Marus / cortex-debug

Visual Studio Code extension for enhancing debug capabilities for Cortex-M Microcontrollers
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SVD File Parsing Failed #731

Closed EGOKM closed 1 year ago

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

Hello, I got the Error Message "Unable to parse SVD file /home/eg/DisplayR7/Config/max32625.svd: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')" when I start debugging - I've checked "max32625.svd" with ARM's SVDConv - no Errors here. So, I want to ask 1) can I check in more detail what the Problem is ? and 2) Is there any Solution probably for this ? THX in advance, Enrico

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

I forgot to tell the Version of the Plugin - its the latest 1.6.2, also tried 1.4.4 - same thing :-(

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

vscode is: Version: 1.70.2 Commit: e4503b30fc78200f846c62cf8091b76ff5547662 Date: 2022-08-16T05:36:25.715Z (2 wks ago) Electron: 18.3.5 Chromium: 100.0.4896.160 Node.js: 16.13.2 V8: OS: Linux x64 5.0.9

haneefdm commented 1 year ago

Only way to check what is wrong is to debug the extension itself. I can take a look but, I will need the SVD file. Can you compress and attach it?

You can also use Microsoft's version of SVD view. In your launch.json add an entry svdPath instead of svdFile. You can even try both at the same time. You have to install the following though.

Our debugger and their tools work with each other.

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

I've replied to the eMail from github - but it seems it doesnt work :-(, so pls see the SVD's attached here, I've attached the "faulty" SVD ( max32625.svd ) , and a working one ( max32660.svd ) , beside this I will check Your other thoughts ;-),

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

Microsofts SVD View also didnt work: svdPath_Result

haneefdm commented 1 year ago

Please file an issue with them as well. We are hoping that in the future we can just rely on them for SVD which is too expensive for a one man show here to maintain.

I will take a look this weekend.

Could you do me a favor and look at this and vote for the issue on the MS Website if you agree.

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

upvoted right now ;-), THX for taking some time to look at this "special" SVD from MAXIM - the major Problem here is the nearly useless error message, its nearly same as telling me "Error 5" :-) , a more detailed Error Description would be fine, at least the Line # because SVD's are very large. Because ARM's svd checker shows me no Errors there is probably a Problem with the SVD - engine thinking MAXIM did made a correct SVD ;-)

haneefdm commented 1 year ago

Found the problem. There were two files. One file was parsed fine. But the file max32625.svd had a whole bunch of empty enumerations which was not expected. Perhaps not illegal


Please note that XML (which SVD is) is not really a language. It is data so our parser is not built like a compiler looking for problems and it probably made some bad assumptions 3-5 years ago. Normally it looks like this

         <description>Slave clock stretching enabled.</description>
         <description>Slave clock stretching disabled.</description>

I already updated the code but we are not releasing anything until another issue is resolved. Perhaps this weekend.

Hopefully, you filed an issue with the MS Embedded tools as well. We would love to ditch our SVD support and let someone big like MS handle it.

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

ok, THX a lot ;-), I will clean up the SVD from those empty strings and check again ...

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

I will also open an issue to MS Embedded tools ;-), I've observed that installing both ( MS and Yours ) is not working very well - the ARM- Register View is not correct ( as it was before installing MS ) - but I need to verify this ...

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

well, empty enums are not the Problem ;-), I've removed all that Stuff - not working, so I tried to validate the SVD here --> - I've used the latest CMSIS-SVD.xsd ( attached ) and max32625.svd --- surprisingly it shows me many. many Errors (!), so, to verify it I tried max32660.svd --- ALL fine here :-), that means at the End that I need to clean up the huge max32625.svd so that the Validator is happy with it , then try again -- this I will do also on Weekend because its seems to be a long lasting task :-)

haneefdm commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, it parsed just fine for me after I allowed empty enums to just be ignored. I will check again.

One was to debug this is to remove all peripherals and add them one at a time back in until you find the problem one. Then start removing stuff from that problem peripheral until find the offending XML-node and deduce a pattern/construct that is causing the issue.

Btw, that validator just says that the XML has the right syntax and matches the schema. Does not say that that it makes sense. Given ASRMs history on this, I don't even know if their xsd is correct..

I thought you were using this utility from Keil (unfortunately, Windows only so that is not easy for me)

If they could just use the xml-validator, they would have. Again, that is an XML validator. Not and SVD validator.

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

Hello again, well, I've checked max32625.svd against the Schema-File CMSIS-SVD.xsd as "xmllint --schema CMSIS-SVD.xsd max32625.svd" - it shows me a lot of errors :-(, so did use xmllint's error Messages tix them - mostly the Tag- Order was wrong ( like this "whatever> was followed by whatever" - I interchanged those lines and xmllint was happy :-), so, the Schema-File obviously sets an order, I don't know why but it seems to be ... After correcting all those Errors and some more ones that xmllint tells me - I've got an SVD that works smoothly :-), its parses fine now - if all those Stuff is finally correct I cant say but it works so far ,,, Because SVDConv is Windows-Only I've used xmllint , but SVDConv shows me NO errors when I used the original SVD, thinking the SVD is ok but the Parser is not. So SVDConv did not do the right thing, xmllint does - at least it checks the svd against the xsd - this finally helped me a lot to solve the Problem - as it shows, the Problem was NOT vscode, NOT Your extension but a poorly written SVD from MAXIM (!) ... Thx a lot for investigating Your time, pls find the correct SVD attached ...

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

oops, the online editor removed some important chars thinking its html :-(, here is the right statement: ... "xmllint's error Messages to fix them - mostly the Tag- Order was wrong ( like this \<description>whatever\</description> was followed by \<value>whatever\</value> - that is WRONG so I interchanged those lines and xmllint was happy :-)" ...

haneefdm commented 1 year ago

I have a custom build you can try and give me feedback on. Especially look at the CLKMAN block to make sure all the registers are there. Also, check a couple of other blocks. I can't because I don't have this device/board.

Btw, when you type in markdown, use code blocks for code and it won't be touched, formatted or interpreted as HTML. Optionally, specify a language so it can color code as well.


haneefdm commented 1 year ago

Oops I had the wrong link earlier...

It should say 1.6.3-pre4 if you check after install.

EGOKM commented 1 year ago

ok, I did it ( installed v1.6.3-pre4) - it works so far ;-) vscode

haneefdm commented 1 year ago

I am going to close this. The fix will be in the next release in a day or so...

skiphansen commented 7 months ago

Just FYI: I ran into this same problem with the version 9/13/23 of Cortex-Debug and the svd file for and nrf52840.

I made a local copy of the svd file and after changing all of the {hex value} and {hex value} to decimal it worked. Apparently Segger had the same issue which is why I tried editing the file.

haneefdm commented 7 months ago

@skiphansen Cortex-Debug no longer does SVD. It has been moved to

Can you submit an issue over there with your svd file and it will get addressed.

skiphansen commented 7 months ago

@haneefdm Thanks for the pointer, I'll do just that.