILAMENT_DIA //set measured to nominal initially //When using an LCD, uncomment the line below to display the Filament sensor data on the last line instead of status. Status will appear for 5 sec. //#define FILAMENT_LCD_DISPLAY #endif #endif // CONFIGURATION_H ```
Augermeister commented 7 years ago

Terry, one thing I didn't mention is I'm using the RCBug fix, rather than RC8. It's my understanding that this contains daily updates made to RC8. It was suggested by others that I installed it instead of RC8. This is available at the same place the other firmware versions are located. I will provide my configuration.h file as soon as I figure how to attach it, rather than insert it! Another invaluable tool for me has been a program called win merge, which allows you to compare your configuration.h file against the original to highlight any differences.

benlye commented 7 years ago

Out of interest, what is your M851 Z-offset currently set to?

I prefer to leave Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER set to 0 in the configuration.h file and adjust my probe offset only using the M851 command. It means I don't have to recompile and flash after doing something like a nozzle change. Others have different methods and preferences.

Did you try resetting to firmware defaults (M502)?

This is a process I follow to set my Z-offset ; Heat up like for printing M851 Z0 ; Z-Offset Reset G28 ; Homing all axis (in the middle of the bed) G1 X110 Y110 ; put nozzle into the middle (may need to adjust coordinates) ; Carefully move nozzle down to grip some paper G92 Z0 ; mark this position as Z zero G30 X110 Y110 ; let the sensor probe in the middle (where z for the nozzle actually is zero now) ; G30 Z Bed output is the (negative) Z offset M851 Z-1.23 ; 1.23 as example .. set the offset M500 ; store it to the eeprom

brainscan commented 7 years ago

Do you have eeprom enabled? Sounds like you're not updating it with the new settings when you reflash

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

I didn't see anything suspicious in your configuration.h file.

Please do the following and post the resulting log.

  1. disconnect from the printer
  2. clear the log on your host
  3. connect to your printer
  4. issue the following commands
    G0 X110 Y110
    G0 Z5
  5. do the paper test, leave the nozzle just touching the bed, and then issue a M114

I'd prefer that you NOT use the EEPROM until your setup issues are fixed.

Once things are working as desired then using the EEPROM is definitely the way to go.

If this doesn't show what the problem is then the next step is to switch to the latest RCBugFix. Go here and download the ZIP.

You'll need to transfer your machine specific items over to the new configuration.h and configuration_adv.h files.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Thanks all, I really appreciate the help.

Bob, I will try your suggestions but I'm not sure what you mean by 'clear the log on the host'. I'm not sure where the log is stored on the host, do I clear them manually or can I do it through Pronterface? Sorry to be a pain, it is a steep learning curve for me but I am enjoying it and appreciate your input.

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

With Pronterface it's done by going under File and then clicking Clear console.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Thanks muchly,


TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

I ran the codes you sent and had the following log - my Pronterface kept sending M105 commands to get the extruder temp and I have cut most of them out for brevity. Is it normal for Pronterface to keep polling the machine for the extruder temp. when I have not asked it to heat up, there was no polling of the bed temp.


