MaruMaruOO / eve-fleet-simulator

A tool for Eve Online to simulate player versus player fleet combat and aid ship analysis.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Successfully imported fit, but there is no ship for it #14

Open Perchinka opened 1 month ago

Perchinka commented 1 month ago

I've imported this Cyclone Fleet Issue fit, but can't add any Cyclones FI to the simulation

{"name": "Cyclone Fleet Issue: [FL33T] Cyclone Fleet Issue", "ehp": {"shield": 40849.609564, "armor": 12254.901961, "hull": 17490.671642}, "droneDPS": 0, "droneVolley": 0, "hp": {"shield": 16343.75, "armor": 7031.25, "hull": 7031.25}, "maxTargets": 8, "maxSpeed": 1529.929957, "weaponVolley": 0.0, "totalVolley": 0.0, "maxTargetRange": 81250.0, "scanStrength": 31.968, "weaponDPS": 0.0, "alignTime": 11.071779, "signatureRadius": 1408.665599, "weapons": [], "scanRes": 316.25, "capUsed": 24.575, "capRecharge": 18.663793, "capacitorCapacity": 4059.375, "rechargeRate": 543750.0, "rigSlots": 3.0, "lowSlots": 5.0, "midSlots": 5.0, "highSlots": 8.0, "turretSlots": 2.0, "launcherSlots": 6.0, "powerOutput": 1518.75, "cpuOutput": 750.0, "rigSize": 2.0, "effectiveTurrets": 2.0, "effectiveLaunchers": 10.91, "effectiveDroneBandwidth": 50.0, "resonance": {"hull": {"exp": 0.402, "kin": 0.402, "therm": 0.402, "em": 0.402}, "armor": {"exp": 0.765, "kin": 0.6375, "therm": 0.5525, "em": 0.34}, "shield": {"exp": 0.309531, "kin": 0.371438, "therm": 0.49525, "em": 0.424164}}, "typeID": 72811, "groupID": 419, "shipSize": "Battlecruiser", "droneControlRange": 84000.0, "mass": 17400000.0, "shieldrechargetime": 1050000.0, "shipinertia": 0.459, "energyWarfareResistance": 0.78, "unpropedSpeed": 237.5, "unpropedSig": 236.25, "usingMWD": 1, "mwdPropSpeed": 1529.929957, "projections": [{"type": "Energy Neutralizer", "energyNeutralizerSignatureResolution": 0.0, "entityCapacitorLevelModifierSmall": 0.5, "entityCapacitorLevelModifierMedium": 0.858333, "entityCapacitorLevelModifierLarge": 0.964583, "energyNeutralizerAmount": 180.0, "optimal": 10000.0, "falloff": 5000.0, "duration": 12000.0, "capacitorNeed": 112.5}], "repairs": [], "modTypeIDs": [2410, 2410, 2410, 2410, 2410, 2410, 24427, 12267, 5975, 3841, 2281, 3841, 4871, 22291, 22291, 22291, 1987, 2048, 31606, 31606, 31724], "moduleNames": ["High Slots:", "Heavy Missile Launcher II", "Heavy Missile Launcher II", "Heavy Missile Launcher II", "Heavy Missile Launcher II", "Heavy Missile Launcher II", "Heavy Missile Launcher II", "Drone Link Augmentor II", "Medium Energy Neutralizer II", "", "Med Slots:", "50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive", "Large Shield Extender II", "Multispectrum Shield Hardener II", "Large Shield Extender II", "Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery", "", "Low Slots:", "Ballistic Control System II", "Ballistic Control System II", "Ballistic Control System II", "Signal Amplifier II", "Damage Control II", "", "Rig Slots:", "Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II", "Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II", "Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II"], "cargoItemIDs": [24511, 24509, 24507, 2629, 27447, 27435, 27453, 27441, 28668, 12267, 35771, 25715, 2605, 5955, 2281], "pyfaVersion": "v2.60.1", "efsExportVersion": 0.06}