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What fonts are needed for your conkyrc file? #4

Closed cmoro-deusto closed 7 years ago

cmoro-deusto commented 7 years ago

Hi! Read your post showing your conky setup and looks awesome. I downloaded the conkyrc file, but icons don't show up. I guess it's because I'm missing some fonts.

Thanks a lot!!

Martinsos commented 7 years ago

Hi @cmoro-deusto, thanks for your kind words :)! If you check the comments at the top of the file, it lists all dependencies, and one of them is conky-colors -> that package brings the fonts that are used for the icons. For example, if you check the line for the CPU:

${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font conkycolors:size=16}d${font}${voffset -5}${goto 32}Frequency: ${alignr}${freq_g (1)} GHz

You will see the part ${font conkycolors:size=16}d which actually creates that icon. I am on archlinux, so I installed conky-colors from AUR. I don't know on which distro are you, but I guess there should also be packages for other distros.

I hope that helps, let me know if it does not!

cmoro-deusto commented 7 years ago

Hi @Martinsos

thanks a lot for your reply. I'm sorry! I was so, so sure I installed the dependencies that I didn't check them back... doh! Of course, after actually installing conky-colors (I'm also on Arch :D), everything works flawlessly.


Martinsos commented 7 years ago

Awesome, and if you make any awesome modifications let me know, maybe I could also update mine :)!

cmoro-deusto commented 6 years ago

Need to get some free time to play with it a bit, but I added GPU frequency (next to GPU name):

${goto 6}${voffset 5}${font conkycolorslogos:size=16}n${font}${voffset -6}${goto 32}${exec nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name --format=csv,noheader}${alignr}${nvidia gpufreqcur}MHz

and also usage monitoring, just below that:

${goto 6}${voffset 5}${font conkycolors:size=16}l${font}${voffset -6}${goto 32}Usage: ${nvidia gpuutil}%${alignr}${nvidiagraph gpuutil 8, 60}

I don't have a fixed public IP address, so I also added this snippet, below local ip:

${voffset 8}${font conkycolors:size=13}A${font}${goto 32}${voffset -4}Public IP: ${alignr}${execi 600 curl -s}


Martinsos commented 6 years ago

@cmoro-deusto That is great, thanks! I added the public IP to my conky also. I tried adding GPU improvements, however I don't have support for nvidia command in my conky. I figured I have to install conky-nvidia, however it fails during the installation. How did you get it working? Thanks! By the way, one thing that is bothering me with my conky is that its height is over my laptop screen so I can't see the errors log. I haven't yet figured out how to handle that, since I don't feel like kicking out any of the information. I was considering making it two columns instead of one maybe hm, but am afraid it will make it ugly :D.

cmoro-deusto commented 6 years ago

Regarding the nvidia stuff, you are totally right, I forgot to tell you about the prerequisites. I actually installed this package from AUR It's mainstream conky, compiled with nvidia and lua support and works perfectly. If not I can upload my package somewhere if you need it. :) Funny thing, I face the same height constrainst in my laptop... I was thinking about dropping the processes list, or try to fiddle with the font sizes to make them even smaller... haven't decided yet!

Martinsos commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the info, I will check out that conky package! Regarding the height -> at the end I split my conky into two conkies, one same as so far and the other one that only displays errors (since they were taking a lot of space).

cmoro-deusto commented 6 years ago

Of course! Splitting it in two conkies is the way to go! Thanks a lot!