Masaaki-75 / freeseed

Official implementation of "FreeSeed: Frequency-band-aware and Self-guided Network for Sparse-view CT Reconstruction"
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'utilities.tomo_tools_astra #4

Open shaojieguoECNU opened 14 hours ago

shaojieguoECNU commented 14 hours ago

when i run the process_aapm.ipynb, it said ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'utilities.tomo_tools_astra

Masaaki-75 commented 12 hours ago

This notebook actually comes from a very old version of my EDA on AAPM data, thus may containing deprecated code. But don't worry, once you are familiar with the AAPM archive structure, the essential processing code just looks as simple as the following.

First, we define some useful functions:

import os
import SimpleITK as sitk

def ima2arr(ima_path):
    return sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk.ReadImage(ima_path))

def find_files_with_string(directory, strings='', ext=''):
    In `directory`, recursively find all files that contains specific string in `strings` and extension 
    as `ext`. Examples: `find_files_with_string('/path/to/data', strings=['ABC', '123'], exts='txt')` 
    will return a list of full paths for all `txt` files in `'/path/to/data'` with both `'ABC'` and `'123'`
    contained in their file names. The output will look like:
    matched_paths = []
    if not isinstance(strings, (list, tuple)):
        strings = [strings]  # make it a list by default

    if not os.path.exists(directory):
        raise ValueError(f'Path does not exist: {directory}.')

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
        for d in dirs[:]: 
            # Deal with extensions like `.nii.gz`. These files will be seen as directories by `os.walk`
            if d.endswith('.nii.gz'):  
                dirs.remove(d)  # Remove it from dirs, so we don’t recurse into it
                files.append(d)  # Treat it as a file

        for file in files:
            cond1 = all(s in file for s in strings)
            cond2 = file.endswith(ext)
            if cond1 and cond2:
                matched_paths.append(os.path.join(root, file))

    return sorted(matched_paths)

Then, we convert the data:

# We want 1mm B30 full dose data:
data_dir = 'path/to/your/aapm/Training_Image_Data/1mm B30'
ima_paths = find_files_with_string(data_dir, strings='FD', ext='.IMA')
save_dir = 'path/to/your/processed/dir'  # define where to save the processed data
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)

for ima_path in ima_paths:
    ima_file = ima_path.split('/')[-1]  # if you are using Windows OS, the split string should be '\\' instead of '/'
    npy_file = ima_file.replace('.IMA', '.npy')
    npy_path = os.path.join(save_dir, npy_file)
    arr = ima2arr(ima_path)  # shape: [1, 512, 512], containing HU values, arr)

In this way, you can see the converted files in save_dir. For data normalization (important step before feeding data to deep learning models), you can either normalize the HU values (as defined below by normalize_hu) or convert HU to attenuation coefficient (as defined below by hu2mu). Generally, I prefer the former because it does not depend on the energy level which will affect mu_water and mu_air.

def normalize_hu(hu, min_hu=-1000, max_hu=2000):
    if hasattr(hu, 'clip'):
        hu = hu.clip(min_hu, max_hu)
    return (hu - min_hu) / (max_hu - min_hu)

def hu2mu(hu, mu_water=0.192, mu_air=0.0):
    # See for formula definition
    return hu * (mu_water - mu_air) / 1000 + mu_water

Finally, divide your training and test sets as you like!

Once you get all the .npy files, you can customize your rule to split training/test data.

(Optional) Visualize your data to see if everything is okay:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
hu = np.load(npy_path)  # choose one of the file in the `save_dir`
hu = hu.squeeze()  # AAPM data have additional dummy dimension
norm_hu = normalize_hu(hu)
print('Info of HU: ', hu.shape, hu.min(), hu.max())
print('Info of normalized HU: ', norm_hu.shape, norm_hu.min(), norm_hu.max())

plt.imshow(normalized_hu, cmap='gray')