Martinsos / edlib

Lightweight, super fast C/C++ (& Python) library for sequence alignment using edit (Levenshtein) distance.
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CMake improvements: fix dll installation + add options to build examples/utilities + hide/export symbols if shared lib #167

Closed SpaceIm closed 3 years ago

SpaceIm commented 3 years ago

I've submitted edlib in conan-center-index, the public repository for conan packages (a C/C++ package manager):

I had to patch a little bit edlib's CMakeLists and public header:

I've seen that meson was also supported. This PR shouldn't break meson build, but doesn't bring shared support for Windows if meson is used. I don't have enough knowledge of meson, but I guess that it shouldn't be too hard to add those modifications for someone else. if shared:

A more robust solution would be to rely on generate_export_header in CMake (generate a custom header at build time, with proper macro definition, to be included in public headers and installed with public headers), but I don't know if Meson has support for such feature, so I decided to go with manual macros.

madebr commented 3 years ago

The generated edlib.pc should have -DEDLIB_SHARED added to its Cflags when it is built as a shared library. Should the meson build system be updated as well?

Martinsos commented 3 years ago

@SpaceIm thank you for this PR, and very cool that Edlib is getting added to Conan :)!

I had Meson CI PR (#165) sitting for last week or so, waiting for people to give last comments before merging, and it is also doing some of the changes you have done -> exposing symbols from DLLs by adding macros to public header.

I wish I merged it sooner and avoided both of us doing the same thing, but I merged it now so you can work on top of that.

Please check again the current state of master (it is one new commit, from the mentioned PR) and update PR if needed (btw. this was my first time exporting stuff from DLL so if your macros/methods are better I am all for it), and I will find the time in the next couple of days to take a closer look at the changes -> you will hopefully manage to do this update by then.

Also, I removed CMake building from appveyor.yml -> that was probably a mistake, and you will want to add that back I believe.

SpaceIm commented 3 years ago

Looking quickly at your last commit in master branch, I would say that now static build on windows is broken (or will display a lot of warnings) because it always defines EDLIB_API as __declspec(dllexport) at build time and __declspec(dllimport) at consume time. I can fix that in edlib.h as well as CMakeLists, but I'll need some help for

Martinsos commented 3 years ago

Looking quickly at your last commit in master branch, I would say that now static build on windows is broken (or will display a lot of warnings) because it always defines EDLIB_API as __declspec(dllexport) at build time and __declspec(dllimport) at consume time. I can fix that in edlib.h as well as CMakeLists, but I'll need some help for

@SpaceIm I don't have enough knowledge to understand at the moment why would static build be broken, but please continue with any changes you think are neccessary to get cmake working and you can explain it to me during the review. Later we can look into fixing Meson -> I am also not an expert on Meson, but there are collaborators we can ask for help if needed.

SpaceIm commented 3 years ago

I've merged master into this branch with some modifications:

SpaceIm commented 3 years ago

To hide all symbols on GNU compilers with meson, seems that gnu_symbol_visibility: 'inlineshidden' should do the job:

Martinsos commented 3 years ago

@SpaceIm I see you have done some changes, is that all or are you still adding smth?

I don't completely understand this change: -> I am guessing it sets correct CFlags for the pkg-config?

Is it correct that besides fixing Meson to work same as CMake and fixing Appveyor to run/test CMake, this is it?

SpaceIm commented 3 years ago

Yes, implements a robust method (I hope) to inject interface definitions of edlib (ie EDLIB_SHARED if shared lib) into generated pkg-config file.

And yes, remains modifications of to work same as CMakeLists.txt:

Martinsos commented 3 years ago

@SpaceIm ok, great, thanks for the summary!

Regarding Meson stuff -> I can isolate that into separate issue and I or smb else can handle that later then.

Only thing regarding CMake that is left then is that it does not run in Appveyor currently. Is this something you would like to handle as part of this PR, or should I merge this PR with appveyor breaking and then I can look into adding CMake to appveyor later?

@SoapZA , would you mind taking a quick look at the changes? Soap helps me a lot with the CMake/Meson stuff in Edlib and knows more about this stuff than me so I always try to get his approval also, if he has the time.

Martinsos commented 3 years ago

I took a little bit of time to play with Meson and got it working on Windows (appveyor)! So let's make that also part of this PR. What I did:

  1. Made meson correctly build the shared library (I think).
  2. Ensured that name of the generated pkg-config file is edlib-{MAJOR}.pc, so that should be now consistent with cmake.
  3. Ensured that shared libraries use soversion equal to {MAJOR}.

We should still probably do one more check of how are all the things named in cmake vs meson and ensure it is all the same.

@SoapZA could you please take a look at my changes in, in this PR? I am sure some things can be done better and would love to hear from you regarding that, and of course maybe I did smth very wrong.

Martinsos commented 3 years ago

All right, let's bring this PR to its (happy) end!

A lot of stuff was done, thanks a lot @SpaceIm @madebr and @SoapZA .

From what I can identify, what is left to do is:

  1. Make sure artifacts (shared and static libs, pkg config files) have the same names and versions both in Meson and CMake.
  2. Take EDLIB_BUILD out of .cpp file and provide it at build time.
  3. Take care of .

I can take care of (1), and I can take care of (2) regarding Meson. @SpaceIm , could you take care of (2) regarding CMake (you can also do Meson if you like), and also of (3)? Then we all give final approvals and we can merge.

SoapZA commented 3 years ago

LGTM, consider squashing some commits to denoise the history

Martinsos commented 3 years ago

Thanks all again, I took care of the remaining issues, so that should be it! I will wait for CI to pass and then merge (@SoapZA normally I squash and rebase, but due to one merge already happening here and due to having so many commits from different authors, I think I will just merge this one). Yay we did it :D!