MartinNohr / MagicImageWand

Paints Images in the Air with LEDs
Apache License 2.0
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missing source files #40

Closed dirkessl closed 3 years ago

dirkessl commented 3 years ago

SdFatConfig.h and nvs_flash.h are missing from the source files.

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

nvs_flash.h is part of the esp32 library. If it is missing try installing the latest board support. I do not want to add it to this github repository. I don't understand why sdfatconfig.h would be missing. It has been required for a long time and has never been part of this github repository. It is part the sdfat library.

dirkessl commented 3 years ago

This was me being stupid... I tried compiling it with VsCode, which has no libraries installed. Works with the Arduino IDE.