MasayukiSuda / GPUVideo-android

This library apply video filter on generate an Mp4 and on ExoPlayer video and Video Recording with Camera2.
MIT License
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GPUPlayerView Stretches #81

Open vigneshwaranoptisol opened 3 years ago

vigneshwaranoptisol commented 3 years ago

@MasayukiSuda @jianinz @eschmar @Link184 @kifio

Implemented GPUPlayerView with Custom Layout which extends FrameLayout, Added GPUPlayerView in it,

Video Stretches, unable to find out the best way to achieve CenterCrop or CenterFit


public class GPUFilterVideoPlayerView extends LinearLayout {
  public GPUFilterVideoPlayerView(ThemedReactContext reactContext) {
        videoPlayer = new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context).build();
        gpuPlayerView = new GPUPlayerView(context);
        gpuPlayerView.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT));

Please help me to find out and fix the issue, thanks in advance

pablogeek commented 2 years ago

Same issue here, did you find a solution? @vigneshwaranoptisol

dhruvitservice commented 2 years ago

@vigneshwaranoptisol @pablogeek Anyone find proper solution for this problem? Please help me ASAP.

pablogeek commented 2 years ago

sorry @dhruvitservice I haven't been able to fix it