MartinEesmaa / VVCEasy

VVCEasy is that you don't have to compile or/and coding to encode VVC (known as Versatile Video Codec). Simple. Easy. Encode. Decode
MIT License
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VVCEasy release (v.0.9.0) #5

Closed MartinEesmaa closed 2 years ago

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Updating to VVC for all systems, remove o266player and more.

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Updating of VVC might take some time.

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Updated to vvdecwebplayer (latest build of 19th May 2022)

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Windows and Linux are compiled of FFmpeg VVC decode support, but Mac OS is freezed on my external hard drive disk, because I’m running Mac OS VM of my external hard drive disk on my Windows 11 PC. If this won’t work, I decided to run GitHub actions, and if not, I decided to buy VPS to complete build FFmpeg VVC plugin for Mac OS…

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Finally, Mac OS ffmpeg vvdec support is completely done, but except ffplay which doesn't support.

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I thought Mac OS doesn't support of preview, but now I understand, that I forgot to enable SDL2 to make ffplay, I'll build again FFmpeg on Mac OS.

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Mac OS is now ready for preview vvc video in FFplay, I'll make sure, if there's anything else I can add some features before I merge pull request...

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

I guess, that's it. Time to merge time!

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

One more thing, I should finish C# console and batchfile.

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

Finally, Linux is now available on VLC VVC plugin by fixing and solving took two months. :)

MartinEesmaa commented 2 years ago

I guess, that's enough, now it's ready to merge pull request.