SENT: M105
RECV: start
Printer is now online.
RECV: echo: External Reset
RECV: Marlin 1.1.0-RC8
RECV: echo: Last Updated: 2016-12-06 12:00 | Author: (Terry Dixon, Prusa i3 DIY)
RECV: Compiled: Mar 13 2017
RECV: echo: Free Memory: 5002  PlannerBufferBytes: 1168
RECV: echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded
RECV: echo:Steps per unit:
RECV: echo:  M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z4000.00 E960.00
RECV: echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
RECV: echo:  M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z5.00 E25.00
RECV: echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
RECV: echo:  M201 X3000 Y3000 Z100 E10000
RECV: echo:Accelerations: P=printing, R=retract and T=travel
RECV: echo:  M204 P3000.00 R3000.00 T3000.00
RECV: echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s),  Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s),  E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
RECV: echo:  M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Y20.00 Z0.40 E5.00
RECV: echo:Home offset (mm)
RECV: echo:  M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
RECV: echo:PID settings:
RECV: echo:  M301 P22.20 I1.08 D114.00
RECV: echo:Filament settings: Disabled
RECV: echo:  M200 D3.00
RECV: echo:  M200 D0
RECV: echo:Z-Probe Offset (mm):
RECV: echo:  M851 Z0.90
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.1 /0.0 B:9.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> g28
RECV: echo:busy: processing
RECV: X:80.00 Y:108.00 Z:10.00 E:0.00 Count X: 6400 Y:8640 Z:40000
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.6 /0.0 B:8.9 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> m114
SENT: M114
RECV: X:80.00 Y:108.00 Z:10.00 E:0.00 Count X: 6400 Y:8640 Z:40000
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.3 /0.0 B:8.9 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.3 /0.0 B:8.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> m851
SENT: M851
RECV: echo:Z Offset : 0.90
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.6 /0.0 B:8.6 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> g29
RECV: G29 Auto Bed Leveling
SENT: M105
RECV: echo:busy: processing
SENT: M105
RECV: echo:busy: processing
RECV: Bilinear Leveling Grid:
RECV:       0     1     2
RECV:  0 -1.82 +0.19 +2.26
RECV:  1 -1.88 +0.14 +2.18
RECV:  2 -2.04 +0.12 +2.28
RECV: Subdivided with CATMULL ROM Leveling Grid:
RECV:         0        1        2        3        4        5        6
RECV:  0 -1.81700 -1.14905 -0.48109 +0.19300 +0.87732 +1.56779 +2.25825
RECV:  1 -1.83639 -1.16773 -0.49908 +0.17414 +0.85496 +1.54035 +2.22574
RECV:  2 -1.85578 -1.18642 -0.51707 +0.15528 +0.83260 +1.51292 +2.19323
RECV:  3 -1.88475 -1.21032 -0.53590 +0.14025 +0.81927 +1.50001 +2.18075
RECV:  4 -1.92969 -1.24292 -0.55614 +0.13161 +0.82098 +1.51131 +2.20165
RECV:  5 -1.98422 -1.28072 -0.57722 +0.12681 +0.83171 +1.53714 +2.24257
RECV:  6 -2.03875 -1.31853 -0.59831 +0.12200 +0.84244 +1.56297 +2.28350
RECV: echo:enqueueing "G1 Z10 F12000"
RECV: X:160.00 Y:182.00 Z:8.29 E:0.00 Count X: 12800 Y:14560 Z:40000
RECV: ok
RECV: echo:enqueueing "G1 X120 Y100"
RECV: ok T:8.4 /0.0 B:9.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
RECV: echo:enqueueing "G1 Z0.5"
RECV: ok T:8.4 /0.0 B:9.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
RECV: echo:enqueueing "G1 Z10"
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.6 /0.0 B:8.8 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> g0x110 y110
SENT: G0X110 Y110
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.5 /0.0 B:8.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> m114
SENT: M114
RECV: X:110.00 Y:110.00 Z:10.00 E:0.00 Count X: 8800 Y:8800 Z:41088
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.5 /0.0 B:9.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> g0z5
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.7 /0.0 B:8.8 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> g0 z5
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.3 /0.0 B:9.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.4 /0.0 B:8.5 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> g0 z5
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.3 /0.0 B:8.9 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
SENT: G0 Z-10 F87
SENT: M114
RECV: ok
RECV: ok
RECV: ok
RECV: X:110.00 Y:110.00 Z:-5.00 E:0.00 Count X: 8800 Y:8800 Z:21082
RECV: ok
SENT: G0 Z0.1 F87
SENT: M114
RECV: ok
RECV: X:110.00 Y:110.00 Z:-4.90 E:0.00 Count X: 8800 Y:8800 Z:-18903
RECV: ok
SENT: M105
RECV: ok T:8.6 /0.0 B:9.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
>>> m114
SENT: M114
RECV: X:110.00 Y:110.00 Z:-5.00 E:0.00 Count X: 8800 Y:8800 Z:-18912
RECV: ok

Previously to this exercise I have set the Nozzle offset to -5 in Marlin but it still rests at +10 when trying to print.

No luck, still getting the same problem so will go with 1.1.0 Bugfix tomorrow if I get time.

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

If the G0 commands can get you to Z0 and your configuration.h file says #define min_software_endstops false and #define Z_MIN_POS 0 then I don't think it's a Marlin or a machine problem. It's time to look at the g-code being produced by your slicer.

