MartinYe1234 / astroid

A common base representation of python source code for pylint and other projects
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Sweep: TryStar.ExceptHandler incorrectly infers types of caught exceptions #5

Open MartinYe1234 opened 5 months ago

MartinYe1234 commented 5 months ago

Steps to reproduce

I'm reproducing this using pylint, as that's how I encountered the issue, and I found that the issue originates in astroid.

  1. Create the following test script: (

try: raise ExceptionGroup("group", [TypeError("error")]) except* TypeError as eg: for exc in eg.exceptions: print(f"Caught TypeError {exc}") print("Handled all exceptions")

  1. Run the script python

Caught TypeError error Handled all exceptions

  1. Run pylint -E ***** Module test E1101: Instance of 'TypeError' has no 'exceptions' member (no-member)

The cause of this is that:

Current behavior

ExceptHandler infers the type of eg to be TypeError.

Expected behavior

ExceptHandler infers the type of eg to be (something along the lines of): ExceptionGroup[UnionException[TypeError]] where UnionException[T] = Union[ExceptionGroup[UnionException[T]], T]

In English: The named variable in the except handler is of type ExceptionGroup, and this group contains one or more members that match the except clause, possibly nested in further ExceptionGroups.

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sweep-ai[bot] commented 5 months ago


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I'm sorry, but it looks like an error has occurred due to a planning failure. Feel free to add more details to the issue description so Sweep can better address it. Alternatively, reach out to Kevin or William for help at

For bonus GPT-4 tickets, please report this bug on Discord (tracking ID: 6ee87f3aeb).

Please look at the generated plan. If something looks wrong, please add more details to your issue.

File Path Proposed Changes
astroid/nodes/ Modify astroid/nodes/ with contents:
• In astroid/nodes/, modify the ExceptHandler class to enhance its type inference logic. Specifically, in the catch method or potentially in a new method dedicated to handling except* syntax, implement logic to infer ExceptionGroup[UnionException[TypeError]] for except* TypeError blocks. This involves checking if the syntax used is except* and then wrapping the inferred exception type(s) within an ExceptionGroup type.
• Add a new method or modify an existing one to specifically handle the inference of ExceptionGroup types, ensuring it can recursively handle nested ExceptionGroup instances. This method should be able to construct a type representation that reflects the user's expectation, such as ExceptionGroup[UnionException[TypeError]].
• Ensure that any new logic added respects the existing architecture of astroid, particularly how type inference is performed and represented.
• Update any relevant docstrings and comments to reflect the changes made, especially those related to the handling of except* syntax and ExceptionGroup inference.
astroid/ Modify astroid/ with contents:
• If necessary, modify or extend the inference rules in astroid/ to support the new ExceptionGroup inference logic introduced in astroid/nodes/ This may involve adding new protocols or modifying existing ones to account for the ExceptionGroup type and its potential nesting within except* blocks.
• Ensure that any changes made are compatible with the existing inference protocols and do not disrupt the inference of other types or nodes within astroid.
• Update documentation within the file to accurately describe any new or modified inference protocols, particularly those related to ExceptionGroup handling.

🎉 Latest improvements to Sweep:
  • New dashboard launched for real-time tracking of Sweep issues, covering all stages from search to coding.
  • Integration of OpenAI's latest Assistant API for more efficient and reliable code planning and editing, improving speed by 3x.
  • Use the GitHub issues extension for creating Sweep issues directly from your editor.

💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.

sweep-nightly[bot] commented 5 months ago

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💎 Sweep Pro: I'm using GPT-4. You have unlimited GPT-4 tickets. (tracking ID: 32ebc6bbf8)
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Step 1: 🔎 Searching

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I think are relevant in decreasing order of relevance (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@

-from astroid import decorators, protocols, util
+from astroid import bases, decorators, helpers, protocols, util 
+from typing import ExceptionGroup
 from astroid.bases import Instance, _infer_stmts
 from astroid.const import _EMPTY_OBJECT_MARKER, Context
 from astroid.context import CallContext, InferenceContext, copy_context
@@ -2645,6 +2646,38 @@
             return True
         return any( in exceptions for node in self.type._get_name_nodes())

+    @decorators.raise_if_nothing_inferred
+    def _infer(self, context: InferenceContext | None = None, **kwargs: Any
+    ) -> Generator[InferenceResult, None, InferenceErrorInfo | None]:
+        """Infer the exception type for except and except* clauses."""
+        if isinstance(self.type, Tuple):
+            # except* clause
+            # Infer the exception type as ExceptionGroup[UnionException[SpecifiedExceptionType]]
+            # where SpecifiedExceptionType is the type specified in the except* clause
+            # Handle nesting of exception groups as needed
+            exception_types = []
+            for elt in self.type.elts:
+                elt_types = elt.infer(context=context)
+                exception_types.append(next(elt_types))
+            union_except = util.Uninferable
+            if exception_types:
+                union_except = helpers.object_type(
+                    "UnionException",
+                    types=exception_types,
+                    object_type=bases.Instance,
+                )
+            yield helpers.object_type(
+                "ExceptionGroup",
+                types=[union_except],
+                object_type=bases.Instance,
+            )
+        else:
+            # Regular except clause
+            # Infer exception type normally 
+            yield from super().infer(context=context, **kwargs)

 class For(

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Step 3: 🔁 Code Review

I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/trystarexcepthandler_incorrectly_infers_daa25.

🎉 Latest improvements to Sweep:
  • New dashboard launched for real-time tracking of Sweep issues, covering all stages from search to coding.
  • Integration of OpenAI's latest Assistant API for more efficient and reliable code planning and editing, improving speed by 3x.
  • Use the GitHub issues extension for creating Sweep issues directly from your editor.

💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description. Something wrong? Let us know.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.