Martchus / syncthingtray

Tray application and Dolphin/Plasma integration for Syncthing
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Submit Windows builds to Kaspersky's allowlist program #171

Closed felikcat closed 1 year ago

felikcat commented 1 year ago


Martchus commented 1 year ago

This is clearly not a bug on my side. I cannot take care of every anti virus scanner that I don't even use myself. Windows is a supported platform but dealing with software released by other people/organizations/companies is out of scope for this open source project.

Martchus commented 1 year ago

Note that you're asking for something that wasn't done/supported before. So even if it was within the scope it would be a feature request and not a bug.

felikcat commented 1 year ago

Clearly you don't know that anti-virus companies piggyback on each other if something is confirmed to be a false positive.

It's not in the scope of your project cause you're lazy.

Martchus commented 1 year ago

It is not in the scope of my project because sometimes one has to say no. I cannot do everything everyone asks for in a spare time project.

Note that everyone, including you, is welcome to help. If you think it is important you can take care of it. This is how open source projects work.

(I suspect this doesn't even require a change in this repository's code - and if it would I would likely accept the contribution.)