MarvellousSoft / MarvInc

Zachlike with an immersive storyline told through emails.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bot dialog box #161

Closed rilifon closed 7 years ago

rilifon commented 7 years ago

Created a new "side message" system that can create popup message on the right side of the screen. Side messages can contain an author, message and image. This closes the issue for bots having dialogs.

USAGE: At any point in the game you can use these commands:

Signal.emit("new_bot_message"[, text])

This will create a side message for the current bot. If not givena text, It will determine it based on its traits or pick a random default message. You can add default messages on setup.lua on the REGULAR_DIALOGS table. You can add trait-specific dialogs on the table next to a trait.

Signal.emit("new_side_message", author_name, text, image[,offset, scale])

This will create a custom side message given the author, text and image. You can also provide two optional tables offset{x,y} and scale{x,y} to offset or scale the image on the message.