MarshalX / yandex-music-api

Неофициальная Python библиотека для работы с API сервиса Яндекс.Музыка
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
864 stars 79 forks source link

Отсутствующие поля #339

Closed MarshalX closed 3 years ago

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Сбор информации о полях, пришедших от API, которых нет в библиотеке. Telegram бот автоматически публикует сюда поля, которых нет в ветке development. Так же тут все поля из шаблонных issue пользователей. Сообщения с отчётами удаляются при добавлении поля.

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.album.album.Album'>

Kwargs: {'deprecation': {'target_album_id': 11084011, 'status': 'duplicate-of', 'done': True}}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.track.meta_data.MetaData'>

Kwargs: {'lyricist': 'Можете величать меня исчадьем ада\nМожете линчевать меня, мыча как стадо\nНо на мне нет печати зла, сгущать не надо\nКраски. Я счастлив, что я не раб мещанских взглядов\nМожете обличать меня, крича с экрана\nМожете исключать меня из ваших кланов\nНо вы же сами не без греха. Признай, что я был\nК несчастью таким же, как ты. Ша!\nМолчать и на пол!\n\nСложней всего было найти тротил и запал\nИ пронести на бал, фитиль был подозрительно мал\nАктовый зал, АК достал, с предохранителя снял\nКак удивится директриса, лишь увидев меня\nОдиннадцатый "А", не хотите мира - выйдет война\nНет, я не маньяк, при чем здесь Чикатило, Битцевский парк?\nТерроризма признанный акт - для других единственный шанс\nЕстественный шаг - объявить обидчикам личный джихад\nЯ терпеливо ждал, но что делать - мой класс - педики\nЖертвы маркетинга, масс-медиа и косметики\nВы все в ответе за то несчастье, что сейчас светит вам\nПоследний звонок, в шейный позвонок мой глаз метит вам!\nЗахожу без шума и спецэффектов - им деться некуда\nПалю известной в школе сердцеедке в сердце метко:\nПрости золотая, но врачи тебя не залатают\nНехуй рвать мои письма - толпа бежит из зала, тая\n\nМожете величать меня исчадьем ада\nМожете линчевать меня, мыча как стадо\nНо на мне нет печати зла, сгущать не надо\nКраски. Я счастлив, что я не раб мещанских взглядов\nМожете обличать меня, крича с экрана\nМожете исключать меня из ваших кланов\nНо вы же сами не без греха. Признай, что я был\nК несчастью таким же, как ты. Ша!\nМолчать и на пол!\n\nШарики, ленты, рядышком двоечник и отличник\nСтонущий от боли обидчик - что может быть еще мелодичней?\nТе, кто свинцом не напичкан забаррикадировались в коридоре\nЯ перезарядил, проверяю затвор\nИ стреляю в упор. Иду гулять по школе\nЯ не сатанист, не фанат металла, влом\nБыть таким. Их стволы - металлолом\nНе псих, не фрик, не играл давно за компом\nТак что не верь ментам, народ\nЖизнь, как игра в домино\nВсем важно одно - забить отпущенья козла\nВы мне мученье доставили, но ваш час быть мишенью настал!\nВремя замедляет свой бег\nЯ не понимаю кто стреляет по мне\nГде-то падает дверь\nA la guerre comme а la guerre,\nСнайперы мелькают в окне\nИз меня что-то начинает течь\nВезде томатный кетчуп, мне обеспечена вечность\nВ руке детонатор...\nЯ просыпаюсь рывком, покрыт испариной лоб -\nКошмар, а не сон, в кровати жарко - я шагаю во двор\nСпускаюсь в погреб,отпираю ржавый медный замок\nИ собираю ствол АК - завтра последний звонок...\n\nМожете величать меня исчадьем ада\nМожете линчевать меня, мыча как стадо\nНо на мне нет печати зла, сгущать не надо\nКраски. Я счастлив, что я не раб мещанских взглядов\nМожете обличать меня, крича с экрана\nМожете исключать меня из ваших кланов\nНо вы же сами не без греха. Признай, что я был\nК несчастью таким же, как ты. Ша!\nМолчать и на пол!\n\nСпасибо Kaas\'у, так что не смейте обвинять меня в плагиате\nВсе сейчас на Одноклассниках, ВКонтакте\nНо далеко не все одноклассники в контакте\nПонимаете, о чем идет речь?\nЙее, Оксимирон. В Лондоне наконец-то солнце'}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.track.meta_data.MetaData'>

