Maselkov / Maselkov-Cogs

Collection of cogs for Red-Discordbot
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Add language parameter #27

Closed n1tr0-5urf3r closed 7 years ago

n1tr0-5urf3r commented 7 years ago

Maybe implement a configure option to set language and store it in json? Can be easily appended with ?lang=de for example

Maselkov commented 7 years ago

Some endpoints don't seem to support language.

This seems doable, could be a per server option for admins. Or maybe per user if user has key?

n1tr0-5urf3r commented 7 years ago

I think per server for admins would be enough. Maybe only for the items endpoint

Maselkov commented 7 years ago

Wouldn't it be a bit out of place without translated embed titles/field names?

n1tr0-5urf3r commented 7 years ago

Maybe, but one of my guildies said that he doesn't know the item names in english needed for our treasury and i guess everyone could translate at least the titles