MartinNohr / MagicImageWand

Paints Images in the Air with LEDs
Apache License 2.0
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Online image converter does not produce 24bit bmp #31

Closed dirkessl closed 3 years ago

dirkessl commented 3 years ago

probably the same issue as in my offline conversion script. Will fix.

Offline script for reference:


filename=$(basename -- $1) filename="${filename%.}" setname=${PWD##/}

mkdir -p ../../144/$setname mkdir -p ../../288/$setname convert $1 -rotate 270 -resize 288 BMP3:../../288/$setname/$filename.bmp convert $1 -rotate 270 -resize 144 BMP3:../../144/$setname/$filename.bmp`

dirkessl commented 3 years ago

fixed now by writing the image buffer to disk, as the inbuilt imagemagick function ignores the fileformat set