Kwargs: {'version': 'Provided to YouTube by Pias UK Limited'}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.track.meta_data.MetaData'>

Kwargs: {'version': 'Naruto Shippuden Original Soundtrack III'}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.track.meta_data.MetaData'>

Kwargs: {'version': 'As the heroes attempt to evacuate as much as E38 as possible, The Monitor announcing its already over...which Oliver does not accept.'}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.track.meta_data.MetaData'>

Kwargs: {'version': 'Provided to YouTube by Pias UK Limited'}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10180790, 'title': 'Моя банда', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'version': 'feat. Мантана', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-06T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4611844, 'name': 'Miyagi & Эндшпиль', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a39c8f86.p.4611844/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 54995, 'name': 'Miyagi'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9691453, 'title': 'Без обид', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-22T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4611844, 'name': 'Miyagi & Эндшпиль', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a39c8f86.p.4611844/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 4612951, 'name': 'MAXIFAM', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ffbf7a40.a.9691453-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1687709, 'name': 'Infinity Music'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 7613077, 'title': 'Неизданное (Part 2)', 'type_': 'compilation', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2019, 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 10, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4611844, 'name': 'Miyagi & Эндшпиль', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a39c8f86.p.4611844/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1001411, 'name': 'Hajime'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [53311164, 53311162]}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10883263, 'title': 'Колыбельная', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-29T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': True, 'very_important': True, 'artists': [{'id_': 3180420, 'name': 'Батыр', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '04719bbf.a.6935099-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1845676, 'name': 'Gakku'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11094187, 'title': 'Intro, Vol. 1', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-12T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 9416225, 'name': 'Don King kon', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4d99ec3a.a.11094187-2'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 200076, 'name': 'Omega', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '0b1b125b.a.3067144-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 8447887, 'name': 'Little Lasser', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4d99ec3a.a.11094187-2'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 8544301, 'name': 'Daecxz HDLR', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4d99ec3a.a.11094187-2'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 8544302, 'name': 'Omar Adan', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4d99ec3a.a.11094187-2'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 2349322, 'name': 'Little Lasser'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10629507, 'title': 'Upwards', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-02T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 200076, 'name': 'Omega', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '0b1b125b.a.3067144-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 7841316, 'name': 'Омега', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'fcfc912e.a.10629507-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1058828, 'name': 'OneMuz'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10241987, 'title': 'Para mí ex', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-01T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'latinfolk', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 200076, 'name': 'Omega', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '0b1b125b.a.3067144-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1501517, 'name': 'Zelaya Producciones'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10241966, 'title': 'Resistiré', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-25T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'latinfolk', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 200076, 'name': 'Omega', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '0b1b125b.a.3067144-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1501517, 'name': 'Zelaya Producciones'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10188632, 'title': 'La mejor versión de mi', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'version': 'Acústico', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-18T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'latinfolk', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 200076, 'name': 'Omega', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '0b1b125b.a.3067144-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1501517, 'name': 'Zelaya Producciones'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10938464, 'title': 'El Caballito Loco', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-18T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'reggae', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 123978, 'name': 'Chris', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '9049ef8c.a.5851455-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 411460, 'name': 'Macarena', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '522e7ec0.a.384552-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 2321126, 'name': 'Chris & Macarena'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 9597550, 'title': 'A Salty Dog (B-Sides)', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-10T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'prog', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 12, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4684, 'name': 'Procol Harum', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '6f075369.a.7380921-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 16921, 'name': 'Revolver'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 6310981, 'title': 'A Salty Dog', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-03T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rock', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 20, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4684, 'name': 'Procol Harum', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '6f075369.a.7380921-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 9190, 'name': 'Bucks'}, {'id_': 16921, 'name': 'Revolver'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [46732715, 46732709, 46732710]}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11144748, 'title': "Otang Bo'lsa", 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-18T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'uzbekpop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5628121, 'name': 'Xurshid Rasulov', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '59402cce.a.5037363-2'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1083347, 'name': 'RizaNovaUZ'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 11144738, 'title': 'Jon Qizim', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'version': 'Live', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-03T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'uzbekpop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5628121, 'name': 'Xurshid Rasulov', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '59402cce.a.5037363-2'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1083347, 'name': 'RizaNovaUZ'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10342249, 'title': 'Asragil', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-30T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'uzbekpop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5628121, 'name': 'Xurshid Rasulov', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '59402cce.a.5037363-2'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1083347, 'name': 'RizaNovaUZ'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10667171, 'title': 'Долго молчали', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-12T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 6990774, 'name': 'ZARINA', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '8956b3bd.p.6990774/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 296988, 'name': 'Fidel', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '12484ab8.a.10667171-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1935340, 'name': 'Zhara Distribution'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10490992, 'title': 'Давай', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-28T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 6990774, 'name': 'ZARINA', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '8956b3bd.p.6990774/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1935340, 'name': 'Zhara Distribution'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10298464, 'title': 'Love Story', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-08T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 6990774, 'name': 'ZARINA', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '8956b3bd.p.6990774/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1935340, 'name': 'Zhara Distribution'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10561460, 'title': 'Дети', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-01T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 218095, 'name': 'Кровосток', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '3cc117f7.p.218095/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 805212, 'name': 'Шило'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11128143, 'title': 'Everytime', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-21T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 1172320, 'name': 'ORIGEN', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'f44716eb.a.5559798-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 81468, 'name': 'Origen'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 11128136, 'title': 'Salaka', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-21T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 1172320, 'name': 'ORIGEN', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'f44716eb.a.5559798-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 81468, 'name': 'Origen'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 11128134, 'title': 'Janji Hati', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-21T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 1172320, 'name': 'ORIGEN', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'f44716eb.a.5559798-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 81468, 'name': 'Origen'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 11128131, 'title': 'Bercintalah Denganku', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-21T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 1172320, 'name': 'ORIGEN', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'f44716eb.a.5559798-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 81468, 'name': 'Origen'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 11128124, 'title': 'Sambut Sapaku', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-21T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 1172320, 'name': 'ORIGEN', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'f44716eb.a.5559798-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 81468, 'name': 'Origen'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

