MarmotaGames / aracnotopia

Spiders. Spiders everywhere! Earth belongs to them now, and these just-gone-self-aware arthropods have developed sophisticated Math and a complex mithology revolving around the powers of two. But something is off in this eight legged utopia. As the last spider able to cast threads of silk, will you be able to weave together your decaying Empire, or will you let it be stricken by the same fate that befell the biped giants in aeons past?
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Apply impulse to the web behaves weirdly if the spider is at high heights #21

Closed EduYukio closed 5 years ago

EduYukio commented 5 years ago

On the spidermanTestScene (at levelDesign branch), there are some stones that are at y = -1200 and when the spider is on that height, the directional keys simply doesn't work or work in opposite directions.

EduYukio commented 5 years ago

No longe applies (changed web and spider mechanics)