Unbreaded is a captivating game where a gingerbread man, animated by a passionate chef's final act, embarks on a quest against an evil corporation. Set in a world merging a cozy bakery with industrial hazards, players navigate puzzles, combat kitchen foes, and unveil a heartfelt story.
Edit WBP_MainMenu and WBP_PauseMenu - update credits menu with new fonts
Edit WBP_winscreen - updated art and functionality, now can replay or exit to menu
Edit BP_GameInstance - Changed functionailty for updating PostProcessing in level.
Edit CoreLevelTest bp - Added beginplay functionality to update the PostProcessing volume based on user settings.
Edit WBP_MainMenu and WBP_PauseMenu - update credits menu with new fonts Edit WBP_winscreen - updated art and functionality, now can replay or exit to menu Edit BP_GameInstance - Changed functionailty for updating PostProcessing in level. Edit CoreLevelTest bp - Added beginplay functionality to update the PostProcessing volume based on user settings.
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tested post merge with dev