MaslowCNC / GroundControl

This is the Ground Control software used to control the Maslow CNC Machine
GNU General Public License v3.0
275 stars 122 forks source link

Change default extend chain length to 1651 mm #789

Closed madgrizzle closed 5 years ago

madgrizzle commented 5 years ago

1651 mm is an integral of 6.35 mm (the pitch of a #25 chain) and therefore would result in a tooth being at 12 o'clock after the chains are extended. Using this value can allow someone to manually reset the chains without having to go through the long, tedious process of having the motor feed out the chain.

MaslowCommunityGardenRobot commented 5 years ago

Congratulations on the pull request @madgrizzle

Now we need to decide as a community if we want to integrate these changes. You should vote by giving this comment a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Votes are counted in 168 hours. Ties will not be merged.

I'm just a robot, but I love to see people contributing so I'm going vote thumbs up (but my vote won't count...)!

GeroBH commented 5 years ago

168 hours = 7 days, 7 thumbs up stuck 29 days? Why?

BarbourSmith commented 5 years ago

Hmm I'm not sure but I will find out why!