MartenM / RedirectPlus

A simple plugin that redirects player when they get kicked of a server.
MIT License
12 stars 5 forks source link

Setup help :/ #8

Closed ImFx-MC closed 4 years ago

ImFx-MC commented 4 years ago

Hello, you plugin is amazing but im not understand how to setup plugin :/ Can you help me? I have minigames and survival servers and i want to redirect players from all these servers to my main (lobby) server. My servers connected to bungee:

Im tested you plugin in my build server. Afer restart it kicks me from network with "Server closed"

Here is my config:

  # Supported placeholders for 'redirected' message:
  # %from-server%  %to-server%  %from-group%  %to-group%  %reason%
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"
    - ""
    - "&eByl detekovan restart serveru &7%from-server%"
    - "&aByl jsi uspesne presunut na server &7%to-server%"
    - ""
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"
    - ""
    - "&eByl detekovan nedostupny server!"
    - "&aNa lobby server jsi nemohl byt presunut! &c(Offline)"
    - ""
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"
    - ""
    - "&eByl detekovan restart serveru &7%from-server%"
    - "&aNemohl jsi byt presunut jinam!"
    - ""
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"
    - "&cNemas dostatecne povoleni pro tuto akci!"
    - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------"

# The amount of time between checking if a server is online.
# Players won't be connected to offline servers.
check: 30

# The delay that is given to the redirect message.
# When you have a lot of messages when a player joins a certain server this can help to make sure that the redirectplus messages shows as 'newest'.
# The delay is in seconds.
delay: 0

# Blacklist. When a kick message contains this word they will NOT get redirected.
#   This will result in the player seeing the kick screen.
  - "gban"
  - "gtempban"

# Detect shutdown in server kick messages
#   This can be faster for when you want to shutdowns servers and using RedirectPlus to redirectplus those people.
  enabled: true
  - "restartovani"
  - "restart"
  - "Vypnuti"

# Don't show the redirect message if the message contains one of the following words.
# Can be useful when redirecting people from a game lobby and stuff.
  - "[Silent]"

# unknown-group / server
# This will redirect unknown servers to the group listed here:
unknown-group: lobby

# Specify defaults here. You can overwrite these settings by adding them to groups them self.
  # Spread modes:
  #   PROGRESSIVE : Fill the server to the progressive-minimal amount, after that fill the next one, giving nicely populated lobbies. Uses LOWEST when the minimal is reached on all servers.
  #   CYCLE       : Cycle to the server to spread the load as much as possible. This can result in players being in a server on their own.
  #   LOWEST      : Send the player to the server with the lowest amount of players online.
  #   HIGHEST     : Send the players to the server with the highest amount of players. (Not adviced!)
  spread-mode: PROGRESSIVE

  # The minimal amount of players that are on a server before the next server gets selected.
  progressive-minimal: 20

# Server groups and their settings
    # If kicked from this server group, no redirects will happen.
    bottom-kick: true
    # Spread redirected people over the servers.
    spread: true
    # Spread mode, if spread is enabled, use the following spread mode (will overwrite global if used).
    spread-mode: PROGRESSIVE
    # The minimal amount of players that are on a server before the next server gets selected. (only used for PROGRESSIVE spread)
    progressive-minimal: 20
    # Parent group - If none of the servers are available, the parent group will be used.
    # Set to none if none. If the parent server group is needed the player will be kicked instead.
    parent-group: none
      - lobby
    servers-regex: 'none'
    # Servers that are connected to this group, but they won't be redirected to:
    connected: {}
    connected-regex: 'none'
    # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
      - lobby
      - hub

    bottom-kick: false
    spread: true
    parent-group: none
    # These servers do not have lobbies them self so we use a parent group.
      - survival
    servers-regex: 'none'
      - lobby
    connected-regex: 'none'
    # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
      - survival

    bottom-kick: false
    spread: true
    parent-group: none
    # These servers do not have lobbies them self so we use a parent group.
      - thepit
    servers-regex: 'none'
      - lobby
    connected-regex: 'none'
    # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
      - thepit
      - pit

    bottom-kick: false
    spread: true
    parent-group: none
    # These servers do not have lobbies them self so we use a parent group.
      - lobby
    servers-regex: 'none'
      - lobby
    connected-regex: 'none'
    # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
      - skyblock
      - sb

    bottom-kick: false
    spread: true
    parent-group: none
    # These servers do not have lobbies them self so we use a parent group.
      - build
    servers-regex: 'none'
      - lobby
    connected-regex: 'none'
    # Aliases can be used to redirect people to the server group when they use a certain command (Eg: lobby, hub, survival, towny, etc)
      - skyblock
      - sb

# Log settings, this will show your messages in console so you know what's going on.
  # If set to true the plugin will log redirects attempts that are canceled due to blacklisted words.
  blacklist: true
  # If set to true the plugin will log redirects that fail because no server was found.
  redirect-failed: true
  # If set to true the plugin will log players that do not get redirected due to the bottom-kick setting enabled.
  bottom-kick: false
  # If set to true the plugin will log successful redirect attempts.
  redirected: true
  # If set to true the plugin will log any cancelled redirect attempts due to inactive connections.```
MartenM commented 4 years ago

You have not set the parent groups of the other groups. For each one except the lobby it should have the parent group as lobby.

ImFx-MC commented 4 years ago

Otherwise is config okay?

MartenM commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the configuration looks fine for everything else.