MarshallOfSound / Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL-

A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music
MIT License
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App switiching itself off on startup #2451

Closed feelfree101 closed 7 years ago

feelfree101 commented 7 years ago


I love using this app but recently I havn't been able to use it. Everytime I try to start the app the app comes up but after the loading screen when it goes to loading the Google Music Libary the app keeps shutting itself down so can't get any further into it. Have you any idea what the problem may be have tried switching my firewall off but dosn't seem to make any difference

feelfree101 commented 7 years ago

Just to add iv'e just tried uninstalling the app and installing it again but can't even install it now it keeps saying installation failed

MarshallOfSound commented 7 years ago

Sounds suspiciously like some AntiVirus program messing with you, can you post the contents of the SquirrelSetup.log file in %LOCALAPPDATA%/GPMDP_3

jostrander commented 7 years ago

Stale. If you have anymore information feel free to comment and we'll evaluate further.