As a plant Enthusiast,
I want to be able to create my personal plant journal and individual entries on a dedicated plant journal page
In order to write personal notes which can include personal observations and care tips.
Acceptance criteria
[ ] an journal- or pen-icon is added to the navbar
[ ] when clicking on the journal-icon the user can navigate to the journal page
[ ] a "create" button is displayed on the page and when the user has not written any entries, there is an invitation text to do so
[ ] when clicking on the create button, the user navigates to a form with five input fields:
[ ] a text input field to insert an image URL
[ ] a text input field to write a plant name
[ ] a text area field to write a description
[ ] a text area field to write care tips
[ ] a text input fielt to write the location/room of the plant
[ ] underneath the form are two buttons
[ ] Save to save the entry inputs
[ ] Cancel to reset the form
[ ] after successful saving, the image and plant name is added to the list of entries underneath the create button on the plant journal page
[ ] when clicking on the journal entry list-item the user navigates to a detail page structured the same way as the plant detail page
[ ] an icon is implemented at top left hand corner and when clicked gets the user to the previous page
[x] create the feature branch "feature-add-journal-entries"
[x] create a new journal folder in pages "index.js" and [id].js
[ ] create a JournalEntryCard component that renders the details of the user's journal entries
[x] create a JournalForm component
[x] create a form displayed as a list
[x] create an text input field for the image url, the field is required
[x] create an text input field for the plant name, the field is required
[ ] create an text area field for the description, the field is not required
[ ] create an text area field for the care tips, the field is not required
[ ] create an text input field for the location, the field is not required
[ ] create a cancel button to reset the form and focus on the name text input field
[ ] create a handleCancel function
[ ] create a save button to save the users entry and create a new entry object
[ ] in journal form component write handleSubmit-function which passes an object containing the input data to a function in the journal/index.js
[ ] create "input" state in the form component, so the input fields are controlled input fields
[ ] in journal/index.js create state, which handles all entries
[ ] Write handleNewEntries-function that catches the newly created object with the input data in the form component ,updates the entry state and adds an id for the new entry
Value proposition
As a plant Enthusiast, I want to be able to create my personal plant journal and individual entries on a dedicated plant journal page In order to write personal notes which can include personal observations and care tips.
Acceptance criteria