Please post the first 15 commands from one of your files that prints 10mm in the air.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the efforts you're making for me. I too am of that opinion as today I configured 1.1.0 Bugfix and have had exactly the same problem. I actually built the machine about 3 years ago and ran it successfully, then I stopped using it for about 18 months, perhaps 2 years give or take and it was capable of some quite good prints. When I came back to it a few weeks ago I decided to fit a probe and intend to fit an LCD screen - I had a full graphics one delivered recently but I cannot get anything but a very faint reading on it even at full adjustment of the potentiometer. Hence my decision to upgrade the firmware. So if the machine has performed well previously and the problem repeats with different versions of Marlin, logically it must be in a different part of teh production chain.

Here is a section of the gcode for a cube I have been using as a test:

; generated by Slic3r 1.2.9 on 2017-03-10 at 09:52:02

; external perimeters extrusion width = 0.50mm
; perimeters extrusion width = 0.72mm
; infill extrusion width = 0.72mm
; solid infill extrusion width = 0.72mm
; top infill extrusion width = 0.72mm

M104 S200 ; set temperature
G28 ; home all axes


G1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle

M109 S200 ; wait for temperature to be reached
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
G92 E0
G1 Z0.350 F7800.000
G1 E-1.00000 F2400.00000
G92 E0
G1 X84.915 Y85.753 F7800.000
G1 E1.00000 F2400.00000
G1 X86.668 Y84.274 E1.07096 F1800.000
G1 X88.820 Y83.481 E1.14192

I really don't know enough about gcode to say if there is a problem.

Best regards


TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Here are a couple of pictures of a Wade's Extruder I printed when I first built the machine just to show that it is reasonably capable:



Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

Now I'm really scratching my head.

5mm of the 10 is because the probe's Z offset is off by 5mm. If you do a M851 Z-4.1 then M114 should report Z at very close to 0.1 (most paper is about that thick) after the head has been positioned via the paper test. Adjust the probe offset via M851 until M114 reports the desired Z location.

Endstops aren't getting in the way or else we'd have seen it in the log.

The g-code excerpt is reasonable. After homing and leveling it sets Z to 5mm, waits for the extruder to get to temperature, puts the nozzle at 0.35 ( via G1 Z0.350) and then it starts doing X/Y movement while extruding.

The next step is to enter your test code manually. Please do the following:

M851 <Zyour_final_value_from_above>

verify that G0 Z0.5 gets the nozzle close to the bed copy & paste the test code commands you listed

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

very faint reading

I knew I had missed something in my last post.

This could be caused by a power problem. Wouldn't surprise me if you found +5V wasn't even connected.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

I didn't manage to run the tests you suggested yet but am a bit unsure about your instructions, Did you mean that I should carry out a 'paper test' manually after the first M114 report?

I'm also insure about your comment about the 5V connection, I did have time to test the 5V on the Arduino, then the Ramps board and the 5V pin for the small LCD connection shield on the RAMPS board and the results were within 0.1V of the expected 5V.

I will carry out teh tests suggested by you today (I'm in the UK so I think that we have a time difference).

Best regards and much gratitude for your efforts, Terry

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

Yes, I'm in Texas so there's a 7 hour time difference. Your last post was done about 11:15PM my time.

After doing G29 then move your nozzle to where it should be for your first layer and then play with M851 until M114 reports something like 0.1mm.

After that manually enter the script you posted and see what happens.

Hopefully the nozzle will be where it should be. As a minimum it should be about 5mm lower because that's how much I expect you'll be changing the Z offset.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob, sorry for the delay in replying, family matters got in the way this weekend. Here are the results after following your instructions. Note that the nozzle did not move when I used the M851 command, it seemed to have no effect whatever, could this be a cause of the problem? I've put in some annotations in the code below.

