MartinNohr / MagicImageWand

Paints Images in the Air with LEDs
Apache License 2.0
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I made two more #37

Open zhaoyu3517 opened 3 years ago

zhaoyu3517 commented 3 years ago

IMG_20210419_163034 IMG_20210419_162857 IMG_20210419_163206 IMG_20210419_162910 IMG_20210419_163019

This use two 18350 battery. One 144 LED strips. IMG_20210419_163926 IMG_20210419_163401 IMG_20210419_163735 DSC03595

This use 4 18350 battery. Two 144 LED strips.

IMG_20210413_180802 IMG_20210413_180754 IMG_20210413_180748 IMG_20210413_183418 IMG_20210413_180802 IMG_20210413_180808

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

Very nice mechanical design. I am impressed. I have added many improvements to the code, take a look when you have time. One of the things I added is an option to display the battery voltage. I use two 18650 on mine and 20k/10k voltage divider to drop the battery voltage down to <3.3. With proper calibration you can then an approximate % battery. I also added an option to control the maximum current that is allowed. Many other changes in the last couple of weeks also.

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

The menus and filenames now automatically scroll sideways if they are too long for the screen.

MartinNohr commented 2 years ago

You have inspired me to improve my own mechanical and electrical design. I modified the PCB so it now has a power supply on the PCB. This makes hooking things up much easier. It is only 2Amp but I have seldom needed even that much during night photography. I have also added a light sensor, which could be used for remote IR triggering or to automatically control the brightness. I don't know if that is useful or not, I'm just experimenting. :-) You have the best mechanical design I have seen, thanks for sharing the photos. You have inspired me to make mine better. I moved the batteries inside my handle and put the power supply on the PCB.

zhaoyu3517 commented 2 years ago

I saw your design, you do better. :D

metalmaslow commented 2 years ago

wow looks awesome!

DaveStu commented 2 years ago

Wow, thats some excellent engineering. Wish I had those skills.