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MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10400317, 'title': 'Supreme Swings', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-01T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 9, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5625690, 'name': 'ROCKET', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '1b96d937.p.5625690/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1519024, 'name': 'Still Only'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [64645070, 64645062]}, {'id_': 10654567, 'title': 'Breeze', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-15T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 8473949, 'name': 'FRESCO', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '77dd3ff0.p.8473949/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 5625690, 'name': 'ROCKET', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '1b96d937.p.5625690/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 5608970, 'name': 'LILDRUGHILL', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '63fffba7.p.5608970/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 10025, 'name': 'Fresco'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10624976, 'title': 'Call Me, I Still Love You', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'version': 'Extended Version', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-08T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'alternative', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5457159, 'name': 'Two Feet', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '5b7856b3.a.5399989-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 448618, 'name': 'Universal Music'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10108536, 'title': 'Pink', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rock', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 13, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5457159, 'name': 'Two Feet', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '5b7856b3.a.5399989-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 448618, 'name': 'Universal Music'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [44318614, 58657740, 59530129]}, {'id_': 9974137, 'title': 'Drugs', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-02-28T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'alternative', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 6249553, 'name': 'UPSAHL', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '7b911011.p.6249553/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 5457159, 'name': 'Two Feet', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '5b7856b3.a.5399989-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 7054, 'name': 'Sony'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11168450, 'title': "Honey's Kettle", 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-22T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3879764, 'name': 'Kizaru', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ba87e5e4.p.3879764/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 3746669, 'name': 'Hoodrich Pablo Juan', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'e9f7320e.a.4702171-2'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 714665, 'name': 'Haunted Family'}, {'id_': 7054, 'name': 'Sony'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10825477, 'title': 'Аниме мир', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-22T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3879764, 'name': 'Kizaru', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ba87e5e4.p.3879764/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 714665, 'name': 'Haunted Family'}, {'id_': 7054, 'name': 'Sony'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10052701, 'title': 'Drip Catcher', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-03T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3879764, 'name': 'Kizaru', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ba87e5e4.p.3879764/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 714665, 'name': 'Haunted Family'}, {'id_': 7054, 'name': 'Sony'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9532211, 'title': 'SAY NO MO', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2019, 'release_date': '2019-12-27T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3879764, 'name': 'Kizaru', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ba87e5e4.p.3879764/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 714665, 'name': 'Haunted Family'}, {'id_': 7054, 'name': 'Sony'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [61221107]}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11045729, 'title': 'Ананасовый сироп', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-18T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': True, 'very_important': True, 'artists': [{'id_': 2855649, 'name': 'Natan', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'aaf385ea.a.11045729-1'}, 'decomposed': [' & ', {'id_': 5780809, 'name': 'Ганвест', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'genres': []}], 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 35324, 'name': 'Black Star'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10925869, 'title': 'Порш', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-04T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5780809, 'name': 'Ганвест', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '1c12da6c.p.5780809/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 2138427, 'name': 'Rhymes Music distribution'}, {'id_': 1211341, 'name': 'Ганвест'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10185818, 'title': 'Кайфули', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-26T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5780809, 'name': 'Ганвест', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '1c12da6c.p.5780809/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 2138427, 'name': 'Rhymes Music distribution'}, {'id_': 1211341, 'name': 'Ганвест'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10130710, 'title': 'Детка любит бороду', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-18T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5780809, 'name': 'Ганвест', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '1c12da6c.p.5780809/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 2973431, 'name': 'Doni', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '1fb522bc.p.2973431/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1935340, 'name': 'Zhara Distribution'}, {'id_': 35324, 'name': 'Black Star'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10088702, 'title': 'Ей нравится', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5780809, 'name': 'Ганвест', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '1c12da6c.p.5780809/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 2138427, 'name': 'Rhymes Music distribution'}, {'id_': 1211341, 'name': 'Ганвест'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10882959, 'title': '~WORK OUT W LAUV~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-11T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': True, 'very_important': True, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [48920606]}, {'id_': 10883424, 'title': '~I MISS