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program -- > invited talks #70

Closed EmanAyman closed 8 years ago

EmanAyman commented 8 years ago

talk 3 title: enabling bioinformatics applications on cloud computing


Ahmed Abdullah Master Student at Cairo University,Research Assistant and Systems Engineer, at Center of Informatics, Nile University.

title: enabling bioinformatics applications on cloud computing Abstract:Cloud Computing is basically enabled by virtualization technology. Cloud services are delivered in termsof service oriented architecture (SOA) and they are categorized according to service complexity from auser perspective such as Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as aservice (SaaS). Clouds provide on-demand access for provisioning of computational resource. Thereadiness of resource allocation and capacity management using cloud computing led to the adoption ofbioinformatics applications from in-house datacenters to clouds. As a result, clouds can support any typeof service scalability especially for bioinformatics applications. For Instance, the recent genomic databased on Next Generation Sequencing technology are too huge to be analyzed using traditional desktopcomputers so we are going to show how we can run a bioinformatics application on cloud by defining thebasic configuration and installation for bioinformatics computer cluster.

Biography:Ahmed is a Research Assistant and Systems Engineer, at Center of Informatics, Nile University. In 2011,he graduated from Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. Heworked for Security Meter as an Information Security Engineer to Support PCI-DSS complianceremediation for multiple Banks in Egypt and Provide Security assessment services, Auditing techniquesand testing methods to match IT security standards, then he moved to Nile university to Contribute inDesign and Development of Elastic-HPC ( to support a Multi/Hybrid Cloudservices for Bioinformatics applications. Also he worked to Automate services over cloud for highperformance applications, databases, and distributed storage services. His research focuses on cloudcomputing and service automation of bioinformatics applications

EmanAyman commented 8 years ago
