MarshalX / tgcalls

Voice chats, private incoming and outgoing calls in Telegram for Developers
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Private calls #176

Open afeno opened 2 years ago

afeno commented 2 years ago

Hello, In the TODO list, it says that "Incoming and Outgoing private calls (already there and working, but not in the release version).". How can I test this functionality that is already there but not in the release yet? Thnaks.

rojvv commented 2 years ago

You can test this functionality by waiting until it gets released.

pandatest2023 commented 2 years ago

When will it be released?

pringtest commented 2 years ago


rojvv commented 2 years ago

@phantom0000 You can know when it gets released by waiting until it gets released.

Day0Dreamer commented 1 year ago

You can test this functionality by waiting until it gets released.

This test fails. It is a bad advice.

moha-abdi commented 10 months ago

you can just use the raw api if you cant wait its not that hard to make encrypted calls reffer to the telegram docs

afeno commented 10 months ago

Do you know how to do that? Because many people tried without success...

moha-abdi commented 10 months ago

Yeah I already made one using pyrogram and raw functions just follow instructions to make end to end encryption that telegram stated the rest is not that hard

afeno commented 10 months ago

Are you able to play an audio file on both Android and iPhone Telegram clients? Or just to start the call (Ring the phone).

moha-abdi commented 10 months ago

I can play audio, also you can check file in thcalls it has both incoming and outgoing calls

afeno commented 10 months ago

If you get pytgcalls working with private calls (ring the phone and play the audio) I can sponsor or donate some money.

georgerabus commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah I already made one using pyrogram and raw functions just follow instructions to make end to end encryption that telegram stated the rest is not that hard

can you please show me how you did it? I had some issues like RPCError 400: CALL_PROTOCOL_LAYER_INVALID