YOU~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-09T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': True, 'very_important': True, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [46766244]}, {'id_': 10886459, 'title': '~PARTY VIBES~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-04T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [46464269]}, {'id_': 10825314, 'title': '~NIGHT VIBES~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-29T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10824904, 'title': '~LONELY~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-29T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [63316571]}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10502584, 'title': 'Круг Ветров', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-24T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 12, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4463891, 'name': 'Mnogoznaal', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'de5729aa.p.4463891/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1042212, 'name': 'Mnogoznaal'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [65057126, 65057129, 65057131]}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10691688, 'title': 'good guys', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'indie', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 21042, 'name': 'LANY', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ffe78a91.p.21042/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 762378, 'name': 'Side Street Entertainment'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10427232, 'title': 'Время', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-24T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusestrada', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 16, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 589317, 'name': 'Диана Гурцкая', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '84a50a49.p.589317/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 122398, 'name': 'ALL STARS'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [64770431, 64770422, 64770432]}, {'id_': 9715249, 'title': 'Первая осень', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-18T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 589317, 'name': 'Диана Гурцкая', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '84a50a49.p.589317/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 4627925, 'name': 'Арамэ', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ab212f3b.a.4724118-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 930787, 'name': 'Arame'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10691688, 'title': 'good guys', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'indie', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 21042, 'name': 'LANY', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ffe78a91.p.21042/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 762378, 'name': 'Side Street Entertainment'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10427232, 'title': 'Время', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-24T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusestrada', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 16, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 589317, 'name': 'Диана Гурцкая', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '84a50a49.p.589317/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 122398, 'name': 'ALL STARS'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [64770431, 64770422, 64770432]}, {'id_': 9715249, 'title': 'Первая осень', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-18T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 589317, 'name': 'Диана Гурцкая', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '84a50a49.p.589317/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 4627925, 'name': 'Арамэ', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ab212f3b.a.4724118-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 930787, 'name': 'Arame'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10810123, 'title': 'In Your Eyes', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'version': 'Remix', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-21T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 611169, 'name': 'The Weeknd', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '88ef4188.p.611169/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 2881983, 'name': 'Doja Cat', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'cd94f0ca.p.2881983/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 449770, 'name': 'The Weeknd XO'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10592433, 'title': 'Say So', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-01T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rnb', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 2881983, 'name': 'Doja Cat', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'cd94f0ca.p.2881983/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 166218, 'name': 'Nicki Minaj', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '859512b9.p.166218/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 453248, 'name': 'Kemosabe'}, {'id_': 31532, 'name': 'RCA'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9882653, 'title': 'Perfect', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'version': 'Remix', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-02-14T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3778218, 'name': 'Cousin Stizz', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '6890c4c6.a.3740818-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 2881983, 'name': 'Doja Cat', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'cd94f0ca.p.2881983/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 95448, 'name': 'Bia', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '94ce459b.a.10360553-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 7054, 'name': 'Sony'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9681931, 'title': 'Boss Bitch', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-23T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'films', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 2881983, 'name': 'Doja Cat', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'cd94f0ca.p.2881983/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 453248, 'name': 'Kemosabe'}, {'id_': 31532, 'name': 'RCA'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10691688, 'title': 'good guys', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'indie', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 21042, 'name': 'LANY', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ffe78a91.p.21042/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 762378, 'name': 'Side Street Entertainment'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10800606, 'title': 'Карие Глаза', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-23T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 796797, 'name': 'Егор Крид', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ed29aeb3.p.796797/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 519301, 'name': 'Loc-Dog', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'f03b1a4b.a.10800606-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1034713, 'name': 'Warner Music Russia'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10444446, 