MartinNohr / MagicImageWand

Paints Images in the Air with LEDs
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no access to sd card #60

Closed tobias966 closed 1 year ago

tobias966 commented 1 year ago

Dear Martin, today I wanted to try your new software files but I got always same error. After the startscreen it comes the message: creating : /macro.json and then in red letters failed to open : /macro.json And then I have only the built in images can´t switch to sd card. This failure I have for software version 2.41, 2.40, 2.39 but not for 2.36 2.37 and 2.38 I don´t have tested. I tried it by compiling myself with Adruino IDE but also I uploaded your bin file which is in the folder release. I also tried it on 2 different MIW systems.

I hope you can help me to find the issue. Regards Tobias

MartinNohr commented 1 year ago

Due to some issues with exfat I decided to switch back to the standard SD library. So I’m guessing you have an SD card larger than 32GB or it has been formatted with exFat. True?

The problem was that newer versions of sdfat library have changed the .Name() method to .GetName(). This breaks the wifi server library which has .Name() hardcoded for SD stream. I derived a class for web server and added a new function to handle that correctly but I haven't tested it yet. You can compile with the USE_STANDARD_SD set to 0 and see if that works.


tobias966 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for support it was a 64GB card. I changed to a 2GB and it works.

MartinNohr commented 1 year ago

In the .h file, you can set USE_STANDARD_SD to 0, that will use the exfat library and cards >32GB will be supported. I just don’t know for sure if the web server page is still working. I will test that eventually though!