>>> g29
G29 Auto Bed Leveling
echo:busy: processing
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
     0     1     2
 0 -0.40 +0.14 +0.65
 1 -0.53 +0.02 +0.54
 2 -0.71 -0.02 +0.55
>>> m114
X:140.00 Y:178.00 Z:9.64 E:0.00 Count X:11200 Y:14240 Z:40000
echo:busy: processing
>>> g29
G29 Auto Bed Leveling
echo:busy: processing
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
     0     1     2
 0 -0.44 +0.11 +0.62
 1 -0.57 -0.01 +0.48
 2 -0.74 -0.04 +0.49
>>> m114
X:140.00 Y:178.00 Z:9.69 E:0.00 Count X:11200 Y:14240 Z:40000
echo:busy: processing
>>> g29
G29 Auto Bed Leveling
echo:busy: processing
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
     0     1     2
 0 -0.44 +0.12 +0.65
 1 -0.57 +0.00 +0.49
 2 -0.74 -0.04 +0.50
>>> m114
X:140.00 Y:178.00 Z:9.68 E:0.00 Count X:11200 Y:14240 Z:40000
>>> M851 Z-4.1
SENDING:M851 Z-4.1
echo:Z Offset -4.10
>>> m114
X:140.00 Y:178.00 Z:9.68 E:0.00 Count X:11200 Y:14240 Z:40000
echo:busy: processing
>>> g29
echo:busy: processing
G29 Auto Bed Leveling
echo:busy: processing
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
     0     1     2
 0 -0.42 +0.12 +0.65
 1 -0.56 +0.00 +0.50
 2 -0.73 -0.04 +0.51
>>> M851 z -11.4
SENDING:M851 Z -11.4
echo:Z Offset -11.40

_Nozzle did not move after any M851 command_

_Print attempt_

The print goes:
- from 83.38 mm to 116.62 mm in X and is 33.25 mm wide
- from 83.38 mm to 116.62 mm in Y and is 33.25 mm deep
- from 0.00 mm to 20.15 mm in Z and is 20.15 mm high
Estimated duration: 67 layers, 0:14:20
Print started at: 15:20:52
echo:busy: processing
G29 Auto Bed Leveling
echo:busy: processing
Bilinear Leveling Grid:
     0     1     2
 0 -0.43 +0.11 +0.63
 1 -0.52 -0.02 +0.40
 2 -0.70 -0.04 +0.43
Print paused at: 15:22:20
; Motors off
; Extruder off
; Heatbed off
; Fan off
; Power supply off
echo:busy: processing
>>> m114
X:87.59 Y:88.43 Z:0.35 E:4.18 Count X:7007 Y:7074 Z:939

Nozzle was actually 10.35 mm above the bed despite the reported height of 0.35

ghost commented 7 years ago

I just recently went through this. Try restoring factory defaults again.

M502, then M500.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply, I tried your kind suggestion but still have the problem, on printing the nozzle is reported to be at 0.35 mm but is actually at 10.3 when I stopped the print and confirmed the actual height with the 'paper test'_

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

I lied to you. Turns out M851 is only used by G29.

Try doing a M851 Z-9.1 before G29 & see if that gets Z0 closer to the bed.

If that does then keep playing with the M851 G29 sequence until the Z0 is where you want it.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob, I followed your advice after re setting my nozzle/probe offset to 1.87 mmafter checking. The nozzle was then 7.8 mm above bed when trying to print. I did some tests and had some quite anomalous results.

First I set the Nozzle with M851 before G29 in the Slic3r code as you suggested but set it to -6 given the above and I had the opposite result to that expected, i.e. the nozzle was further from the bed. It was now 12.7mm above the bed when trying to print.

Next I made the M851 setting to Z6 (i.e. positive) and the attempted print height was now 3.6 mm - an improvement.

I then set M851 to 10.1 mm and the attempted printing height now became 19.3 mm.

I followed this up with M851 Z 9.1 and the nozzle was back at trying to print at 13.3 above the bed. At that I gave up and uploaded Marlin 1.0.2 2 but despite the ABL set with safe homing parameters set as in 1.1.0 bugfix The probe insisted on trying to home off the bed area.

I really am at my wits end and a fire sacrifice is looking attractive!!!

Here is a typical code from Slic3r:

G28 ; home all axes M851 Z10.1 G29 G1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

Take a look at your Z_PROBE_OFFSET_RANGE min & max. I think they default to 10.

You don't need to use M851 in your slicer. Just set Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER in your configuration.h.

For your sanity checks just manually do the M851 followed by a G29.

Are you running RC8 or RCBugFix? Version.h will have 1.1.0-RCBugFix in it for RCBugFix.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob, I seem to have misunderstood, I'm using 1.1.0-RCBugFix, not sure what you mean by Version.h, is that a file? I will do as you say and run some tests today when I get the chance.

