Describe the bug
When using the SPI Flash W25Q128 on the second SPI port of both the variants BluePill and BlackPill the code compiles but the chip is not recognized.
To Reproduce
I used the Arduino_Core_STM32 by stm32duino.
To make sure the frequency wasn't too high I changed the "defines.h" file of the library SPIMemory. I edited the frequency for non ESP32 boards:
#if defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
#define SPI_CLK 20000000 //Hz equivalent of 20MHz
#define SPI_CLK 1000000 //Was 104000000
Also I had to define the ARCH_STM32 flag that was used by the library but not set by the core.
#define ARCH_STM32 true // The library didn't recognize the archtecture by itself
#include<SPIMemory.h> // SPIMemory library v 3.2.0 by Marzogh
// SPI2
#define SPI2_MISO PB14
#define SPI2_MOSI PB15
#define SPI2_SCK PB13
#define SPI2_CS PB12
// SPI 1
#define SPI1_SCK PA5
#define SPI1_MOSI PA7
#define SPI1_MISO PA6
#define SPI1_CS PA4
// THE LINES BELOW WORK (wired to SPI1 instead of SPI2, of course)
//SPIFlash flash(SPI1_CS, &my_SPI1);
SPIFlash flash(SPI2_CS, &my_SPI2);
void setup() {
while (!Serial) ; // Wait for Serial monitor to open
// Get ID
uint32_t JEDEC = flash.getJEDECID();
if (!JEDEC) {
Serial.println("Check wiring.");
} else {
// Show ID
Serial.print("JEDEC ID: 0x"); Serial.println(JEDEC, HEX);
Serial.print("Man ID: 0x"); Serial.println(uint8_t(JEDEC >> 16), HEX);
Serial.print("Memory ID: 0x"); Serial.println(uint8_t(JEDEC >> 8), HEX);
Serial.print("Capacity: "); Serial.println(flash.getCapacity());
Serial.print("Max Pages: "); Serial.println(flash.getMaxPage());
void loop() {}
Answer on SPI 1:
Answer on SPI 2:
For some reason it didn't even print the "Check wiring." message...
Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: Windows 10 Pro Version 1909
Arduino IDE version: Tested with Arduino IDE 1.8.13 Hourly Build and also Arduino IDE 1.9.0-beta.
STM32 core version: STM32 Cores 1.9.0
Tools menu settings if not the default:
For Blue Pill:
For Black Pill:
Tried same cofigs on both Arduino IDE versions.
Upload method: STLink for the BluePill and USB (DFU) for BlackPill
Board (please complete the following information):
Name: Blue Pill STM32F103C8T6 and Black Pill STM32F401CCU
Additional context
I would like to use both the LCD ST7920 and the SPI Flash W25Q128, each one in a separate SPI. I have heard that the ST7920 controller doesn't play nicely with other devices on the same bus.
Describe the bug When using the SPI Flash W25Q128 on the second SPI port of both the variants BluePill and BlackPill the code compiles but the chip is not recognized.
To Reproduce I used the Arduino_Core_STM32 by stm32duino. To make sure the frequency wasn't too high I changed the
file of the librarySPIMemory
. I edited the frequency for non ESP32 boards:Also I had to define the
flag that was used by the library but not set by the core.Answer on SPI 1:
Answer on SPI 2:
For some reason it didn't even print the "Check wiring." message...
Desktop (please complete the following information):
For Black Pill:
Tried same cofigs on both Arduino IDE versions.
Board (please complete the following information):
Additional context I would like to use both the LCD ST7920 and the SPI Flash W25Q128, each one in a separate SPI. I have heard that the ST7920 controller doesn't play nicely with other devices on the same bus.
I reached out to the Arduino_Core_STM32 people and they said that their implementation of the SPI2 works fine on both boards.
Any help would be really apreciated! Thank you!