MasayukiSuda / Mp4Composer-android

This library generate an Mp4 movie using Android MediaCodec API and apply filter, scale, trim, transcode, crop, timeScale, mute and rotate Mp4.
MIT License
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Runtime Exception thrown for some videos #83

Open BugraDemiral opened 4 years ago

BugraDemiral commented 4 years ago

For some videos below exception thrown and could not be caught by the app

Mp4ComposerEngine line 137 // Too fatal to make alive the app, because it may leak native resources. //noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock throw new Error("Could not shutdown mediaExtractor, codecs and mediaMuxer pipeline.", e);

BilalAsif25 commented 3 years ago

@BugraDemiral hi did you manage to resolve this issue ?

BugraDemiral commented 3 years ago

No I'm afraid. Just handling exceptions preventing crash.

BilalAsif25 commented 3 years ago

@BugraDemiral I have vivo 1915 device in which , when i try to use mp4 composer to apply filter and save, i get this crash , i am sad to see author is not even interested to provide any solution . its just failing on this shitty vivo 1915 device :(

sanketk478 commented 3 years ago

same issue.