MartinNohr / MagicImageWand

Paints Images in the Air with LEDs
Apache License 2.0
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MagicImageWand with larger 3 or 4 inches Display #42

Open ThomasKlee64 opened 3 years ago

ThomasKlee64 commented 3 years ago

Hello Martin,

I have a question. I have rebuilt the MagicImageWand with a lot of friends and I am excited about it. I would like to try to build the whole thing with a larger TFT display 3 or 4 inches and an ESP32 NodeMCU Module WLAN WiFi Dev Kit C Development Board. Is it possible to adapt the code?

Many greetings


MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

Yes, but I am not sure how much work. If the display works with the tft_espi library it should be pretty easy to do. You will probably have to change some of the GPIO pins for the SD card and the rotary switch. There is a constant value of 7 for the number of lines on the display. You can increase that to whatever you want and the code should just work with more lines. I am in the process of porting the code to the TTGO T4 which has a 2 1/4 inch display. It is supported by Bodmer's TFT library so it is very easy to do. The board also has an SD reader.

MartinNohr commented 3 years ago

I reopened this as I am working on the TTGO T4 with a larger display. I'll post information here when it is ready.

ThomasKlee64 commented 3 years ago

Great news, am looking forward to the first results.

MartinNohr commented 2 years ago

Coming soon on this project. I just had to get some other projects finished. Maybe by September I'll have the code working.

DaveStu commented 2 years ago

Hi Martin, hope you're well. It's been a while my friend. I'm wondering as you're porting the code to a larger display board, does the current uploaded code uploaded still work with the original TTGO? I've tried compiling it and it breaks with 'gfxglyh does not name a type. in fonts.h

I'm wondering if this is the newer code for TTGO T4 or are they interchangeable as they use the same microcontroller? Thanks

MartinNohr commented 2 years ago

I haven't seen that error. I haven't ported the code to any larger display yet and I don't think I changed fonts.h. Weird. It should still work with the original TTGO, that's what I'm using.

DaveStu commented 2 years ago

Hey Martin, I did assume that as it it would have been documnted and/or new project started. So, I did a refresh of the Arduino program (always a good starting point). Followed the guide, set it all up, added and updated libraries, the ''gfxglyh' error has gone, though now it breaks at 'Error compiling for board ESP32 Dev Module'. Im using yout latest code V1.15.

I'm on Arduino 1.8.16 with latest esp32 library V2.01. Then I tried V.2.00, V1.06 and V1.04 (Shown on your screenshots) and have the same problem. Failing that, perhaps an older version of Arduino, but would'nt make any logical sense?

On a different realted problem. I still have code V1.04 installed on the board so have been testing that whilst I get other issue figured. As I want to use two strips, I was trying to follow your section on 'Led Wirining Mode' and want to use mode 2 to create a "no black gap". Now from my basic understanding, the strips are still wired the same as nomal being directional, the strips themselves are turned around/reversed? I thought I was right, as when I execute 'cylon eye' pattern, STRIP1 is now reversed, but STRIP2 does not light up. After a short delay, the sequence returns to STRIP1, the delay being that STRIP2 should be lighting up. Now, do I actually need to wire them differently? (I was slightly confused by document) or is their a bug in code V1.04? Of course as per instructions, no electrical contact in the middle is made. Going back to original 'Led Wirining Mode', both strips work fine.

The Idea is, that I carry two strips in half in a case then connect them up on site, because they are long.

Update## With the latest Arduino and up to date libraries, I tried your beta code, compiled file.

Update## I wasn't have any luck with compiling latest builds, went all around the internet looking for solutions.

I then just upladed the .bin file as per instructions by Dirk on his last commit, using ESPHomeFlasher, it worked! Time to contine and play.