I want to build a map using rtamap_ros+cmr_lidarloop package. I am trying to build a map with only lidar+imu sensor (no camera) attached to a vehicle. As far as I know, rtabmap_ros doesn't provide loop-closing function with only lidar+imu sensor configuration. But your work can provide this function, is that correct?
I have built the lidarloop package and followed the instruction. But I got stuck with some warning messages that I cannot understand. Beforehand I checked the relevant questions #4 and #5. I think I did all the things that I should set. Unfortunately I failed to make it work. Although the launch file is run and I checked that cmr_lidarloop/scan_descriptor topic is coming out, but map is not created.
Below is the launch file that I made, referencing many other launch files.
#* @file cmr_lidarloop_params.yaml
#* @author Tim-Lukas Habich
#* @date 05/2020
#* @brief Parameters of cmr_lidarloop package
#Loop detection parameters
#Use standalone environment /cmr_lidarloop/detector to train and test loop detectors
loop_probability_min: 0.524 #Minimum value for the loop probability, to accept a loop
R_min: 7.5 #Minimum radius in which loops are searched -> added to this is the current uncertainty of the position (computed with odometry)
r_max: 50.0 #Maximum range for feature computation
n_verify: 3 #Verify loop -> detect at least another loop between current id and [loop_id-n_verify,loop_id+n_verify]
#n_verify<1 -> disabled
n_max_nodes: 200 #Maximum number of nodes used for loop search -> if more nodes are available, a random subset of size n_max_nodes is used
alpha_thres: 0.5 #Multi session operation: alpha=nodes_WM_local_map/nodes_WM_all
#alpha<alpha_thres -> Localization in map from different session not yet done -> Search for loops throughout WM
n_ms_verify: 3 #Verification for multi session operation: n_ms_verify consecutive loop candidates must lie within radius R_ms_verify
R_ms_verify: 5.0 #Verification for multi session operation: n_ms_verify consecutive loop candidates must lie within radius R_ms_verify
n_ms_start: 3 #Multi session operation: for the first added n_ms_start loop pairs search for loops throughout WM instead within R_search
beta: 0.25 #Radius in which loops are searched R_search=R_min+beta*R_odom
#Scan registration parameters
#Use standalone environment /cmr_lidarloop/src/Registration_Test to test registration with desired scans
sky_direction: 3 #Axis pointing to the sky to identify z-axis in the current coordinate system
#1->x pointing to the sky, -1->-x pointing to the sky,
#2->y pointing to the sky, -2->-y pointing to the sky,
#3->z pointing to the sky, -3->-z pointing to the sky,
#0->z trimming disabled
z_limit: 1.0 #Z-coordinate at which the point clouds are trimmed (to avoid random points on the ground)
i_limit: 0 #Intensity filter: Delete points in point cloud with intensity<i_limit
r_limit: 30 #Range filter: Delete points in point cloud with range>r_limit
leafsize: 0.2 #Leaf size for voxel grid filter
n_max_points: 10000 #Random downsampling after all filter steps, if number of points in scan is bigger than n_max_points
n_min_points: 7000 #Both filtered clouds should have more points than n_min_points. Otherwise loop pair is rejected, because registration is too challenging
min_inliers: 1000 #Minimum number of inliers to accept a transformation (after outlier rejection)
t_max: 3.0 #Maximum translational offset. Only if the translational offset calculated from the LiDAR registration is smaller,
#the loop is accepted and the link is sent to RTAB-Map
path_clouds: '~/.ros/lidarloop_clouds' #Path where the point clouds of every registered loop pair are to be stored. If 'false' no clouds are saved
throttle_dur: 45.0 #When localized, wait at least this duration until next iteration. This avoids heavy CPU load.
#Will be overriden to 0.0 for mapping
scan_topic_name: '/velodyne_points' #Name of the topic on which the laser scanner is publishing
odom_topic_name: '/rtabmap/scanmatch_odom' #Name of the topic on which the odometry data is published
I want to build a map using rtamap_ros+cmr_lidarloop package. I am trying to build a map with only lidar+imu sensor (no camera) attached to a vehicle. As far as I know, rtabmap_ros doesn't provide loop-closing function with only lidar+imu sensor configuration. But your work can provide this function, is that correct?
I have built the lidarloop package and followed the instruction. But I got stuck with some warning messages that I cannot understand. Beforehand I checked the relevant questions #4 and #5. I think I did all the things that I should set. Unfortunately I failed to make it work. Although the launch file is run and I checked that cmr_lidarloop/scan_descriptor topic is coming out, but map is not created.
Below is the launch file that I made, referencing many other launch files.
This is the yaml file that I set.
The error message:
This is the bag file that I used.
Can you help me? Any suggestion or advice will be really grateful. Many thanks.