'title': 'Пропорция уязвимости (6 раунд 17ib)', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-17T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 796797, 'name': 'Егор Крид', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ed29aeb3.p.796797/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1034713, 'name': 'Warner Music Russia'}, {'id_': 1750946, 'name': 'Egor Kreed'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10377767, 'title': '58', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-10T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 7, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 796797, 'name': 'Егор Крид', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ed29aeb3.p.796797/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1034713, 'name': 'Warner Music Russia'}, {'id_': 1750946, 'name': 'Egor Kreed'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [64554587, 64554586]}, {'id_': 10103755, 'title': '18+ / В неожиданном ракурсе', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-10T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 2, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 796797, 'name': 'Егор Крид', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ed29aeb3.p.796797/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1034713, 'name': 'Warner Music Russia'}, {'id_': 1750946, 'name': 'Egor Kreed'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9612542, 'title': 'Голубые глаза', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 796797, 'name': 'Егор Крид', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ed29aeb3.p.796797/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1034713, 'name': 'Warner Music Russia'}, {'id_': 1750946, 'name': 'Egor Kreed'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10691688, 'title': 'good guys', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'indie', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 21042, 'name': 'LANY', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ffe78a91.p.21042/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 762378, 'name': 'Side Street Entertainment'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10831681, 'title': 'Tropa do Ygorx', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-17T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4251, 'name': 'Shox', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'ae976707.a.10831681-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 782208, 'name': 'Shox'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11083701, 'title': 'Miss U More Than U Know', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-19T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4321271, 'name': 'Sofia Carson', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'fd443fda.a.11083701-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 592843, 'name': 'R3HAB', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '11daadf4.p.592843/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 24974, 'name': 'Hollywood'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10922840, 'title': "Like the Zombies Do/Chillin' Like a Villain Mashup", 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-10T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'films', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 5391688, 'name': 'Milo Manheim', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '7528b7af.a.10922840-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 4705322, 'name': 'Kylee Russell', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '7528b7af.a.10922840-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 8739282, 'name': 'Chandler Kinney', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 8739283, 'name': 'Pearce Joza', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 5458663, 'name': 'Baby Ariel', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 4321271, 'name': 'Sofia Carson', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'fd443fda.a.11083701-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 905559, 'name': 'Walt Disney Records'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10281571, 'title': 'We Own the Night/Night Falls Mashup', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-03T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'soundtrack', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 8739282, 'name': 'Chandler Kinney', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 8739283, 'name': 'Pearce Joza', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 5458663, 'name': 'Baby Ariel', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 3379317, 'name': 'Dove Cameron', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 4321271, 'name': 'Sofia Carson', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'fd443fda.a.11083701-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 761516, 'name': 'Booboo Stewart', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '4e0e663a.a.10281571-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 905559, 'name': 'Walt Disney Records'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10164558, 'title': 'I Luv U', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-20T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 3, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 4321271, 'name': 'Sofia Carson', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'fd443fda.a.11083701-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 592843, 'name': 'R3HAB', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '11daadf4.p.592843/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 24974, 'name': 'Hollywood'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 9848233, 'title': 'LIMITLESS', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-02-07T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 12, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 315, 'name': 'Richard Marx', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '7b87bd67.a.45735-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 437136, 'name': 'BMG Rights Management (US)'}, {'id_': 1432223, 'name': 'Richard Marx'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [58866983, 62454382, 54694363]}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10680294, 'title': 'Героям посвящается', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-09T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusestrada', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 2, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 257461, 'name': 'JONY', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '41cc79ae.p.257461/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 165131, 'name': 'Григорий Лепс', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'b68aaa94.p.165131/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 691572, 'name': 'EMIN', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '55652854.p.691572/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 666984, 'name': 'Artik & Asti', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '086ebcec.p.666984/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 234199, 'name': 'Юлианна Караулова', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '75e850b8.p.234199/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 391868, 'name': 'Стас