MartinNohr / MagicImageWand

Paints Images in the Air with LEDs
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Reverse Display not working correctly #14

Closed MartinNohr closed 3 years ago

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

It gets confused about what is normal or reverse.

dirkessl commented 3 years ago

also, yellow on white is hard to read.

I think normal should be black background, as the device gets mostly used at night and a black background is easier on the eyes

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

Maybe we should just remove this option. I don't find it useful either. I was just calling the TFT library call "reverse". It doesn't seem to be very predictable. I can see changing the character colors and brightness, but the background should probably always be black.

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

Aha, it turns yellow because I had the foreground color set to blue. Blue and Yellow are opposites.

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

Reverse display was better when there weren't any colors. I think maybe always black background and allow two foreground colors, active and inactive, like in the menus. Agree? Or we could allow some dark backgrounds, like dark grey, but that is probably me overthinking this.

dirkessl commented 3 years ago

I think it is safe to remove this option

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

Gone. I will add settings for the menu colors soon.