MaryIsbell / TheIllustratedArcticNews

A digital edition of The Illustrated Arctic News
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How to name image files? #38

Open noorka opened 7 years ago

noorka commented 7 years ago

How would you like image files to be named? The TYI images are named with 00s between things whereas on dropbox the TIAN files have periods between the issue and page numbers.

I know that for wellformedness the preference is for either no space or for underscores rather than anything else.

So, would we like to remain consistent with the image naming across the board or would you like TIAN to have periods/ underscores?

MaryIsbell commented 7 years ago

Let's solve this one in person. We want them to be in order and I've also been advised by other larger TEI projects that it's best not to name files intuitively (that is, in a way that allows the viewer to guess which page of which issue it is) because it can create confusion. I want to brainstorm a little about this before deciding.

noorka commented 7 years ago

Official Naming Format: (acronym of publication)(first 3 letters of copy type)(issue number in two digit format)(page number in two digit format)(alpha letter that notes which smaller image it is).jpg

EXAMPLE: TIAN_HAM_01_02_A.jpg TIAN_AND_01_02_A.jpg