Михайлов', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '04693a40.p.391868/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 691489, 'name': 'Zhara'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10526120, 'title': '#СПАСИБОДОКТОРАМ', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-24T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 666984, 'name': 'Artik & Asti', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '086ebcec.p.666984/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 691572, 'name': 'EMIN', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '55652854.p.691572/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 391868, 'name': 'Стас Михайлов', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '04693a40.p.391868/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 587015, 'name': 'Ирина Дубцова', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '65ec92f1.p.587015/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 167214, 'name': 'Слава', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '0044d3fc.p.167214/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 3054279, 'name': 'Наргиз', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'cb2ccfdc.p.3054279/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 691489, 'name': 'Zhara'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10159536, 'title': 'Возьми мою руку', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-17T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'ruspop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 666984, 'name': 'Artik & Asti', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '086ebcec.p.666984/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 391868, 'name': 'Стас Михайлов', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '04693a40.p.391868/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 11660, 'name': 'Self Made'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10323876, 'title': 'Beautiful', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-30T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 8285572, 'name': 'BigKlit', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '77917e2e.a.9067391-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 5088800, 'name': 'Trippie Redd', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'bb44c23a.p.5088800/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1910659, 'name': 'Records Label'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10156609, 'title': 'Boy Bye', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-04-03T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 8285572, 'name': 'BigKlit', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '77917e2e.a.9067391-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1910659, 'name': 'Records Label'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9927593, 'title': 'What That Mouth Do', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-03-13T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 8285572, 'name': 'BigKlit', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '77917e2e.a.9067391-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1910659, 'name': 'Records Label'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11122533, 'title': 'Todavia ! :(:', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-10T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 9432121, 'name': 'DIOR!', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '36c2445c.a.11122533-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 727869, 'name': 'Dior'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 11057025, 'title': 'Положение', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-08T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 537794, 'name': 'Dior', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a9bdae5b.p.537794/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 9068655, 'name': 'Samo & ID', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '665beebd.p.9068655/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 133912, 'name': 'Clever'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10789784, 'title': 'VERT', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-17T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 613820, 'name': 'Kell', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'd63bb068.a.10789784-1'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 537794, 'name': 'Dior', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a9bdae5b.p.537794/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 9424203, 'name': 'Icon', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '39cea674.a.11182156-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 6046, 'name': 'ICON'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10617309, 'title': 'Check the score', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-08T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 537794, 'name': 'Dior', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a9bdae5b.p.537794/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 9141062, 'name': 'jada da Greatest', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '5e500abe.a.10617309-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 727869, 'name': 'Dior'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10601111, 'title': 'Switch it up', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-01T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'newage', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 537794, 'name': 'Dior', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a9bdae5b.p.537794/'}, 'genres': []}, {'id_': 9141062, 'name': 'jada da Greatest', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '5e500abe.a.10617309-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 727869, 'name': 'Dior'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9706158, 'title': 'I Hate That I Love You', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-01-25T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'foreignrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 537794, 'name': 'Dior', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'a9bdae5b.p.537794/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 727869, 'name': 'Dior'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 9845569, 'title': 'В книге всё было по-другому', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'version': '4 раунд 17ib', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-02-06T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 8109649, 'name': 'ЗЛОЙ МАЛОЙ', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'cc83e40a.a.9521587-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 1860340, 'name': 'ЗЛОЙ МАЛОЙ'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 9521975, 'title': 'Бэдбой', 'type_': 'single', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2019, 'release_date': '2019-12-29T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'rusrap', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 1, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 8109649, 'name': 'ЗЛОЙ МАЛОЙ', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-album-cover', 'uri': '', 'prefix': 'cc83e40a.a.9521587-1'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 884127, 'name': 'LB Family'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': []}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