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

Yes, Version.h is a file.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

I have tried altering the NOZZLE_OFFSET in Marlin to several settings but am still unable to get the nozzle down to printing height. Here is a table with some of my results.


Not much real success. Am I doing the correct thing? I printed recently before fitting probe and adopting ABL. Someone else has sent me a configuration file with the addition of UBL would this work with Marlin 1.1.0 Bugfix?

Thanks for your time and help,


Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

I don't understand the results.

UBL promises to be the ultimate automatic bed leveling scheme.

It was just added to RCBugFix this week. Unfortunately it has some bugs that cause problems for some people - me included. RCBugFix is being updated daily with fixes.

It also has enough commands & options that it's hard to understand what to do when.

I've been tasked with writing up a beginners guide to it. Wish me luck.

Please remind me if I haven't gotten back to you in 12 hours on UBL.

In the mean time, if you want to play with UBL then try the following sequence:

Just do the commands G28 G29 P1 O G29 P3 R C .5 G26 P C O3.5 G29 P4 R O To edit.... That sequence will get you very close to a perfect mesh. You just repeat the last two commands and you will have everything perfect.

Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

I'm out of the bed leveling business until I can get my setup repaired. At least it was just my test head. I can glue that back together but it won't be solid 'till morning. I've repaired my BLTouch & it's been running self test for 30 minutes now.

Don't try UBL. I just saw the programmer say it was broken.

While the big boys are off playing with UBL I'll look at the bilinear code & see if I can figure out what's happening.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your help and advice Bob, it really is appreciated. I'm away on France for 2 1/2 weeks from Monday and I have mostly no internet access and only occasional cell phone connections (no TV either just me and nature), I'll do my best to keep this issue alive until solved, unfortunately I'm no programmer, I can just about manage "Hello World" - I wish that I could make more of a contribution. I will be around until Monday next if there are any developments,

My very best regards


TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

Just an update, I have tried going back to 1.0.2-2 in order to get printing. However I have met yet another problem with ABL, When issuing a G28 the probe tries to home off the bed at approx. 0,0 despite having safe homing activated, whereas in Bugfix G28 at least was working perfectly, so I haven't been able to test the printing. I just may have to go back to manual bed levelling in order to get printing. I'm beginning to think it is me that is jinxing the process.

P.S. I've only just noticed the pun with your picture avatar:-)



Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

I believe all printers are possessed. It's only a matter of time before we have an exorcism done on them.

The definitions in the 1.0.2.x configuration.h files are different than the latest. If you drop your file onto your reply I'll be happy to look at it.

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the offer but I downloaded a fresh copy of1.0.2-2 today and reconfigured Configuration.h although I did a comparison with my original file I could not see a difference between the to files but the homing now works as it should both when issuing a G28 and when attempting a print but my nozzle is still above the bed when trying to print, closer, but still above. I cannot measure it accurately as the probe will not descend below it's homing positon despite being configured 'ONLY FOR HOMING' in Configuration-adv.h.

I am off to France tomorrow and need to pack my car etc so will give it a rest for now until I return and then I will play with the nozzle offsets in 1.0.2-2 and see what I can do.

I'm not sure about exorcism but as the Scots here have a sport called 'Tossing the Caber' which involves heaving a telegraph pole sized tree trunk as far as they can. I'm thinking of starting a new sport called 'Tossing the Printer.' Perhaps it would have enough competitors to get into the next Olympics.

Let me know how you get on with Bugfix if you do any more work on Bilinear.

Best regards


Bob-the-Kuhn commented 7 years ago

Hope you have a great time in France.

If you have min_software_endstops set to true then you won't be able to go below the home position.

Roxy-3D commented 7 years ago

Don't try UBL. I just saw the programmer say it was broken.

It is healthy again. I'm printing different things with a copy downloaded from

TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Roxy-3D,

I will try it, but am away in France for the next 2 1/2 weeks, Thanks for the headup.



TerryD15 commented 7 years ago

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your best wishes, visit is mostly maintenance post winter on my property there. Yes, I had overlooked min_software_endstops and had forgotten to set to false - doh. Will reset when I get back,

Best regards


github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

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