Currently, vscode-ccls only supports launch command & args. Most of the time it is sufficient,
but if launch command is heavily dependent on the "cwd", extension cannot launch 'ccls' properly.
In my case, I need to run ccls via company-specific profram which requires specific folder inplaced from 'cwd'.
luckily nodejs supports 'cwd', so if it is possible I hope to see extension support it through settings.json.
Observed behavior
Currently, vscode-ccls only supports launch command & args. Most of the time it is sufficient, but if launch command is heavily dependent on the "cwd", extension cannot launch 'ccls' properly.
In my case, I need to run ccls via company-specific profram which requires specific folder inplaced from 'cwd'.
luckily nodejs supports 'cwd', so if it is possible I hope to see extension support it through settings.json.
Expected behavior
Support 'cwd' option through settings.json
Simply modifying
const child = cp.spawn(this.cliConfig.launchCommand, args);
toconst child = cp.spawn(this.cliConfig.launchCommand, args, {cwd: this.cwd});
worked for me.