Kwargs: {'last_releases': [{'id_': 10882959, 'title': '~WORK OUT W LAUV~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-11T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': True, 'very_important': True, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [48920606]}, {'id_': 10883424, 'title': '~I MISS YOU~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-09T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': True, 'very_important': True, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [46766244]}, {'id_': 10886459, 'title': '~PARTY VIBES~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-06-04T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [46464269]}, {'id_': 10825314, 'title': '~NIGHT VIBES~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-29T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': []}, {'id_': 10824904, 'title': '~LONELY~', 'meta_type': 'music', 'content_warning': 'explicit', 'year': 2020, 'release_date': '2020-05-29T00:00:00+03:00', 'cover_uri': '', 'og_image': '', 'genre': 'pop', 'buy': [], 'track_count': 5, 'recent': False, 'very_important': False, 'artists': [{'id_': 3681785, 'name': 'Lauv', 'various': False, 'composer': False, 'cover': {'type_': 'from-artist-photos', 'uri': '', 'prefix': '257069f2.p.3681785/'}, 'genres': []}], 'labels': [{'id_': 671183, 'name': 'Lauv'}, {'id_': 1408429, 'name': 'AWAL Recordings America'}], 'available': True, 'available_for_premium_users': True, 'available_for_mobile': True, 'available_partially': False, 'bests': [63316571]}]}

MarshalX commented 3 years ago

Report from Telegram bot:

Class: <class 'yandex_music.artist.brief_info.BriefInfo'>

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