MartenM / RedirectPlus

A simple plugin that redirects player when they get kicked of a server.
MIT License
12 stars 5 forks source link

Placeholders for servers in redirected message #7

Closed fnutt closed 4 years ago

fnutt commented 4 years ago
  - "&f"
   - "&cAn kick occurred in your connection. &cReason:&r %reason%"
   - "&cYou have been send back to the main lobby."
   - "&f"

It would be nice if the message could tell which server the player was moved from and to. E.g. "&fYou was moved from &a%from-server% &rto &a%to-server% &rbecause &a%reason%

Thank you in advance!

MartenM commented 4 years ago

Sounds like a great idea. Might as well add groups and might add group display names.

MartenM commented 4 years ago


fnutt commented 4 years ago

Awesome. Thanks a lot for the quick implementation!